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Are we the only ones having after sales problems.


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We took delivery of our new Dethleffs GlobetrotterXLi at a cost of nearly £100,000 from Lowdhams in Newark Nottingham Ion May 31st 2012. The handover was rushed but we did point out that as walking through the van the side locker door beneath the leather seating was pushing the door open forcing it to spring open as you moved past or sat on the seating. The response was the leather seating would wear in. There was initially a problem setting up the 2 televisions, but they managed to get both working.


We then left for a campsite to give the vehicle a trial run. There was a loud knocking sound coming from the left hand side of the dashboard. The televisions would not work at all, on inspection by a fellow camper it was believed there may have been an LNB Problem, I notified Lowdhams who suggested they were ok when they left them. On returning home one of the light fittings fell from the ceiling and disappeared under the seat. We also had a warning buzzer and a red light on the dashboard came on, unfortunately the notification panel was in German so we had no idea what it meant. The vehicle lost all power on the busy A326 and came to a stop. After a few minutes we were able to continue our journey home without further issue.


I contacted Lowdhams again and asked them to investigate the first two problems believing the loss of power incident was just a one off.

Lowdhams had a 6 week wait in their service department and referred us to Premier at Chichester, There wait was only one day nearer. Once again I phoned Lowdhams, we were extremely worried by the knocking sound coming from the front section beneath the dashboard. They contacted Premier who agreed to let the (Salesman) look at the vehicle to see if he could help.


We took it to Premier, they believed the knocking sound just needed insulating with padding, A new light was ordered and the televisions after much waiting for the satellite dish to lock in they finally got working. We still had to wait for the other issues to be repaired on the original date given.


That same weekend we went away, and once again the Televisions would not work, We also found the bathroom area flooded due to a faulty tap. I telephoned Premier who said they would order a new tap, and repair when we attended there workshop on the 2nd August The date being brought forward by nearly 2 weeks due to a cancellation.


We attended Premier, on the 2nd August, The knocking sound was made good, the light fitting replaced plus an additional light fitting that had dislodged from it’s housing on our way there., They were unable to fix the televisions as they were not authorised dealers of Teleco. The tap was not repaired as the wrong one had been sent so it was suggested they disconnect the pipework so we could still fill the system. The seating was photographed as it was clear the cushions were too large and were in fact pushing the door out of shape and alignment. These were then sent to Dethleff's.


It was pointed out to us that there was a knocking sound coming from the overhead cab bed. They also disturbingly pointed out low levels of fluid in the washer container and the engine coolant system. We were advised that there was a possible leak in that system. The tyres were all deflated by a 25% as they contained too much pressure in them. They also changed the dashboard readings to English for us and changed the settings on the radio to the correct settings and showed us how to operate it correctly. A great service from Premier.


We went on a 2 night break after leaving the dealership, on arrival the engine coolant fluid was once again below the accepted levels, we also found on putting up the Awning one of the 2 legs holding the awning in place failed to hold rendering it impossible to put up. One of the adjuster knobs came off of the driver’s seat whilst attempting to adjust the seatback position.


We made a call to Premier who advised us to take it to the nearest Fiat dealer to us which is in Adams Morey Southampton.. to get the cooling system levels investigated. Once we were home we booked it in and thanks to them a leaking pipe was corrected.


In the meantime being so fed up with the television issue I contacted Teleco direct, who arranged for us to have it looked at by one of their recommended technicians. This was done and at last the cause was found to be what was suspected, a faulty LNB.


We set out on the 17th August for our 2 week holiday which was paid for some time ago. When we arrived at the first of the campsites booked for 3 nights, once again the buzzer sounded and the red light on the dashboard reading A Transmission fault. This was the same as what had happened the previous time but we assumed it was just a warning.

On Monday the 20th we were booked into a site in Islip Oxford. Within two miles of the site the buzzer sounded and the red light came on. Once again we lost power on a very bad stretch of road. After several minutes we got going again but several times we lost complete power , we were extremely frightened and I telephoned Fiat assist whilst Alan battled to get us to a place of safety as we were on the A34. We were by then only a short distance from the campsite so agreed to try and limp along and they would send assistance to meet us at the campsite. After an horrific last mile we made the campsite and within 20 minutes help as promised arrived.


It was deemed unsafe to drive , The local fiat dealers refused to take it, so The Assist recommended we take it to our local dealer . The assist contacted our local fiat dealer and we were advised to wait till morning as there was no guarantee that the recovery low loader needed would get us there before they closed.


Next day we packed up the vehicle and emptied the tanks. We then found an excessive amount of water in the kitchen area soaking the carpets. It seemed to be coming from beneath the sink housing. Also one of the stays appeared to be loose with trouble getting it to retract.


Once again I telephoned Premier who suggested a pipe separation behind the sink housing was probably the cause. We told her of our present situation and that we were being taken to the fiat dealership. She suggested we make an agreed time to get the outstanding issues rectified. The date given was the earliest being the 20th September. I have since been able to change that to the 19th as we are in fact supposed to be away on the 20TH September. Thanks to Lisa who has promised to get it in sooner if she has a cancellation.


Again I contacted Lowdhams as the dealer who sold the vehicle and told them it was there responsibility. They offered no help but suggested we keep in touch with regards to the situation with the Fiat dealers.No matter that our paid for holiday was being disrupted.


As of today we still have no idea what the problem is with the engine side of the vehicle. I have seen posts by Sonesta on Motorhome Facts that describes the power loss of their van identical to our problem.. I do hope we will be back on the road sooner than they were. I did ask Lowdhams if we could have a loan van, but no joy.


At the moment we are extremely despondent, where do we go from here?


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It is time to reject the vehicle. Too many problems not addressed properly leave this as your only option. Your rejection is with the supplying dealer Lowndhams, under existing legislation Sale of Goods Act, nobody else. Write to them in the fiirst instance detailing all problems you have experienced stating that you want your money back as they have been given amply chances to repair or replace.

Keep copies of all correspondence and if you have a legal protection policy with any insurance use it.

Good luck


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Hi Alan,

Sorry to hear of your problems.


In answer to your question/title of the thread - no you are not the only one who has had initial and continuing problems with a brand new motorhome.


Unfortunately there are too many instances when motorhomes can't have been checked thoroughly at the factory or had a proper pre-delivery inspection at the dealers.


When we took delivery of our Auto-Sleepers Symbol ES at a dealer in the West Midlands in November 2008 the handover was very poor and in retrospect we should have not accepted the vehicle but gone back later. (In our case the dealer is only a few miles from our home.) It took at least one visit a month for 4 months to get most of the problems sorted.


Talking over the years (and recently ) to other motorhomers such issues are not rare and price, country of origin and previous good reputation of manufacturers and dealers are not necessarily an indication that any particular motorhome will be of the quality we should expect. I think that those folks who have got a "trouble free" motorhome with no problems are very fortunate.


Whilst my next comment will not help Alan, I would urge anyone taking delivery of a new (or indeed a pre-owned) motorhome to go over EVERYTHING CAREFULLY at the handover, ensuring everything is demonstrated and working properly BEFORE making the final payment. If anything is not OK I think we should say we will return when everything is sorted, It is natural and understandable to be excited at the prospect of a new motorhome and disappointing (and time consuming) to have to return home without the new van then go back later.


Alan I do hope that you are able to get the situation resolved quickly. To reject a motorhome after purchase is very difficult. In our case the dealer said that the only way we could do this was to take them to court --- and I don't think he was bluffing! Their obligation was to rectify any faults under the manufacturer's warranty.



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Sorry to hear of your issues. Lowdhams are responsible under consumer law don't let them fob you off with referring you to anyone else they are the ones who MUST solve your issues have you considered what happens if these other 'agents' damage your vehicle. I don't think six weeks before they to attempt to repair your new van is acceptable (they are only putting you off so they can prepare other vans for sale and this time delay becomes a vicious circle) Put your complaint in writing with a list of all the known issues stating you demand a fully functioning motorhome as advertised without any faults ,and give them a two week period to sort it out, If they refuse then as the product is not considered to be of merchantable quality so you can ask for a replacement or refund. send this to the Managing Director by recorded delivery. Stating that you maintain the right not accept a repair as a permanent solution to your complaint. as if you accept a repair you may not have the right to a replacement later. This is what i did when i had a new car which was faulty it took six months of calm considered negotiation but i did get a brand new vehicle.

Or park it outside the dealer with a big sign on it stating what problems you are having this should only be a last resort though ;-)

It does make me wonder how a £100,000 motorhome can have this many issues

This web page may help.



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What a state of affairs ! All those who bleet on how good foriegn vans are over the British made ones, should digest this terrible story. Geordibetts, you have only one course of action, return it as unfit for purpose and demand full payment back, also get legal advise and help, you will need it. Good luck.


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After sending a copy of my original post to Lowdhams plus letting them know we have posted it on four sites plus sent a copy to MMM Editor and to Dethleff's.




WELL!!!!! Just received a call from Lowdhams they are going to speak to the fiat Dealers right now and suggest once it's fixed we shall have to take it up to Nottingham for all the repairs.


I shall keep you all informed of our progress.


Surprising what you can do when you stop being Mr Nice Guy.


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I'm really sorry to hear of the problems you are having, but it does illustrate that German Motorhomes are not as bullet proof as some on here would have us believe and the difficulties of dealing with foreign manufacturers.


We had a problem with the expensive drop down entertainment system in our new AutoTrail last year but at least we were able to take it back to the repair centre at the factory where the unit was exchanged and a few other minor niggles fixed, one of which we were not even aware of!


I do wish you the best of luck getting all the problems sorted. Usually getting tough and threatening a bit of bad publicity does do the trick

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Guest pelmetman

What do you expect :D...........You only spent a 100k 8-)................



At least it proves everyone is entitled to a bad service ;-)

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Well it's all happening. Fiat have phoned. Apparently a pipe put through the body work by the coach builders into the front section of the cab, was not insulated nor was it capped( WHATEVER THAT MEANS) There the wiring has rubbed /burnt away leaving it arching making the sensors come on. This is now Dethleff's problem. On discovering this they want the recovery and the work they have done paying?


Lowdhams have asked that the fiat dealers do a temporary repair, and the vehicle is taken back to Nottingham. We have refused to drive it , and informed them that we do not want the vehicle back.


They will discuss it after the Bank holiday. Gee Thanks!!!

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Now this may seem a drastic way out of your situation, but consider going back to the dealer and saying that you no longer want or trust the vehicle/motorhome. That no matter what repairs are completed you will never be able to enjoy the motorhome, even if it is repaired and the worries are only psychological.

You having done suitable research on a replacement motorhome, tell the dealer to keep the vehicle, provide you with your replacement choice which hopefully will restore your faith and provide you with some worry free times. It will cost you some extra cash, but hopefully a minimal amount.

And yes with 3 months old vehicle -- been there got the teashirt -- and it cost me £5k . Although it cost me I have praise for the dealers attitude in recognising that no matter what they did to rectify the vehicle faults and the coachbuilt faults I was never going to be happy with my purchase.


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GEORDIEBETTS - 2012-08-24 6:02 PM


Well it's all happening. Fiat have phoned. Apparently a pipe put through the body work by the coach builders into the front section of the cab, was not insulated nor was it capped( WHATEVER THAT MEANS) There the wiring has rubbed /burnt away leaving it arching making the sensors come on. This is now Dethleff's problem. On discovering this they want the recovery and the work they have done paying?


Lowdhams have asked that the fiat dealers do a temporary repair, and the vehicle is taken back to Nottingham. We have refused to drive it , and informed them that we do not want the vehicle back.


They will discuss it after the Bank holiday. Gee Thanks!!!


Things are moving on then. However it should not come to this the apathy of the dealer in not wanting to know or help directly and in a timely fashion speaks volumes after all this is a major purchase at the very least they should have had a look at the motorhome and certainly not direct you to a third party agent, good to know that if you broadcast the fact you are having problems then and only then will they show any interest. Bad news however travels far and wide so perhaps they should take this on-board next time they try to fob off a customer who has spent a hundred thousand pounds.

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GEORDIEBETTS - 2012-08-24 4:54 PM


After sending a copy of my original post to Lowdhams plus letting them know we have posted it on four sites plus sent a copy to MMM Editor and to Dethleff's.


WELL!!!!! Just received a call from Lowdhams they are going to speak to the fiat Dealers right now and suggest once it's fixed we shall have to take it up to Nottingham for all the repairs.


I shall keep you all informed of our progress.


Surprising what you can do when you stop being Mr Nice Guy.

In the meantime, I strongly recommend you to speak to Trading Standards. You have already taken a couple of wrong turns in dealing with a defective vehicle, and it would be unwise to continue on your present path without expert advice.


You are where you are, and at least seem to have gained the dealer's attention, though I do wonder how long their attention will last if you go quiet and they think you have lost the will to fight. So far the seller has behaved appallingly, and has sought to abrogate their responsibilities to others. Convenient ploy, if you can make it work!


From what you say, it seems abundantly clear the seller made little effort to properly check the vehicle before handing it over to you. It also seems he failed to conduct a proper handover. You were entitled to both, it is what you pay the dealer to do.


Shame you didn't buy from Premier, who seem to understand the basics of customer service even though they have no contract with you.


The selling dealer's liabilities under consumer legislation are absolutely not limited by any manufacturer's warranty terms. They are defined in the legislation, and that is where it seems you need the specific legal advice that Trading Standards can provide.


The seller is legally obliged to deal with your problems within a reasonable time. "Reasonable" may need to be agreed with the seller (it has to reflect what can, realistically, be achieved), and should be confirmed in writing. This does not mean remedy at their convenience, it means they have to verify, and accept or reject the reported defects, and then contact the manufacturer to obtain the replacement parts and confirmed delivery dates, and then set a confirmed date for remedy in their workshop.


The same is true for the mechanical defects although, unless they employ trained mechanics authorised to undertake base vehicle warranty work, they will be dependent on the performance of others to remedy these. However, that does not mean they can merely leave it to you to sort out. They should take full responsibility for delivering the vehicle to an appropriate repairer, for monitoring the repairs, for verifying that they have been properly carried out, and for returning the van to you in proper working order.


In the meantime, they should place you in the position you expected to be in post delivery. That is to say that you should have the enjoyment of a motorhome to fulfil your proposed travel arrangements, and that you should not be left out of pocket in the process.


Before talking to Trading Standards make a brief factual record of all the defects you have noted, and when they arose. Note also when and how you advised (letter, e-mail, 'phone) the seller of their existence, and to whom. Dates essential, times desirable. Have all correspondence to hand. Obtain any available records of work carried out by others to remedy defects. Also note when you advised the seller that these works were being carried out by others on their behalf, and who you advised. You will need to have all facts at your fingertips to get the best response and advice how to proceed.


Don't delay. Talk to Trading Standards before you have any further dealings with the seller. Make sure that all future dealings are in writing, and write only to the Managing Director or Company Secretary, ideally sending all letters special delivery. Keep records of all postal and other costs, and make notes of all telephone calls - date, time, with whom, and what was said/decided. If the MD will not deal with your complaints in person (s/he should), insist that a director, or at least a named senior manager (whose seniority and extent of authority should be confirmed) is appointed as your single point of contact, with a specific remit to manage your problems to resolution with the highest priority.


Don't rush to sue, it gets very protracted and very expensive. Your issues will be better, and far more quickly, resolved by avoiding this course until all other avenues have been exhausted. You will need the patience of Job, and you will have to be prepared negotiate the back legs off (literally, it seems!) a donkey without becoming abusive or angry. You will, it seems, also need stamina and great patience. You will need to be prepared to make a number of visits to the seller (keep records and receipts of all costs involved) - telephone calls tend to be ignored/forgotten. Keep a note of any calls you make where your designated point of contact is not available, or requests for a calls back that are note returned. I suggest you buy an A4 diary, one page per day, in which to record absolutely everything, remembering that cryptic notes can be amazingly difficult to decipher several weeks later!


They'll get the message eventually, and start doing what you've paid them to do, and what they are obliged to do. The quicker they act, the less it will cost them. They'll eventually wake up to that as well.


But above all, be very careful what you put on this or other forums. If you do eventually get to court, what you have said in public may prejudice your chances of success. Don't pay too much attention to the "name and shame" brigade, they just want a ringside seat at a slanging match - so long as someone else is paying!


Good luck, and I hope your problems are quickly, and amicably, resolved.

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Guest JudgeMental
take Brians advice and for heavens sake formally reject the vehicle by registered letter, its the supplying dealers problem no one else's......Just go shopping for something else.
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Thanks , very sound advice.

We have put nothing on forums that we can not back up. The fact that we had to resort to getting their attention in this way speaks volumes. At this moment in time ,it is only us that are being deprived of what we have paid for.. I shall wait with bated breath to see if they compensate us for the holidays that we have paid for and lost, for the stress and for the total disregard for their buyer.

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I`ve had problems with new vans not quite in your league but my current van did leak within two days of picking it up. The best thing I find with a brand new van is don`t use the phone, turn up at the dealer with the van and POLITELY make a fuss, refuse to budge until your problem is looked at by a senior member of staff.


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GEORDIEBETTS - 2012-08-24 9:15 PM


Thanks , very sound advice.

We have put nothing on forums that we can not back up. The fact that we had to resort to getting their attention in this way speaks volumes. At this moment in time ,it is only us that are being deprived of what we have paid for.. I shall wait with bated breath to see if they compensate us for the holidays that we have paid for and lost, for the stress and for the total disregard for their buyer.

Sorry, it matters not whether you can back it up or not, it can still be used to prejudice your case.


Waiting with baited breath will do no good either, you will have to make all the running. (Besides which, you'll probably die of asphyxia while waiting! :-))


Don't wait for others to react: ACT! Contact Trading Standards Monday. Chop, chop!

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Colin Leake - 2012-08-24 5:17 PM


I'm really sorry to hear of the problems you are having, but it does illustrate that German Motorhomes are not as bullet proof as some on here would have us believe and the difficulties of dealing with foreign manufacturers.......................

Don't wish to join in the Germany vs England replay, Colin, but it does seem the problem so far lies primarily with the recalcitrant English dealer, and not with the German manufacturer.


So far as I can understand, no one has sought assistance from Dethleffs yet - except possibly to supply a wrongly specified tap. The problems sound far more serious than replacing a tap, and the selling dealer should be giving Dethleffs full on earache over their quality lapses, rather than playing pass the parcel with their client!

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Brian Kirby - 2012-08-24 10:28 PM


Don't wait for others to react: ACT! Contact Trading Standards Monday. Chop, chop!


Brian, I know you are retired now and have probably lost the plot as far as days/dates are concerned (I have already! :$ ) but as far as I'm aware Trading Standards still don't work on Bank Holidays! :D

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Wow what a catalogue of problems.

If it was me and having had little or no help resolving the problems from the dealer, (assuming that you Have contacted someone in authority and not just a salesman.) i would contact dethlefs informing them of your plight and your total lack of faith with there uk representative namely the dealer. I doubt that they would not get this sorted asap.

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Thanks everyone. After another sleepless night I am off to the fiat dealers to start removing all our personal items. At the same time I shall collect the photos of the damage to the wiring.


We shall then have to wait till Tuesday to see what the next step is.


We will be talking to Trading Standards as advised.


The After sales manager Kindly informed us that he was on holiday from last night. Not much consolation when we should of been too.


My only advice to anyone thinking of buying a Motorhome, would be too join all the Motorhome sites they can. Not only for advice but for the support of all the members in times of need. We can not thank you all enough for standing with us when it counts. Through out all this experience we have been given strength in numbers, and been offered hope when we thought there was none. Now we know we are not fighting alone, we shall continue to pursue the right outcome.


I shall keep you all informed of our progress.


Alan and Marilyn


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Mel B - 2012-08-24 11:22 PM


Brian Kirby - 2012-08-24 10:28 PM


Don't wait for others to react: ACT! Contact Trading Standards Monday. Chop, chop!


Brian, I know you are retired now and have probably lost the plot as far as days/dates are concerned (I have already! :$ ) but as far as I'm aware Trading Standards still don't work on Bank Holidays! :D

Poo! :-D First thing Tuesday then! :-)

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GEORDIEBETTS - 2012-08-25 10:11 AM


Thanks everyone. After another sleepless night I am off to the fiat dealers to start removing all our personal items. At the same time I shall collect the photos of the damage to the wiring.


We shall then have to wait till Tuesday to see what the next step is.


We will be talking to Trading Standards as advised.


The After sales manager Kindly informed us that he was on holiday from last night. Not much consolation when we should of been too.


My only advice to anyone thinking of buying a Motorhome, would be too join all the Motorhome sites they can. Not only for advice but for the support of all the members in times of need. We can not thank you all enough for standing with us when it counts. Through out all this experience we have been given strength in numbers, and been offered hope when we thought there was none. Now we know we are not fighting alone, we shall continue to pursue the right outcome.


I shall keep you all informed of our progress.


Alan and Marilyn

Excellent idea! In fact, have you tried contacting the Dethleffs Owners' Club, here http://tinyurl.com/dxpo236 ? They claim to be independent of dealers and also that they carry some influence with Dethleffs.


If there is a member who lives within reach of you, you could perhaps persuade them to inspect your van for supportive corroboration of the defects (they may even find a few more, that you haven't yet noticed!), but above all, for advice on who to contact within Dethleffs to get their attention.


It seems there is no Dethleffs UK as such, so all contact has to be with Germany where, I think, getting to the right person will be a great advantage. You'll probably have to join, but that would be a small price to pay for knowledgeable support. You may also get useful information on who to deal with at Lowdham, and which part of their anatomy to go for!


Don't get too despondent. Dethleffs are generally very well screwed together, and yours is clearly a bit of a lemon at present, and a huge worry and disappointment. It will get sorted out. Motorhomes are pretty much hand made, and what one man makes incorrectly, another can rectify. The base vehicle defects will have to be remedied under the base vehicle warranty, but your dealer should be taking the lead in ensuring this is done speedily and effectively.


You will hugely enjoy this van after it is properly sorted. It should not have left the factory in the state it is in, but above all else it should never have been handed to you in that state by the dealer.

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Hi Brian.


We are members of the Dethleff's owners club. They were my first point of contact after we returned on Tuesday. As of yet they have not replied to my email.


I have just returned from the fiat dealer which is now closed till Tuesday, We only managed 2 trips to collect our possessions. We were informed by Fiat that the vehicle was being collected on Tuesday.

As I estimate at least a further 2 trips, as I only have a small car, my wife has phoned Lowdham's and asked that they leave it till either the afternoon or Wednesday to give us time get done.


You have been very helpful and we shall definitely be talking to Trading Standards on Tuesday.


Thanks Alan

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hi,just picked up this today,sorry to hear of your problems,firstly,dont blame foreign vans,blame the lousy

dealers we seem to have all over this country,some of them from my experience are worse than car dealers of 30yrs ago,some are excellent,but not many from my experience.i cannot stress how good Brians advice is,get onto trading standards 9am Tue,keep records of every detail,phone calls,times,person you spoke to,etc.be advised by them,send letters by recorded letter only.

I ran my own retail business for 20yrs before retirement,i found trading standarsd excellent then and i still

do now and i use them often for any problems,but you have to very proffessional in approaching them

best of luck,Dave.

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