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Rhone Valley


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Setting off on annual Autumn tour of France and heading south down Rhone Valley. Has anyone got a special Aire they want to share en route, or a scenic road that has been a pleasure to drive along?Thankyou
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On way down aire at St Pourcain-sur-Sioule (dept 03, Allier) well worth a couple of days. Nice setting, great Autumn colour and very well set out aire (Free to stay, hook-up 2€/4hours, 2€ services).

Also going down then Nantua aire (dept 01 Ain) is in a lovely setting with views over lake, but does back onto road; free services and parking.

When in south then for a change from the coast try aire at Cuges-les-Pins (dept 13, Bouches-du-Rhone) Terraced pitches, nice setting, warden on aire, around 5€/night)


Hope this helps

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