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Diesel Motorhomes......cause of Cancer


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Mike B. - 2012-06-14 7:07 PM


bob b - 2012-06-13 6:24 PM


Death is just nature's way of telling you to slow down.



Think actually Death is natures way of telling you to Stop! :-D


It beats nicotine patches or champix because it's definitely 100% successful 8-) The others ain't.



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tonyishuk - 2012-06-14 7:42 PM


Reading the articles, it would seem that the research was made in heavily vehicled environments using diesel..


Wonder if the results would have been different using petrol ? There seems to be no comparison study in similar enviroments


Thats said neither would be to good for your lungs




On a more serious note, the cynic within made me consider the following;


Diesel powered vehicles, particularly cars, have over the years outsold petrol powered due to higher mpg, more robust engines, better resale value.....and in the early days, cheaper fuel cost than Petrol. Due to technology advancements in diesel powered vehicles, performance is now excellent (my sons diesel Audi goes like the proverbial s**t off a shovel!). Naturally (as we do in the UK), as popularity of diesel vehicles increased......so did the price at the pump until eventually it overtook that of Petrol.


The current market of zero tax rated micro 'eco' cars is making big inroads into the motoring public so Government are losing revenue.......and that's something UK Gov doesn't like. It likes to collect vast amounts of tax from anywhere it possibly can.


This latest 'discovery' could provide an excuse for Government to whack more tax on all privately owned diesel powered vehicles as an 'environmental threat' as it is now officially a 'health hazard'. I say privately owned as they wouldn't dare increase tax on the already heavily burdened commercial transport Industry.


Just my theory......but knowing and seeing the conniving ways in which Government work, it wouldn't surprise me.


Perhaps we can ask Ms Brooks what she has told Dave to do?



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flicka - 2012-06-14 10:20 PM



Posting thoughts like that may be giving big brother Government ideas. You never know who's watching.


Heard they are already "exploring" how to get Tax out of those zero emmisions motor owners.




I doubt the Chipping Norton set bother reading forum boards....too busy texting their chums at Government HQ News International and their 'leader' the arch crook Brooks.


You heard right.






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