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Travels with a Cat?


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Anybody amongst our Forum Members who take their cat with them on holiday either in their Motorhome or Caravan.

I often wonder if a cat could take to travelling in a motorhome, if Caravan parks accept cats and what fellow campers and their dogs think about it? >:-(

It would be interesting to hear a few tales about travelling with a cat!

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Hi Ive seen two or three in MH while travelling through France/Germany this summer they all had a harness on and were led around the field just as you would a dog (lol) in fact they were all bigger than my dogs.


I cant see you having any trouble with site owners and certainly not on Aires or Stals.


I have no problem with anything other campers take we had a Parrot next to us at one place, it all adds to the relaxing holiday that camping even though in motorhome should be.

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Like Margret I saw a few cats in France in MHs. They had a harness on but did not take to it too well and would run and come to a sudden stop. In addition have seen them dragged around as if they were a dog and not a pleasant sight. Cats are too independent and should roam as they feel but whether thats possible I do not no. Again I am aware of cats which are never out so they may treat the MH as an adventure
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Guest pelmetman

We saw a camper with a parrot :D..............tried our cats once for a weekend........a nightmare *-)


Yet we had friends who took theirs everywhere ;-)

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A word of caution, we lost our cat in Wales.


She got out and trotted off, we never saw her again.


We were camped next to a bird sanctuary, I wonder if she found plenty to eat and decided to stay?


If you do take a cat with you it needs to be in a harness and on a lead all the time.


The cat won't enjoy it but ours used to sleep most of the time.



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Hi we always take our cat with us when away in the MH we have done it for the past seven years and he is really chilled out when we are away when the door is qpen we use a harness and it doesnt bother him at all he seems to enjoy sharing a bbq with us we have done this since he was a kitten he is a persian we also used to take our previous cat with us We would hate to leave him home or in a cattery at home he is allowed out during the day but mostly stays around the bungalow give it a go one weekend and see how happy your cat is if you think he is stressed in the harness and is trying to get out then I would say forget it as he will get out and you could lose him but at least you tried we are always getting people coming up to us and asking about the cat and saying they would love to take theirs away with them
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If you are considering doing this start when the cat is a kitten. Older cats are to set in their ways and routines.

One cat I know spent 18 years travelling with its owners (car and caravan) It was never harnessed as such but did have about 5 yards of red cord attached to its collar so that its whereabouts could be seen when it was on the prowl.


I think whether you are successful or not depends on the cat.

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Since our first motorhome in 1992 we have regularly taken our siamese cat with us (in the U.K.) when we motorhome. We are now on our 4th motorhome and our third siamese cat. Each cat has loved going out with us, and in fact our present cat (now 12 years old) follows me down the garden if I look likely to be going towards the motorhome, and if I open it she always pops in just in case we are going away. The last two cats are almost always on a running lead when we are away from home, unless we are wild camped or parked in a quiet spot. The first cat we rescued at quite an age, and she was very experienced and could be allowed to run free even if we were away in the motorhome unless the area was busy with traffic. Each of the three cats have always had the free run of our garden and neighbouring gardens when at home. They were also trained to come indoors to use their tray for number twos.......you can do that with siamese,they are clever bugg*rs. As each of them were female, they never strayed too far from the home base, whether our house or our motorhome.
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Thank you so much for all the cat tails, sorry I mean tales!


Difficult decision because our cat hates wearing a collar, never mind a harness, so I think we might leave her at home with somebody coming in to feed her. I just always worry her being bored at home!!!

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