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How easy to fit Decals?

andy mccord

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My Adria is missing the bonnet decal , It would appear campbells have changed the bonnet on this vehicle for some reason, I have ordered a new decal but I was wondering how difficult they are to fit myself, I seem to remember that soapy water was used IIRC.





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Guest JudgeMental

depends on size etc....Like everything once you know how its easy!. I would just go round local vinyl sign place and give them a drink....


and yes they spray soapy water. and a plastic gubbins or credit card to get rid of air bubbles :-D


if you bought 2 or 3 you will be fine :D

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The Judge is correct again.


A squirty bottle with water in it (warm works best) and just a drop or two of washing up liquid is required. This is sprayed onto a clean panel where you want to put the decal. Peel the backing off and place it where you need it to be. The soapy water makes it easier to move the decal slightly or remove it completely if it's a long way out of position.


When you are happy with the position, use a flat piece of plastic (like a credit card but thicker and stronger; a body filler spreader from Halfords will do) and wrap it in a piece of strong kitchen towel to prevent scratching the decal. You should start at the middle and work out to the sides applying even pressure to push the air bubbles and remaining water out.


If you have any bubbles remaining make a very small incision with a scalpel or other sharp knife into the bubble and squeeze the air out. You will not see the incision afterwards.


Have fun.



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Make sure the area is clean of all polish etc.


Spray with a washing up detergent solution. This should be soapy enough that you can feel its slipperiness between your fingers, and when you run your hand over the metal surface, but not too sudsy.


Spray the whole area to be worked on, and lightly place the decal onto the wet surface. If you press, the decal will "tack" to the surface, lift it off and drop it down again. At this stage it should have some slip, so that you can position it.


When the position is right, give a gentle press near its centre to tack it in place.


Using a credit card as a squeegee, work out from that point using gentle pressure, to ease air and water out from beneath the decal. Work a little at a time, always from the centre out, in all directions progressing to the edges all round. If bubbles persist, and you have only applied light pressure, it should still be possible to part lift the decal back to the bubble, and then lay it back down with the card.


Once you have the decal bubble free and fully in place, go over it again with slightly firmer pressure to squeegee out as much of the remaining water as possible, always working from centre toward edges. Don't overdo the pressure, as friction may overheat the decal, causing some of the colour layers to soften and drag.


Ideally, you need 24 hours of dry weather, or to be under cover, for the remaining moisture to evaporate off through the decal membrane.


Try not to stretch it as you iron out the bubbles, as it may begin shrinking once it gets hot in sunlight. (It will one day, honest! :-D)

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JudgeMental - 2012-07-18 9:24 AM


if you bought 2 or 3 you will be fine :D


LOL..that thought had crossed my mind whilst ordering it, its the thin grey strip that goes either side of the coral badge, which ironically is on the bonnet :-S Nick/Brian many thanks for the info. I may pluck up courage and have a go then. Ive also another decal to fit to the bottom of the garage door but that looks easier for alignment.




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The above comments regarding water and washing up liquid are correct...put about 5-6 drops in a squirty bottle....about 1/2 ltr water and soak the vehicle surface AND the adhesive surface of the decal.  Do 'NOT' peel the decal off the 'carrier tape' backing before application.  Once lined up use the credit card method to smooth it onto the vehicle.  Smoothing action should of sufficient pressure to make the decal adhere and squeege the water out.  Then leave it as is for about 2-3 hours for the adhesive to stick then peel the 'carrier tape' off by pulling it back on itself being careful not to pull the decal off.  If it does simply smooth it back on and try again.  If you do have any bubbles in the decal like has been said above a simple pin prick and smoothing it out with a soft cloth will solve this problem.
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Guest JudgeMental
andy mccord - 2012-07-18 12:08 PM


JudgeMental - 2012-07-18 9:24 AM


if you bought 2 or 3 you will be fine :D


LOL..that thought had crossed my mind whilst ordering it, its the thin grey strip that goes either side of the coral badge, which ironically is on the bonnet :-S Nick/Brian many thanks for the info. I may pluck up courage and have a go then. Ive also another decal to fit to the bottom of the garage door but that looks easier for alignment.





You feelin lucky punk..well are you! :-D


Just watch out for the static.

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