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Noise from cambelt area


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On our Mobilvetta Driver 52 which we have had since 18/5/2012 one of the things I stipulated was for a cambelt change .Which they said they done and gave me the old belt. We have now done 350 miles and today a loud whirring/whine noise is coming from that area.Looking at threads regarding cambelts they say also fit new guides/pulleys, which they did not give me the old ones. I am very wary of this mechanic as in the first week he said the lesuire battery was ok and I said its naff where upon the mangager fitted new one when going to him . Would appreciate what you think this noise could be as it has only just started.
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When a belt is new it has quite a distintive whine which quietens down after a few hundred miles sometimes a couple of thousand miles. A loose belt will also have a distinctive whine and whirring sound as can bearngs. On some engines such as the 2.0jtd the tensioner can be adjusted in the wrong direction, it must be rotated anticlockwise to tension not clockwise and many fitters make this mistake. It can then loosen off as the tension is trying to undo the bolt not try to tighten it further. This is one possibility. Whatever it is causing the sudden excessive whine it needs to be checked out.


Water pumps can aso make a whining sound which is quite loud but tends to be quite high pitched or a low pitch and usually stops or starts as engine changes temperature. As I said, it needs to be checked out sooner rather than later.


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Brambles - 2012-06-17 3:56 PM


When a belt is new it has quite a distintive whine which quietens down after a few hundred miles sometimes a couple of thousand miles. A loose belt will also have a distinctive whine and whirring sound as can bearngs. On some engines such as the 2.0jtd the tensioner can be adjusted in the wrong direction, it must be rotated anticlockwise to tension not clockwise and many fitters make this mistake. It can then loosen off as the tension is trying to undo the bolt not try to tighten it further. This is one possibility. Whatever it is causing the sudden excessive whine it needs to be checked out.


Water pumps can aso make a whining sound which is quite loud but tends to be quite high pitched or a low pitch and usually stops or starts as engine changes temperature. As I said, it needs to be checked out sooner rather than later.

Thanks for that

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Again thanks for posts, this morning on way back to dealer thought I would call into a Fiat garage and ask them what it might be. Started engine up for them and blow me down no noise!!. Came back home without going on to dealer. Left it for a while and started engine , its back again??.Now waiting for dealer to tell me what to do next..I did say that when they done the cambelt they only gave me back the belt (Unipart) and not the tensioners. Looking at their invoice it did say " cambelt kit". so maybe they did the tensioners.
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Guest ChrisB

Are you sure it's the cambelt? An intermittent noise/vibration from the engine compartment sounds like something I have suffered from since new.

"Euroserve" hase also reported on this - it's something to do with a vacuum unit on the top of the bulkhead (you can feel/reduce the noise by holding the unit - if I remember correctly Nick sugested removing a vacuum feed pipe).

When I first heard it I thought there was a pneumatic drill in use on the roadway.

Hasn't caused any problems (Fiat dealer confirmed diagnosis but didn't offer a solution) and only audible when ticking over - not on the move.

I've tried a search on "vacuum" but all I'm getting is requests for help on cleaners!

I may have this completely wrong - but no doubt someone will either confirm the post or my memory loss.

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Hello Pastiche,


I may be getting mis-quoted a little here so I had better dive in.....


Am I missing something or is it already common knowledge what engine you have and how old it is? I can try to help, but this is pretty important.


Let's start with the basics and go from there...



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Hi , well today took it back again to dealer as noise is still there when cold (2.0 JTD ,2003, 34500 MILES) . He looked and listened to the noise and first off he thought it could be alternator bearing and would have to take belt off to see whether noise stopped, while debating this he went round side where exhaust comes out and put his foot on the pipe where upon noise stopped!!. He replied its proberly the mounting brackets but would not investigate further at that time. When home I got underneath and apart from spraying the brackets/rubbers thats all I can see. So chaps any idea's this time. Oh I forgot to say that if I put pressure on any part of the pipe the noise stops.
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I may be stating the patently obvious, but under the circumstances would you not be best advised to take it to an exhaust fitting firm that can get it in the air and while running the engine listen for the noise while actually in the vicinity of it?


This is what they do; day in, day out. They will find a squeaking joint either between the manifold and the down pipe or between the down pipe and the main box. There are no more joints. They may find a metal hanger or spring that is corroded and is making itself known as well.


They might charge you a couple of quid to do this, and they might be able to fix it. They might tell you that you need some Fiat specific parts, but I doubt it.


I have heard some very noisy sqeaks from exhausts in the past, on the 2.0 and 2.8 but they were always easily fixed.



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euroserv - 2012-06-19 5:26 PM




I may be stating the patently obvious, but under the circumstances would you not be best advised to take it to an exhaust fitting firm that can get it in the air and while running the engine listen for the noise while actually in the vicinity of it?


This is what they do; day in, day out. They will find a squeaking joint either between the manifold and the down pipe or between the down pipe and the main box. There are no more joints. They may find a metal hanger or spring that is corroded and is making itself known as well.


They might charge you a couple of quid to do this, and they might be able to fix it. They might tell you that you need some Fiat specific parts, but I doubt it.


I have heard some very noisy sqeaks from exhausts in the past, on the 2.0 and 2.8 but they were always easily fixed.

Thanks for that will go asap.


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