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kontiki retractable step/reversing camera


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When I start the engine the electrical step withdraws, but last time it jammed by a small stone on the step. It will now not withdraw when I start the engine but will operate using the electric switch by the door. I also find that the reversing camera display is not working. I have checked the 'Swift' fusebox and all fuses intact. I do not know where the step and camera will get their supply from. Also if it is a fuse why does it still work on the local switch? Any clues on where to start/look next
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Hi, I have a Bessacarr which is made by Swift and the fuse for the step is with the relays under the black (box) cover in the middle of the engine compartment, its held on with 2 nuts and is right in front of you when you open the bonnet, you have to un-clip a vacum pipe? I assume the problem is caused by a relay which could be controled through one of the fuses that you will find ? hope that helps
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Hi, the most likely fault is a blown fuse in the auto step retract circuit/reversing camera circuit. It's most likely to be behind the knee trim of the dash area. The reason the step still operates from it's own switch is simple really, that is on a different circuit with it's own fuse. Happy hunting. D.
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Hi, I have the Bessacarr E795 and every time I brake when it is wet the reversing camera goes on and off repeatedly. It is going to the Dealer at the end of the month, but I would be interested if anyone else has had this and found a quick fix. Personally think its water ingress somewhere. David
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Hi, Supertractorman I don't know why its happening ? but i would think it has something to do with the revesing light switch, which could as you suspect be being affected by the water ? I don't supose you will be able to tell but it would be interesting to know if the reversing lights are coming on as well ? Brian
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