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CC membership cost

Guest pelmetman

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Guest pelmetman
Just clocked my direct debit to the Caravan Club........ £42 squid for the privilege of staying at overpriced campsites and access to the ever more expensive CL network 8-)..............None of which we have used in the last 80 nights we have spent away this year.........I reckon after 20 years its time to give the Caravan Corporation the boot *-)
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I've always supported the CC but it is becoming more difficult to follow what it is up to. Recently I paid £12 per night for a CL including electricity - whether I wanted it or not. As I was one my own, I could have stayed at a full site for just another 40p per night.


It is focused on its financial products which, because they can be bought easily elsewhere, is just a way of raising money from their members. The insurance products and breakdown service can be provided by others at more competitive costs and arguably more efficiently. It is raising the standard of pitches to an unnecessary level. I do like the sites, those with no toilet blocks tend to be better than CLs, and the motorhome service points tend to be good.


Overall? I think it is running the risk of losing touch with members, pricing themselves at the premium end of the market only, and looking to raise money rather than be more efficient. It's a gold plated service that costs a crock of gold. Perhaps they need to change the way they consult members. Most firms now realise the need to deliver a range of products of varying cost and standard to their customers. The magazine is one of the worst I've come across in the leisure industry.


I've been a member for 22 years so perhaps its length of membership that lessens satisfaction with the service.


However, each year I say enough is enough. Then something happens, usually an enjoyable stay or two on sites, and I renew the following year.



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pelmetman - 2012-08-13 8:43 PM


Just clocked my direct debit to the Caravan Club........ £42 squid for the privilege of staying at overpriced campsites and access to the ever more expensive CL network


Welcome to the Non Caravan Club Club Dave!!


We saw the light about 7 years ago and the membership fees we have saved have added up to more than we have spent on sites ever since - smart move eh!!

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I fully agree with some of the comments about overpriced sites and value of being a member but have found in the last 3 years that the discount received on ferry bookings has always exceeded the annual cost of membership so happy to retain membership for that reason alone


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Also thinking of not renewing membership, as we don't camp in UK. Unlike Bob , don't find a saving on ferry costs, as they don't do the fast cat service, which we use Portsmouth/Cherbourg (Fast cat don't take caravans) The camps also seem to be in most cases far from civilisation !! Suitable if you have a car, pity really


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Not really a fan of either of the "Clubs" especially,to be honest...but surely,if folk are paying out for something(as in "annual subs")and then fail to use it,then that's their failing,not that of the club(s).... *-)


We've noticed that last few CLs that we've looked at,have crept up price-wise..what would once have been £9ish,is now now £12+... :-S


Having said that,we were chatting with a couple down in Cheddar a few weekends back(they were staying on a £7 CL, 5mins walk from the town)and they had spent a month touring the UK,using CLs and good many of which were under a tenner...they'd even used some CLs down in Cornwall for 4(four!)quid...


So they are out there.... ;-)


It always amuses me,when either of the clubs are getting a pasting on forums...Folk rarely compare like for like.They'll quote some top price for an all-singing-dancing club site and then compare it with some "stop-over" 600miles away,in France...and totally ignore all the costs involved in getting there..??Ferry/diesel/TIME!...


I also think some folk just don't like the fact they have "Caravan" in the title.... (lol)

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pepe63 - 2012-08-14 9:21 AM


It always amuses me,when either of the clubs are getting a pasting on forums...Folk rarely compare like for like.They'll quote some top price for an all-singing-dancing club site and then compare it with some "stop-over" 600miles away,in France...and totally ignore all the costs involved in getting there..??Ferry/diesel/TIME!...


Not quite the same. If you are in a location and want somewhere to stop the cost of getting there is not relevant and for many of us an overnight stop is just that - somewhere to stop - no bells or whistles needed - just somewhere to stop - so why pay £20 when you can pay £4 or less?

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Tracker - 2012-08-14 9:46 AM


...for many of us an overnight stop is just that - somewhere to stop - no bells or whistles needed - just somewhere to stop - so why pay £20 when you can pay £4 or less?


Which is my sort of my point...


If folk are happy enough to use basic stop-overs when on the continent,why then,when referring to the UK,do they only tend to quote "Club site" prices and ignore the cheap CLs & CSs...?


We often hear:

"..UK sites are too expensive...so we're going aboroad and staying on Aires..."

We never hear:

"Uk sites are too expensive..so we're going abroad and using comparable SITES over there because they're markedly cheaper.."


As I've said..Folk rarely compare like for like... ;-)

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Guest pelmetman
pepe63 - 2012-08-14 9:21 AM


It always amuses me,when either of the clubs are getting a pasting on forums...Folk rarely compare like for like.They'll quote some top price for an all-singing-dancing club site and then compare it with some "stop-over" 600miles away,in France...and totally ignore all the costs involved in getting there..??Ferry/diesel/TIME!...


I also think some folk just don't like the fact they have "Caravan" in the title.... (lol)


The cost of the ferry is soon cancelled out by the cheaper sites and Aires, not to mention a much friendlier approach to our hobby ;-)


As for caravan being in the title, I think its more that they don't like motorhomes because we tend to tour, so usually move on after a few days where as they'd like us to stay put like tuggers so they can fleece us for longer *-)

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I too was shocked at the cost of renewal this year and we have decided to see if we use any sites in their network this year and if we don't I think we too will cancel our membership. Its not like you can ever get onto their nicer sites because they seem to be booked up 52 weeks of the year (or however long they are open).


I also think you must all remember that its the "Caravan" Club and caravanners have different needs to motorhomers. Most of their members are retired so they tend to stay for longer than 2 weeks quite often so they need all the facilities that they offer, and their sites are very nice. I am sure that most members think it is a bargain, its just that we don't.

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We've noticed that last few CLs that we've looked at,have crept up price-wise..what would once have been £9ish,is now now £12+... :-S


Having said that,we were chatting with a couple down in Cheddar a few weekends back(they were staying on a £7 CL, 5mins walk from the town)and they had spent a month touring the UK,using CLs and good many of which were under a tenner...they'd even used some CLs down in Cornwall for 4(four!)quid...


So they are out there.... ;-)



If you dont need elec then we charge £6 pn for 2 adults and two children. On hardstanding too. So yes plenty of CL/CS out there that are still offering basic ammenities in beautifull locations for what it costs me to mow the blooming thing. :-D

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pelmetman - 2012-08-14 10:28 AM


The cost of the ferry is soon cancelled out by the cheaper sites and Aires....



I'm not saying it wouldn't Dave(..and I'm certainly not saying that folk shouldn't be taking their vans abroad..)

It's just that if someone is choosing "cheaper sites and aires"(to "cancel out" the ferry), over sites that are of a "comparable" standard and price to UK "club" sites,then they're NOT comparing like for like... ;-)

(..which *is* my point...)


Edit:I seem to have somehow found myself in the somewhat odd position of "defending" clubs? 8-) ...and we rarely use them much ourselves now anyhow!.... (lol)

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Just out interest and for possible future reference, where do all you non-members of 'The Clubs' find current information on CL and CS sites? I am aware many of these sites offer more than just 'club' pitches and must advertise somewhere separately but, AFAIK, not in one publication.
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Guest pelmetman
pepe63 - 2012-08-14 11:20 AM

over sites that are of a "comparable" standard and price to UK "club" sites,then they're NOT comparing like for like... ;-)

(..which *is* my point...)


Well if you want to compare sites Pepe ;-)..............an example of the sites we stayed on in may....Fully serviced large pitch, indoor and outdoor swimming pool, shop restaurants on site, excellent facilities showers etc, walking distance of a nice town........16 euro a night which in our money = £13 a night...............So your right I can't compare like for like, as I don't know any CC site with all those facilities for 13 quid a night :D

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We spend around 120 nights a year on Caravan Club sites. We like them because one always know what standard to expect. We tend to use the better appointed ones which are a little more expensive than some of the more basic sites the club has. We have very occasionally stayed on other commercial sites but although the headline price may look good they are enevitably more expensive when one compares like with like.


We book all our pitches before christmas for the following year (sorry but it makes sense to us to do so). The flexibility of the clubs booking system makes it possible to make changes later if we need to. Whole process takes about two hours on the computer and usually includes up to 40 different destinations. Just imagine how long that would take using commercial sites and having to send off deposits etc.


Last year unfortunately I took a bum decision to put off having a hernia repaired untill the season had ended. Needless to say it all went tits up and we had to cancel many of our bookings in a hurry. This year we lost our old Boarder Terrier and the arrival of a new one (official kennel club name Hazy Crazy Maisie but more often called Little Rat Bag by my wife) made it necessary to cancel our bookings for July this year. All with no cost or penalty. If we had been on commercial sites we would have lost a small fortune which I calculate to be the equivalent of 15 years membership.


like every other aspect of our hobby, fuel, insurance, motorhomes, servicing etc. the costs of sites and club membership does keep going up.


I've no argument with those who prefer to go abroad and they may well be right when they claim it to be cheaper but there are a heck of a lotnof us who still want to holiday in the UK and find membership of the club well worth while.


Each to his own I say. After all there are even those out there who consider golf to be a worth while hobby

Though it seems a rather pointless and expensive exercise to me!

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Guest pelmetman

There's the rub Colin £42 quid divided between 120 nights means its worthwhile being a member ;-)


We used one CL last year which means we in effect paid £53 for one night....£42 + £11 *-)


So being a member no longer makes sense :-S

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Guest pelmetman
pepe63 - 2012-08-14 12:41 PM


T8ley...I always thought that to use CC, CLs (and C&CC, CSs)you were *supposed* to be members...



How often do you get asked to show your card? ;-)

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pepe63 - 2012-08-14 12:41 PM


That certainly sounds excellent value Dave... ;-)


...We'll have to get ips busy with his digger...(lol)


ips!...Are you still listening?..... :D



T8ley...I always thought that to use CC, CLs (and C&CC, CSs)you were *supposed* to be members...



i aint digging a swimming pool if that is what you mean. Lol

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In 1978 my mother decided that she would, "like to do something for us". This kind act translated into her wishing to buy us something and rather than her buy a physical object which would inevitably need replacing, I asked her to buy us (self + wife) a lifetime membership to the Caravan Club.


Total cost was £100 for myself + £10 for my wife, total £110


That was now some 34 years ago and I do feel that it was something of a bargain: Thanks Mum!!


Just to make you all envious, we get a very snazzy, credit card sized green folder for our membership cards, with the words "Life Member" in red on the outer cover and at times this has had quite an effect on the site warden.

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pelmetman - 2012-08-14 5:32 PM


pepe63 - 2012-08-14 12:41 PM


T8ley...I always thought that to use CC, CLs (and C&CC, CSs)you were *supposed* to be members...



How often do you get asked to show your card? ;-)


Good point...

It still doesn't alter the fact that you *should* be a member of the club(s) to use them... ;-)


We let our C&CC membership lapse...Not because we felt "it was a rip off" or that they had "lost their way" etc..No..it was just that,like you,we found that our requirements had changed and we were no longer using it.


But lets not forget,no "club members",equals no CLs or CSs for those self proclaimed, "non conformist" MHers out there,to go and empty their loos or refill their water tanks at... ;-).




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Guest 1footinthegrave

Most CLs CS sites have gone up hugely to what they used to be, just stopped on one that was £13.50 a night, with as we later discovered an assault course down a steep muddy bank through to get to the septic tank waste point, and that was the cheapest in that particular area, one even quoted £18 without hookup, or £23 with.


A local CL to us has told us they will be increasing from £5, to £12, (this is for just a field with a tap) in the next years member book, as advised by their particular club, draw from that what you will ! !.

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pepe63 - 2012-08-14 6:18 PM


ips - 2012-08-14 5:59 PM


....i aint digging a swimming pool if that is what you mean. Lol


So I take it we're still no further farwards on the Clubhouse then... ;-)

(...I bet you'd just love spendin' your evenings calling the bingo... :D )


ha ha ... No club house Defo no bingo

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