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Diesel Motorhomes......cause of Cancer


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Time now for the 'anti' smoke lobby who have long crowed about smokers and 'passive smoking' to show their real convictions and dump their diesel powered Cancerous Motorhomes, and make the switch to Petrol. Of course it will cost them more to run than their diesel, but i'm sure they will be only too glad to pay that bit extra in the knowledge they are no longer spewing all those filthy carcinogenic fumes out into the atmosphere.


And of course they will be leading by example...........won't they? ;-)


The World Health Organisation who in the past have suspected a link between diesel engines and cancer, have now confirmed a definite link.



Oxford's cancer expert, Sir Richard Doll, writing in The American Journal of Public Health , said that increasing cancer mortality "can be accounted for in all industrialized countries by the spread of cigarette smoking." Unfortunately, this statement tends to be believed, despite the evidence against it.


If smoking were a cause of any cancer, lung cancer is the most likely one. It was Sir Richard Doll who implicated smoking in a study published in 1964 - despite his own published data from that study which showed that people who inhaled cigarette smoke had less lung cancer than those who didn't!


Tobacco smoke contains NO carcinogens, while diesel fumes contain FOUR known carcinogens;










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That is the biggest load of c**p I have heard. I have had blood cancer since 1992 but have only had a diesel engine car and motorhome since 2000 so their theory doesn't hold water. What may be a problem is the diesel fumes from OLD diesel engine public vehicles which have been in use for vast amount of years. Prior to moving to rural France (no buses) I was having Chemo every 2 years, but since 2000 have only had 1 course of chemo here although the next one is due shortly, so living in the countryside may have its advantages.



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Guest Tracker

BG would die from lead poisoning if he takes Eddie's advice.


Life is terminal and living can seriously damage your health.


Just two things are certain in life - taxation and death - we just don't know how much for the first or when for the second!






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I was warned in excess of 25 years ago that the soot from diesel engines was carcenogenic - hence my office was moved away from the loading bay - the soot was thick on desks etc. So this is nothing new - that's why diesel cars have particulate filters - not sure about vans and commercial vehicles - but the filthy buses areound Bolton spew out enough smoke to make up for it
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"Tobacco smoke contains NO carcinogens" ???????

I have resisted the urge to comment as most of the time the argument spirals into a childish slanging match. Everyone knows that smoking is not good for you and inhaling second hand smoke aint too good either. Just admit it and get on with life!!!

Check out this link.



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Randonneur - 2012-06-13 11:46 AM


That is the biggest load of c**p I have heard......

WildBill - 2012-06-13 7:46 PM


"Tobacco smoke contains NO carcinogens" ???????


Maybe you two 'experts' should go and work at the World Health Organisation and tell them they are talking a load of bulls**t? But wait a moment..........oh yes, it was the same organisation who introduced the 'idea' of 'passive smoking'.......and I guess (being anti-smokers) that 'suited' you then?


So how dare these people now suggest you are contributing to chucking out carcinogenic fumes from your shiny Motorhomes into the atmosphere?


Give that filthy habit up. Stand by your convictions and go Petrol. :-D



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Any form of transport will produce pollutants in some form or other that are hazardous to Human health.

Petrol produces SOX (although now lower levels) & NOX.

An article on today's news regarding launch of a new Bus (54 batteries @ £1000 each- recharge time 1/2hour) proudly displaying "0% Emmissions" but convieniently forgetting the increased pollutants from the Electricity producer.

Even the old hoss & cart produces greenhouse gasses. (lol) :-)

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Bulletguy - 2012-06-13 10:04 PM


Randonneur - 2012-06-13 11:46 AM


That is the biggest load of c**p I have heard......

WildBill - 2012-06-13 7:46 PM


"Tobacco smoke contains NO carcinogens" ???????


Maybe you two 'experts' should go and work at the World Health Organisation and tell them they are talking a load of bulls**t? But wait a moment..........oh yes, it was the same organisation who introduced the 'idea' of 'passive smoking'.......and I guess (being anti-smokers) that 'suited' you then?


So how dare these people now suggest you are contributing to chucking out carcinogenic fumes from your shiny Motorhomes into the atmosphere?


Give that filthy habit up. Stand by your convictions and go Petrol. :-D




Yeah yeah, yawn. Get on with your own life instead of telling other people how to run theirs.

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WHO consider this change as a very important one, given the fact that diesel is gaining (maybe too much) popularity around the world at an ever increasing rate.


Bit slow there, for ten years deisel has been becoming more popular as manufacturers have been changing to common rail engines, well this year is the start of a petrol come back, manufacturers (ford in particlar) are now starting to offer small powerfull petrol engines that outperform deisel in both power and economy, proboly take a while to catch on, but 1l is now the new 1.6l. Personaly I think hybrid is starting to offer a genuine alternative, the Ampera looks a good step forward.

Next up? Just think 25hp electric motor within each wheel a meduim sized battery and a tiny gas turbine, plug in to your hook up on site and charge up so you can potter around local area, but still have long range availible that is also super efficient.

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Quote--Next up? Just think 25hp electric motor within each wheel a meduim sized battery and a tiny gas turbine, plug in to your hook up on site and charge up so you can potter around local area, but still have long range availible that is also super efficient


Oh dear, we are going to have some high hook up charges in the future.

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Melvin - 2012-06-14 8:37 AM


I could always run my motorhome on malt whisky, that way no one with object to breathing in the fumes :-D


Let me know where you are going on your holidays Melvin, and I will follow you for as long as possible. :-D :-D



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Melvin - 2012-06-14 8:37 AM


I could always run my motorhome on malt whisky, that way no one will object to breathing in the fumes. :-D


I would.......I can't stand the stench of booze. (lol)


nowtelse2do - 2012-06-14 11:13 AM


Jeeesus..!!!! I should have been dead years ago. Smoked most of my life and driven Cranes. Excavators and Trucks all my working life 8-)


If you smoke and drive a diesel motorhome, will you all have to now park outside a pub doorway. :D




Tracker won't allow that. (lol)

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Guest Tracker

Not a problem - just stay in the van and smoke and/or marinate yourself into a make believe gourmet kipper!


But do please turn the engine off first!

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Whilst I haven't read too much of the above, I would be interested to hear of any studies concerning the adblue additive put into modern buses and trucks to reduce emissions. I followed a heavily laden tipper today, the exhaust went over the cab and despite pulling away uphill, I could not see any of the black smoke that one would have seen in the past. In fact, I could not see if the engine was even running.

All commercial vehicles except vans over about a 56 plate have to use it.

Think we are now at Euro 5 engines and Euro 6 is 2015 onwards. So maybe diesel has a future?


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Reading the articles, it would seem that the research was made in heavily vehicled environments using diesel..


Wonder if the results would have been different using petrol ? There seems to be no comparison study in similar enviroments


Thats said neither would be to good for your lungs



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