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FAP M1 Internal Lock Type 1


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Am I the only one to suffer the same spring breaking in this type of lock 4 times in 6 years? I am trying to trace the manufacturer to try to obtain replacement springs. The cost of a replacement lock is over £80 each time and surely replacement springs would be much much cheaper. Any clues out there please?
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I am blessed with several spring manufacters in my area and they are, if not happy, willing to let me rumage through their odd springs box. I always find something.


I have also cadged a bit of spring steel and made my own, I suspect that your spring is made from flat steel?


If so nothing more than a bit of steel and a pair of pliers could have one made in a jiffy.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I will try to beg borrow or steal some spring material to make my own, but I still believe its a sin that a manufacturer does not either improve the spring quality of at least produce a replacement.

Thanks for your tip

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FAP locks are Italian-made. This is a link to the FAP website:




If you are planning to contact FAP to see if they will provide you with replacement springs, you'll need to specify exactly which lock you want them for (there is a downloadable catalogue).


I wouldn't be too optimistic myself, but you never know your luck!



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