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Were we expecting too much?


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After looking forward to a nice break last weekend at a CC site, we ended up disappointed. After getting setup and settling down for a nap, a football hits the van! (Family with three kids a few vans along). My intended peaceful afternoon was in fact constantly disturbed with the same kids tearing backwards and forward on their bikes screaming as they went. Same family had a dog which was not kept on a lead was also a nuisance. What finished me off was that they allowed the dog to drink water from the ‘drinking water’ tap. In fact when the dog felt like it, it would run up to the tap and lick it. Could have complained, but didn’t want to cause a scene. When we wanted water I took a cloth and washed the tap spout first hoping that they would get the message. Though the site was ok this family did spoil our stay there.


Were we expecting too much?


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No, you weren't.


However, you needed to do one of two things -


a) speak to one of the parents in a nice calm manner (try the mum a she probably wouldn't punch you, wont say wife for obvious reasons) asking if their chilren could be a little quieter as you would like some peace and calm


b) speak to warden asking for same


It's the warden's job to make sure his customers are happy and to direct 'playing' kids to the play area.

We had some kids (and dad) playing football close to our van but before I could say anything the ball hit our neighbour's van and he told them politely to move to the playground which was less than 50 yds away....



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Well I would certainly have asked them WHY the dog wasn't fastened up ? and bikes like everything else should be sticking to the 5mph rule balls should be restricted to a playing field! when my kids were little (and I had four) they were never allowed to kick a ball or fly kites anywhere near (well it was tents) in those days.
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It is a reflection of the attitudes of certain portions of the population.


They do what they think is OK, they do this at home, when out shopping etc. as well.


No one has ever told them that it is not polite/right behaviour.


As long as they are having fun then everything is OK.


It is a selfish and anti-social attitude, the children learn from the parent, sometimes there are parents.


It is one of the reasons I tend to "rough it" on farm sites in this country, there is no swimming pool, tv room, games room etc so they tend not to go to them.


By the way, it is not safe to assume the woman will not be voilent, I have been threatened with raised fists by a young woman, who then derided me with obscenities for refusing to fight! That was over nothing more serious than failing to pull over so she could turn right!


There are many (the majority) normal well behaved families in all Clubs, unfortunately there is no entrance exam or sponsorship scheme, so anyone that pays the subs can be a member.


So no, your expectations are reasonable, but every now and then you will find the odd disfunctional family and then anything can happen.



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Sadly this is the result from the freedom of the 60s. The 'you've never had it so good' babyboomers (of which I am one) have given to much freedom to their offspring which has broken down the whole discipline, respect and thoughfulness of a generation.

Whilst the school I went to was a sadistic exam machine which I would never recommend the like of, unfortunately we have gone much too far in the oposite direction.

I have tried to bring mine up with discipline and respect for others but not convinced I have succeeded 100%

We have given too many too much for too long and this is the result.


Right that's me off my soapbox-I await the bullets!!!! :-D


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After some very poor experiences with kids on CC sites I now avoid weekends and kids holidays whenever possible.


Although the rules forbid things like ball games, the Wardens don't seem bothered to enforce the rules unless someone complains. I don't go on holiday to suffer the grief of having to complain to parents or Wardens. If the rules say no ball games then that is what I expect.


Just spent a week on an Adults only site. I kid you not, the only noise all week was the occasional dog and that of the sheep next door eating grass! No screaming. No balls flying at the van. Bliss.

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Don't blame the babyboomers. Many of them, us included brought up kids who have worked hard and respect others as much as we did. However, I would suggest the children of the children of the babyboomers may be in a different mindset, especially those parents who decide to have kids later in life. Obviously they have read too many books and are tired having such a good time in their earlier years so think that allowing little sproggy to do whatever they like is the correct and easy option.


Too much televison, too much loopy politicians trying to appeal to every minority freak group and by far too much interference from the EU telling us what we can, and cannot do. Curiously many other countries in the EU ignore these dictats and skelp their little blighters round the ear frequently.

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Dave225 - 2012-08-16 8:13 PM


Don't blame the babyboomers. Many of them, us included brought up kids who have worked hard and respect others as much as we did. However, I would suggest the children of the children of the babyboomers may be in a different mindset, especially those parents who decide to have kids later in life. Obviously they have read too many books and are tired having such a good time in their earlier years so think that allowing little sproggy to do whatever they like is the correct and easy option.


Too much televison, too much loopy politicians trying to appeal to every minority freak group and by far too much interference from the EU telling us what we can, and cannot do. Curiously many other countries in the EU ignore these dictats and skelp their little blighters round the ear frequently.


I actually meant the children of the children-mine were perfect! But I agree too many liberals or whatever they call 'em this week!

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No you were not expecting too much!!!


You paid your fees as did the family of “Chavs” and their spogs and dog. But you were too polite to complain. If you had played music too loud at night so the “Chavs” sprogs couldn’t get to sleep do you think they would think twice about complaining about you?


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Mike B. - 2012-08-16 7:05 PM


Sadly this is the result from the freedom of the 60s. The 'you've never had it so good' babyboomers (of which I am one) have given to much freedom to their offspring which has broken down the whole discipline, respect and thoughfulness of a generation.

Whilst the school I went to was a sadistic exam machine which I would never recommend the like of, unfortunately we have gone much too far in the oposite direction.

I have tried to bring mine up with discipline and respect for others but not convinced I have succeeded 100%

We have given too many too much for too long and this is the result.


Right that's me off my soapbox-I await the bullets!!!! :-D




exactly mike

although 100% we are convinced we have succeeded :-D and i think they have passed this on to our 5 grandkids.. thank god...there is nowt better than manners /politeness although it has been known for us to "hit the bottle" and we genuinely didnt know the time *-) (1pm) and we did apologise :D and the morning after the neighbours took one look at us and they didnt have the heart to av a go LOL..in fact we BONDED after that

jon (lol)

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Hi all,

we were on a cc site in derbyshire a few years ago and had the family from hell

next to us ( 3 vans with kids ) right racket till 2 am, complained next day on checking

out only to be told " well they are on holiday " !!

now won`t go at weekends or during school hols etc.

there is a site near york Naburn lock which has a seperate adults only section.

mind you, spain is much worse than anywhere else in our experience.


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Dont get me started on kids, however.......................a couple of weeks ago mrs ips took a booking form 4x 16yr old lads from liverpool. They wanted to go camping in two tents for 2 nights (never been camping before) but they had rung everywere and no one would touch em cos they were young lads with scouse accents anyway mrs ips said they could come as long as they were well behaved and not roudy. Anyway they turned out to be 4 very polite and well behaved young men who thouroughly enjoyed there camping experience and were so gratefull to mrs ips for trusting them. They even got chatting with two of our cousins who live in our lane (both middle aged women one of whom has her horse in the adjacant field) who also commented and how pleasant these young lads were. Just goes to show that you should never pre-judge and that there are many young people (mini ips for one) that are not hooligans.


On the other hand we too have suffered from chavs on sites before (of various ages) and its never fun. I cant be bothered with the confrontation these days so we would just de-camp to another pitch or even another site.

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everhopeful - 2012-08-16 8:06 PM


Just spent a week on an Adults only site. I kid you not, the only noise all week was the occasional dog and that of the sheep next door eating grass! No screaming. No balls flying at the van. Bliss.


In a previous existence we owned a village pub with a holday cottage attached (our mid life crisis). One couple who rented the cottage complained about the noise of the sheep in the field at the back! However thet were from Milton Keynes, land of the plastic cows.

Mike P

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Iain Strachan - 2012-08-19 2:45 PM


In the latest CC mag letters, an "Appeal to GoGs" (Grumpy Old Granddads). By this publication the CC club would seem to condone the actions of the Chav.

Adults only sites for us if possible, in this country.

Cheers Iain


It seemed obvious to me that the writer knew a lot of noise and disturbance would ensue, but rather than bother to control it, thought it easier for the rest of us to put up with it and be more "tolerant".


The writer even suggested complaining to him him first, but can you imagine the tirade you would probably receive? No thanks.


I felt the whole tone of the letter to be quite insulting and by publishing it without comment the CC appeared to agree with the sentiment. Very poor.

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michele - 2012-08-16 3:53 PM


Basil, If my kids ever distrubed anyone I would swing for them and as for the dog well I blame the owners .

I suppsose thats the difference between bring them up or dragging them up.


I know you to be a responsible parent Michele, unfortunately you seem to be a minority group nowdays!

I even had my son (age 29), who is also a motorhome owner, telling me how his stay at one CC site during his last holiday was spoiled by a group with dubious parenting skills, now that tells me there is something very wrong with our latest crop of children and the parenting that has created the situation. The letter in the CC magazine says a lot about lack of respect for others that seems to be rampant nowdays. My children were always taught to be polite and that manners cost nothing and go a long way.

I don't know where or how it will end, what with Dave C's 'hug a hoody' statements and the various anti respectable behaviour groupings. I sometimes feel I must be getting old but I know I never allowed my children to disrespect or interfere with others enjoyment of peace and quiet, that is probably why my son was so annoyed by his last experience, he learned values as he grew up, nobody is perfect but he knew if and when he was in the wrong and when he should apologise.



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Iain Strachan - 2012-08-19 2:45 PM


In the latest CC mag letters, an "Appeal to GoGs" (Grumpy Old Granddads). By this publication the CC club would seem to condone the actions of the Chav.

Adults only sites for us if possible, in this country.

Cheers Iain


I was surprised that the club actually published this letter. By the use of GoG's the writer implies that all old people are grumpy. This is clearly not the case and the Club could be challenged under Equal Opportunities legislation which now covers 'Ageism'.


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We have travelled extensively in Britain and Europe firstly with a caravan and now on our own with a motorhome.Perhaps we are unique but we have NEVER had a ball hit our vanOf course you get some badly behaved children but also some badly behaved adults.When my step son was about 9 we were staying at Low Park CC site where there is a lovely bank of wild flowers.People are asked to stay off it to allow everyone to look at and enjoy it.We drummed this into said 9 year old only to stand together and watch a man well into his 50s walk straight through!! Thats not fair said my step son.We agreed.On another occasion at Chirk CC without a child.We chose a nice quiet pitch well away from the playground leaving these free for young families.We saw several older couples parked right next to the playground and one or two were waving fists and screaming threats to children who just wanted to go and play on the playground! What sort of example does that set?
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I was glad to read all your positive comments on this subject as I was beginning to think that I was becoming a Victor Meldrew. I also agree with the comments regarding parental discipline from an early age being in decline, a situation that IMO that can only get worst as each successive generation relaxes its grip.

As it happens, we went out for a meal last night and noticed two couples with two children sharing a table. After they had finished their meals the children left the table and went to one of the five empty tables situated along the back wall of the restaurant. After about 5 minutes, these children were running along the bench seat that extended the back wall. The parent presumably saw this as acceptable and let them carry on. A far cry from my childhood days were we had to sit still and consider others. Perhaps I should consider adult only restaurants next. Where will it all end?


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