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Travelling in Europe with my parrot


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I have an African grey parrot which I would like to take with me in my motorhome to France & Spain.


Despite protracted searches on the internet, I have been unable to find out what regulations apply within these countries. I understand that there is a CITES certificate? but it seems no one can be positive as to whether this is essential or not?


Has anyone had a similar experience, and if so coud you please offer any advise?

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Can't help on the legal situation, but have met a French man with a parrot in van in France. And an English couple with parrot (and Dog) in Spain, but they lived in Spain. You would have to find out from customs, as you may be able to take it out of Uk, BUT May have trouble coming back!

Best of luck.

i hope I don't have to pitch next you, as I have a phobia about birds, Parrots in particular, been known to walk a long way round to get somewhere, because a Parrot was in my direct path!


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Vet and see if he is aware of what you need to do :-D they are pretty up to date with the latest regs; and if not he will know where to find out, and yes we have also seen a camper with parrots they were drawing quite a crowd when they had it stood outside on a table good luck with your search. :-)
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A very quick scan throgh the DEFRA site seems to indicate that up to five personal pet birds can be freely moved between EU member states. As usual the abilty to keep ones bearings while traveling in ever decreasing circles is essential.


My guess is that the difficult bit might be proving where you got the bird from and where it resides. If its a talker teaching it your address might just convince a keen customs officer.



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