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C and CC Survey


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Received email from C and CC last night with survey attached ,last night the link didn't work ,had a look this morning and quit after 20 plus questions could only see two questions relevant to Camping/Motorhoming.Waste of time it looks like get your details and pass them on.Is this to do with income after bad weather ,they keep offering discounts on grass pitches last one I received was 30%off grass pitches.
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cut up my ccc card three years ago after they wanted £10.00 for winter sun brochure,yes i know they knock it off booking,but i have never regretted leaving,i now use privatesites all over u/k,find them often better,friendlier,cheaper in many cases,they dont seem as regimated as ccc sites,eg you cannot enter loos between 11&12,no minimum nights,&we use some adult only sites,love kids,but good not to compete with bikes & footballs now& again,
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FRANKP60 - 2012-08-03 8:02 AM


had a look this morning and quit after 20 plus questions could only see two questions relevant to Camping/Motorhoming.Waste of time .


I attempted the survey too. I had to give false answers to some questions to get to the next one because there was not an 'N.A.' option to those that didn't apply to me. I gave up 40% through when it wanted to know about how I search for and book holidays etc and there was no option to say 'I do not'. I mailed the C&CC and told them what I thought of it: yes a waste of time. There are things about the C&CC that I do like: their THS's for one ( although of course these are organised by 'proper people' ) but I think that after the debacle about their website booking system and now the way this survey has been set, one has to draw the conclusion that they must employ people who know diddly-squat about real life and have probably just graduated from 'uni' and think that they are clever.............. or maybe they are just simple ..........


Please, if you are a C&CC member write and tell them what you think ........



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I am a member of the C&CC but I haven't seen a survey email, can only think it went into my junk mail and I have deleted it.


We also only use it for their THS and local rallies with the Beds BCC. I don't like their club sites as they seem to be a big grass field in the main plus I find some tenters to be noisey (not all I hastily add).


Prefer to go to France for my main holls.

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I was booked and paid a deposit, on to the Oxford site some years ago and they phoned me 2 days before to cancel due to flooding. I then tried to recover the fees but was told that I had cancelled!

A long argument/discussion ensued subsequently I cancelled my membership,pity really another year and I would have received a badge for 25 year-whoopee, I think I should have been sectioned by the Mental Health act!

There are plenty of small CL/CS type sites,where the shower or toilets aren't closed when you need them,if the grass needs cutting its done when you are off site. The owners of one small site we use brings us a tray of tea(& juice for the kids when they came with us) and home made cake, their reason for this,'you travel a long way to be with us'!

Its things like that aparf from the fees that make the difference between the clubs sites and small ones,and no ' little Hitler' wardens/hnoliday managers.

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I let my membership to the C&CC lapse around 4 years ago..I fell out with a site warden at a site about where he positioned me I wanted to be in the open he put me in the tree line I'd specified in the open he said No....I rang the Booking Line and asked them to tell him..cue lots of dark looks from said warden and 3 days of no help..never again with em...I nearly asked for a refund...
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I once had to leave the site at Oxford due to a problem with my motorhome, I had only been there for less than an hour and went to tell the wardens that I wouldn't be staying and could they refund my 3 nights booking fee as I was travelling to the factory for an urgent repair, I was refused point blank and told to take it up with head office. Harvey your comments are dead right. I never did get a refund.
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Got my e-mailed survey yesterday, and , like Harvey above, found it impossible to complete.


Most of the questions seemed to be about how / when / from what info I book my holidays.


The answer is that I don't book camping holidays and never have - but there was no provision at all to say you don't book.


I am aware that the clubs don't like people who don't book, ( i.e. " free spirits ") as it possibly involves them in a bit more work, but this survey is a total waste of time.




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malc d - 2012-08-19 7:53 PM


Got my e-mailed survey yesterday, and , like Harvey above, found it impossible to complete.


Most of the questions seemed to be about how / when / from what info I book my holidays.


The answer is that I don't book camping holidays and never have - but there was no provision at all to say you don't book.


I am aware that the clubs don't like people who don't book, ( i.e. " free spirits ") as it possibly involves them in a bit more work, but this survey is a total waste of time.





I didn't see that the questions related specifically to camping / caravanning / motorhoming holidays but to holidays in general although it just used the term 'holidays'. It may have been referring to 'package' holidays, who knows......


Anyway, please write and tell the C&CC what you thought of it. If people don't complain to them they'll carry on thinking that they are wonderful .....


I started to complete the survey because I thought it might be helpful to the Club but I ended up being annoyed with them and even angry.



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