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Motor home and Switzerland

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Hi, has any one any experience with touring around Switzerland with a motorhome? I have 27 footer and am being told by some organisations that only shorter m/h are accepted on sites. are there any Aires type stop overs? What are the parking facilities at tourist venues like re: motorhomes, hight restriction barriers ect. Is it better to find a base and use the extensive public transport system? and any other advise sites , books,maps, tourist/ tour and on questions I have not thought of will be gratefully received. Alistair (?) (?) *-)
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My sole experience of Switzerland was pretty negative. We stayed at Nyon and were turned away from two site they only took caravans before settling on one on the lakeside, sorry can't recall the name but it was the most strange experience. the site owners had to be almost given the third degree before giving information on anything and what with fuel stations that close on weekends from Saturday midday and being told I had to have a vignette to enter the country; you do not it's only if you drive on the motorways but the frontier police were very difficult. We were on our way home from Italy, and after three day crossed into France and a totally different attitude. Switzerland is the only country I know of that voted for an increase in fuel duty!! Strange people, no doubt others have had a great time there but we won't hurry back. Bill Ord
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Have just returned from 4 weeks trundling round Switzerland. The van is only 6 meters so can't answer for the big stuff. However, had no problem with camp sites. Info was readily available, in some cases far more than was needed. I've not come across any aires but there are Europe Relais stations at motorway services and on some campsite. Another thing that some sites do is to allow you to park outside the site, with access to facilities, between 9/10pm and 9am. Don't know if there is any charge for this. We tend to use public transport where possible as towns can be difficult for parking as many only have multi-storey, not surprising when you look at the mountainous terrain. For info try www.myswitzerland.com where you will find document downloads and also links to camping amongst other interesting bits. As far as the motorway sticker goes you can buy it at the border crossing which is cheaper than buying it here. You can try to keep off the motorways but there is an extensive road building/upgrading project which means that what was an ordinary road last year is motorway designated this, may also confuse your satnav. The sticker is valid for 1 calendar year. Each region has its own saver pass. Beware, it isn't necessarily cheaper than making your own arrangements. Just one other point, Switzerland will happily take euros. The rate is 1.50 euro = 1 CHF. Cheers
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Just one point on the vignette, although valid for a year - assuming the arrangement is still the same -you'll find your vignette is valid between 1 December 2005 and 31 January 2007 (therefore 14 months), and not for 12 months from the date of purchase.  I got mine in UK, though, so vignettes bought at the border may be differently dated.  However, worth checking if you were hoping to return next year and get a bit better value from it.  If you 'van is over 3,500kg do not buy the standard vignette, as it will be invalid!  However, if your 'van is over 3,500kg, there are different rules and I believe you can get vignettes for much reduced periods.

Hope this helps

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Brian, If you buy the vignette at the border for vehicles under 3500kg it will cost SF40 and is valid until the 31st January of the following year. The same rules apply to vignettes bought outside Switzerland. For vehicles over 3500kg you can buy a ten day permit for SF32.50 and just mark of the days as you use them. We found this more than enough if you were just transiting Switzerland. Don't forget that you will need a second vignette if you are towing a trailer. Another point worth remembering is there is no extra charge to use the St Gothard Tunnel. Don
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