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Ebay Classified.


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There was discussion on here recently that included the pros and cons of using Ebay Classifieds.


Well i have just ( yesterday ) experienced the " Classified " way of selling.


I had a Ifor Williams Ramp / Door combination trailer for sale and i thought i`d try Ebay.


I set up the listing for an auction but as i was getting to the end i saw how much the fees

were going to be !!


After i`d picked myself up from the floor and had a quick whiff of oxygen......lol....... i remembered

a thread that discussed Auctions and Classified adverts.


So i decided to try the Classified and was very surprised that it would only cost £14.99 for a 28 day

listing. I wasn`t in a panic to sell so i thought i`d give it a try.


Right, this is how it went, 3.00 pm i started the advert, by 4.00 pm i`d had 11 offers and by

5.00 pm it had sold for the full asking price.


Some might say that £14.99 for 2 hours advertising is expensive, but i don`t care, i`m still

almost in a state of shock at how quick everything happened and i`m so glad i didn`t go down

the auction route and then end up with high selling fees.


So in a way this is a " Thank You " to those who brought to my attention the " Classified " way of

selling. It is something i will probably use in the future.







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Well done!


I reckon ebay is just the best place for buying almost anything now.




('Course, there's now the argument that, if the trailer sold that fast, you actually should have asked quite a bit more for it!)

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