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V5C issue


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hi all

just got the v5c document from swansea for the new van, and on it in section D.2 under type...it just has what seems to be gobbledegook

and under Y revenue weight...it says 4005kg gross and i was thinking that this should read 4250kg cos thats what the plate says

but then under F.1 max permissible mass (exc. m/c) it does say 4250

then in G mass in service it says 1790

im confused

can anyone throw any light on these figures and how do i get them altered if they are wrong?


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You should have a Certificate of Conformity with your vehicle paperwork. This should give all information needed to check the V5C.


Either your dealer, or DVLA, seem to have made a fairly comprehensive bags of producing this form. Strictly, it should be the dealer who untangles this for you because either they made the errors, or the DVLA made them on the dealer's behalf. I wonder if they have a copy of what they gave to DVLA?


There is a set of guidance notes for completing this form, V355/1 but, as far as I can find out, they can only be obtained to order, not downloaded. Why? Gawd knows! Doesn't make it easy does it? Maybe phone DVLA and ask for a copy, because your V5C seems wrong and there is no explanation of the terminology or of which sections need to be completed.


D.1 Make - should be Autotrail.


D.2 Model/Type - should be Mohawk, plus whatever suffix Autotrail give it.


D.3 Body type, must state "Motor caravan"


[X] Taxation class, must state "Private/Heavy goods", or "PHGV".


[Y] Revenue weight is, as I understand it, only relevant to vehicles with a MAM exceeding 3,500kg. It is, in effect, the MAM, so you are right, and this should read 4,250kg. See following definition. Check also that the vehicle plate shows this MAM.


F.1 Max. permissible mass (exc. m/c). Excluding motor cars. Don't understand why this needs stating twice, as it would be 4,250kg. Possibly should be left blank where Revenue weight is given.


G Mass in service, sounds like the MIRO, but I can't find a definition of Mass in Service anywhere. I suspect it is for commercial vehicles only and should probably be blank.


The following is the definition from DVLA form V355/1 "Notes About Tax Classes". The last part appears relevant only to commercial vehicles.


"Revenue weight – since 1.7.95, all goods vehicles over 3,500kg are taxed according to their “revenue weight”. Revenue weight means either, “confirmed maximum weight” determined by the Plating and Testing Regulations (i.e. vehicles subject to plating and testing) or, “design weight” for vehicles not subject to plating and testing. Design weight is the maximum weight a vehicle can lawfully operate laden in the UK as laid down in the Road Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations 1986, the Motor Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations (NI) 1989 and the Road Vehicles (Authorised Weight) Regulations 1998.

In addition, from 1st April 2011, there is a legislative requirement for those in HGV tax classes to declare if their vehicle has Road Friendly Suspension (RFS). This can be found by referring to the Goods Vehicle Type Approval (GVTA) Certificate or Certificate of Conformity. To notify DVLA of RFS, the letter R needs to be added to the V55 form, after the vehicle’s tax class, for example ‘HGV R’."

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Thanks Brian, i will ring the dealer tommorrow, see what they say *-)

on the V5C

D1 make- it says fiat


D2 type- it says EMMAUDYC2

sub varient- it says EMMAU

sub version-DYC2


D5 (not D3 poss typo on your part ) it does say motor caravan


X - it does say private hgv


Y- the vehicle plate does say 4250 kg (the 1st number on the plate) not 4005


F1-i agree


G-- ive tried finding a definition but cant, doesn.t match anything on the plate either (eg axle weights or towing weights)


i also did not get a certificate of conformity in my paperwork is this a necessity? (i will ask them as well)

im really only concerned about it stating revenue weight, cos if i get stopped by the plod the senario is time and money over a piece of paper, also might be insurance issues if i have to claim (i dont know really but its best to be on the safe side innit, dot the i and cross the t so to speak then no future probs!!


its just hassel that you dont need tho innit..full time working an all..i have enough on *-)

many thanks for your input


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Brian Kirby - 2012-08-29 1:43 PM


...There is a set of guidance notes for completing this form, V355/1 but, as far as I can find out, they can only be obtained to order, not downloaded. Why? Gawd knows! Doesn't make it easy does it? Maybe phone DVLA and ask for a copy, because your V5C seems wrong and there is no explanation of the terminology or of which sections need to be completed...


Form V355/1 provides Notes about Taxation Classes and it's available on-line here




The Guidance Notes for completing the forms relating a vehicle's first UK registration don't seem to be on the direct.gov.uk website, but they are on-line here




This is a socking great document compared to the one I used (V355/4) in 2005 when I was registering my imported Hobby, but essentially covers the same ground.

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Cheers Derek

that is a stonking big document...anyway from it the revenue weight should be 4250kg, for those over 3500kg it has to be recorded

so anyway i rung the dealers and to my suprise they just said dont worry about it we will sort it with the DVLA and you can expect it in the post within the next 6 weeks..i reckon thats not a bad effort on their part :-D

many thanks chaps for your input


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silverback - 2012-08-29 10:25 PM....................i also did not get a certificate of conformity in my paperwork is this a necessity? (i will ask them as well)................

Hi Jon

Don't think it is necessary, but it states the basis on which Type Approval has been granted so I can't see any reason why it is not included with the vehicle documentation. Vans supplied from France and Germany include the CoC in their docs, so why not UK? After all, you've paid for it! :-)


Well done Derek! I was getting a bit pushed for time, and ran out of matrimonial tolerance! Yes, its a bit heavier than the guidance notes I had in '05 as well.


Looking at the doc, and comparing to my CoC which quoted it as 2879 - 3160kg, my guess is approximates to the MIRO. It isn't, as I had first guessed, unladen weight, because too much weight is present.


If you had your CoC it could be quoted, as the guidance notes say it is mandatory if available, and if the vehicle is TA it must have a CoC, so the information is available, so should be on the V5C. Who needs it? No-one is my guess! Needless over-complication.

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Idle curiosity, but how do UK motocaravan dealers normally register new motorhomes in this country?


I'm aware of the V55 Secure Registration Scheme and AFRL web-based system




but do motorhome dealers use either, or generally continue with the traditional 'non secure' system that requires much more paperwork?

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