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Olympics - no TV in van


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Booked to go away in UK for a fortnight on CC sites with a single week clash with Olympics. Missus has now decided she wants to watch the main finals of the Olympics. We have no TV in the van and no intention getting one. CC wifi is not good enough for streaming TV programmes.


So what's the solution? Change site to one with TV - where? Use pubs and watch their TV? I'm happy to cancel and rebook if necessary to give her the chance to watch the main events.


We cannot change our leave fortnight as we both work.


Suggestions welcome.

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Guest JudgeMental

It will be on all over the place, probably cheaper to sort out yourself then watching in pubs.....dont you have a small tv you can bring? just get an aerial of ebay or beg borrow or steal what you need.


I could lend you a TV and aerial if it comes to it but in London...

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On the other hand, if you're going to watch the Olympics, why go away? Alternatively, if going away, why watch the Olympics? The highlights will be everywhere, and they will be totally unavoidable (yawn!). I'd like to get away just to avoid them! You have that opportunity, and are proposing to waste it! :-D
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Guest JudgeMental

I watched the event at crystal palace recently on TV and the way athletics is now filmed with multiple cameras etc..has trasnsformed the events for those watching on TV.


I think the cynics will be surprised, and the Olympic naysayers should be shipped off somewhere far away and left to walk home :D (along with all those miserable greedy black cab drivers)

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Brian, we both wanted to avoid the Olympics. Since then, my wife has decided she'd prefer to watch some of it but I don't want to watch any of it.


I'm wondering whether its quicker to get a girlfriend. Does anyone know if Diamond Dave can provide a fit one?


Seriously, this is difficult for me and the missus to find the common ground we both want to keep the harmony in our marriage.



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It's a CC site so you will be on mains so take the tv from home if it will fit, get a cheap aerial and 'stuff' it out the skylight.

BTW it may be a 'hint' from her indoors that she wants a perminate tv in van for watching soaps and (lack of) talent shows.

Not long back from couple of weeks in Scotland and never once turned the box on!

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I dont want to watch the Orimpics either!!! BUT.


If you want harmony then how about my Satellite system:- 1) Sky dish Free (skip diving). Sky box Free (my mate didn`t want it!! after he cancelled his sky .) Tripod Well Free-ish (Old damaged Camera tripod) (sat finder £10-00 Maplin) Cable 10M (still attached to dish in skip!!) Sky Card (from Home). T-V Old (redundant) Pre Digital CRT jobby now no use at home!!!. Eureka T-V on the move for less than £20--00 Hows that for "skinflint"!!!???.



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Hawcara - 2012-07-20 7:53 PM


A lot of cities have big TV screens in the town centre so you could watch it from there.

We live near Plymouth and there is a big one there. Maybe do some research or watch it outside a Comet shop window! :-S


Fine as long as it's not raining

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Brian Kirby - 2012-07-20 5:04 PM


On the other hand, if you're going to watch the Olympics, why go away? Alternatively, if going away, why watch the Olympics? The highlights will be everywhere, and they will be totally unavoidable (yawn!). I'd like to get away just to avoid them! You have that opportunity, and are proposing to waste it! :-D

Couldn't have put it better myself Brian! :D

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Guest pelmetman
Olympics..........I'd rather watch paint dry *-)............9 billion to watch a load of prima donna's..........I'd rather it be spent on the NHS ........ I hope the kids enjoy the event ;-) .............as they'll be picking up the tab for decades (lol) (lol) (lol)
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Guest JudgeMental
Prima donas? Young people from all over the world pushing themselves to excel.......I hardly think they are conceited or driven by vanity! *-)
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Couldn't your wife record the olympic finals that she wants to see at home, then you can go away with no TV and have an olympic free time. Your wife can watch what she has recorded at her leisure when your back, especially when you are not there.


Life is one long compromise :-D

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Couldn't your wife record the olympic finals that she wants to see at home, then you can go away with no TV and have an olympic free time. Your wife can watch what she has recorded at her leisure when your back, especially when you are not there.


Life is one long compromise :-D

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Guest pelmetman
JudgeMental - 2012-07-20 9:14 PM


Prima donas? Young people from all over the world pushing themselves to excel.......I hardly think they are conceited or driven by vanity! *-)


Considering UK PLC is up Doo doo creek without a paddle Eddie, wouldn't you prefer 9 billion to be spent on something that would benefit the whole population rather than just the East end of London, but then the country has been London centric for decades *-)

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JudgeMental - 2012-07-20 9:14 PM


Prima donas? Young people from all over the world pushing themselves to excel.......I hardly think they are conceited or driven by vanity! *-)


Know what your saying Eddie, but once upon a time it was a sporting occasion only for amateurs (none payment) Now they are paid professionals and backed up by sponsor's, so to me there is no sportsmanship in it anymore only greed. That was probably started by the Eastern Block countries who paid their 'sport's persons'



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Brock,, you may wish to consider yourself very fortunate in having a golden excuse not to have to watch this 'jamboree'. Although i personally do not wish to watch it I know that no matter what time I switch on the tv, the Beeb will be pouring hours of rubbish at me. I suspect we will be swanning the channels at the other end of the list to see what is available.
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JudgeMental - 2012-07-20 9:14 PM


Prima donas? Young people from all over the world pushing themselves to excel.......I hardly think they are conceited or driven by vanity! *-)

Well, yes and no! :-)


Ignoring its origins as an expression (opera), Wiki sums up modern usage thus: "Today the term has become a mainstream word outside opera to often describe a vain, undisciplined, egotistical, obnoxious or temperamental person who finds it difficult to work under direction or as part of a team, and although irritating, cannot be done without" Some may fit, but I'd guess most don't, so the term is unfair.


However, while "pushing themselves to excel" is undoubtedly true, the motivation is hardly altruistic, and seems to me entirely self-absorbed. This is for personal gratification: no more, no less.


If tiddlywinks were an Olympic sport, the gold medal winner could justly claim to be the finest tiddlywinks player in the world. S/he would doubtless be interviewed by the world's press, anxious to hear how s/he got started, how many hours per week s/he spends training, and what other contests s/he has won. No doubt s/he would be invited to give exhibitions of her/his prowess in front of thousands. All would admire this amazing skill that, if only someone could find the right way, would prove the salvation of mankind within a decade.


What is that story about the emperor's clothes? Years of work, a few days of glory, then success or failure - but for what, exactly? Who really benefits other than the Nike's (ooops, breach of sponsor's protected status warning! :-)) of this world, and the inflated egos of the IOC and their appaling entourage of useless camp followers. Why/how on earth does it cost £9Bn to stage a few races? What a total conceit the whole edifice is! That should do it! :-D

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Brian Kirby - 2012-07-20 6:04 PMand they will be totally unavoidable (yawn!). I'd like to get away just to avoid them! You have that opportunity, and are proposing to waste it! :-D


Great minds think alike Brian - It's all too commercial (Multi nationals have got the whole sponsorship thing sown up) The 'big' countries cheat, (hard to prove but they do) the commentators will spout a load of meaningless drivel (They always do) and worst of all it's costing billions (And only some of that will be recovered through tourist spending, the tax payer will still end up paying something)


Please take note that this house has been declared an Olympic Free Zone (OFZ)


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Brian Kirby - 2012-07-21 2:14 PM the motivation is hardly altruistic, and seems to me entirely self-absorbed. This is for personal gratification: no more, no less.


Actually it's worse than that Brian, a lot of it now is for national gratification, most of the 'big' countries will do almost anything to achieve a good medals tally and a few will resort to illegal drugs and avoiding detection, this is a game where the regulators are always playing 'catch up' and the secret world of state sponsored trainning camps and such are carefully keept in the background.


I acknowledge that occassionaly an athelete from a 'tiny' unkown country will win a gold medal by just being 'world class' but it happens so rarely. The whole meaning and intent of the Olympics has changed so much in the last fifty years from what it was thousands of years ago in Greece.




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