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Ducato exhaust trim - the answer?

Tony Norton

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Hi All,


have just fitted a new trim to my exhaust.


The one I used, polished stainless steel, came from "www.clampcouk.co.uk" and is their part No. STR2IR. The "IR" indicates inward rolled end but they also do an outwardly rolled version Pt. No. STR2OR.


To fit this an adapter (AD11) is needed as the trim size is exactly the same as the Ducato tailpipe. The small end of the adapter goes inside the trim, it's a tight fit so needs to be tapped on, and the larger end goes outside the tailpipe, after cutting of the flared and rolled end of said tailpipe. I actually cut off about 45mm (50mm would have been better) of the tailpipe so that the combined length of the trim and adapter didn't leave the exhaust sticking too far out from the side of the 'van.


I put a single pop rivet, (5/32" monel, blind ended), to "belt & braces" the trim to the adapter, and some assembly paste and a couple of pop rivets to secure the adapter to the tailpipe.


The total cost of this exercise would be £8.95 (trim) + £2.59 (adapter) + £5.95 (carriage) + VAT, a total of just under £21. This is less than half what I was quoted (excl carriage & VAT) by one company, and I reckon it looks a lot better than those oversize (to clear the rolled end of the tailpipe) "standard" ones.


If anybody wants to undertake this mod I will happier go into it in more detail.




Tony N



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Guest pelmetman
Tracker - 2012-08-14 4:33 PM


pelmetman - 2012-08-14 4:03 PM


I wonder what Horace would look like with twin exhausts? :D


Probably give him a split personality - just like ..........................................................?


Give us a clue Rich :-S.....................who is ? :-S

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Tony Norton - 2012-08-15 8:20 AM


BGD - 2012-08-14 3:40 PM


Piccies, we want piccies!!


If you can tell me how to get a piccie down to a miserable 100KB I will post them.


Tony N


I use Google's Picasa (it's free) use the export facility ( button that looks like a folder in the bottom pane) and set size to about 400 pixels.

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Pictures of the products Tony chose are here






(I believe Tony's Ducato-based motorhome is a 1999 Auto-Trail Mohican.)


My Hobby's tail-pipe (a Ford part) did not protrude beyond the bottom of the vehicle's coachbuilt body and, consequently, the exhaust blackened the bodywork. A local metal-working company provided me with a short length of heavy-duty stainless steel tube with a suitable internal diameter. I slotted the inner end in the time-honoured manner, pushed it over the original tail-pipe and secured it with a clamp. Cost was about £6.

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Derek Uzzell - 2012-08-15 8:59 AM


A local metal-working company provided me with a short length of heavy-duty stainless steel tube with a suitable internal diameter. I slotted the inner end in the time-honoured manner, pushed it over the original tail-pipe and secured it with a clamp. Cost was about £6.


Straight ended tailpipe I guess, not flared and rolled like the Ducato.


You're quite right about our Mohican.


Tony N


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This is the link to the "piccies": -




And here are the working instructions: -


I'm not trying to teach anyone to suck eggs, but the sequence I went through was: -


1) Support and wedge tailpipe and cut off 50mm approx. You will probably need to turn the blade upside down in your hacksaw frame and work with frame under the pipe.


2) Drill a hole (size depends on pop rivet to be used) in the trim about 20mm from the unrolled end, and de-burr. Not easy as stainless steel is a bit difficult to drill. Tip: - file across the trim, at the point where you want to drill, with a rat-tail file to make a small groove and centre pop in the middle of this groove. Gives you a better chance of starting the hole without skidding off.


3) Tap adapter into trim and drill through adapter through hole in 2). De-burr internally and fit pop rivet.


4) Drill 2 holes in large end of adapter, about 20mm from end, at 90 degrees to the pop rivet in 3), and de-burr.


5) Fit large end over tailpipe and using adapter as a guide drill 2 holes to match in tailpipe and de-burr inside and out. It's best if these holes are positioned horizontally to facilitate access with the pop rivet pliers.


6) Smear inside of adaptor with exhaust assembly paste (£3.50 a tube from your local accessory shop), fit to tailpipe and pop rivet.


Job jobbed!


Good luck


Tony N


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