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To Croatia; next week. Vignette for Slovenia?


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Bearing in mind recent discussions and warnings about motorway tolls, is it advisable to have a vignette for Slovenia, or are non motorway routes Maribor to Zagreb on way down, and Porec to Trieste on the way back feasible?

Cost seems a bit steep for distances in Slovenia,



alan b

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Bulletguy - 2012-08-29 10:37 AM


Depends on your vehicle weight Alan......mine goes for free in Slovenia. If yours is above that weight you also have to ask yourself do you prefer to drive through Ljubljana, or around it via the ring road.




Thanks BG, we are under 3500Kg, so if we used motorways extensively a vignette ought to be cheaper. That said the short distances we envisage at the moment would probably make pay as you go a better bet?

But my wife tells me that's not an option! Seems nonsensical, we'll have to look a bit closer at the non-motorway alternatives, or just pay for a vignette in and out.......30€ total


alan b

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snowie - 2012-08-29 11:02 AM


Thanks BG, we are under 3500Kg, so if we used motorways extensively a vignette ought to be cheaper. That said the short distances we envisage at the moment would probably make pay as you go a better bet?


Important bit is BIB Alan.


You are under 3500kg so don't need a Vignette in Slovenia.

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Bulletguy - 2012-08-29 12:23 PM


snowie - 2012-08-29 11:02 AM


Thanks BG, we are under 3500Kg, so if we used motorways extensively a vignette ought to be cheaper. That said the short distances we envisage at the moment would probably make pay as you go a better bet?


Important bit is BIB Alan.


You are under 3500kg so don't need a Vignette in Slovenia.


I disagree BG;

Weekly vignette for (two-track) motor vehicles up to maximum permitted weight of 3,500 kg EUR 15


I take that to mean upto and including ......


Therefore a vignette is necessary


MTPLM (Maximum Technical Permissible Laden Mass) or MAM (Maximum Authorised Mass) Fiat Ducato = 3500Kg


Our All-up weight is always just less than that, but that doesn't mean we don't need a vignette (as I interpret it).



alan b


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snowie - 2012-08-29 1:01 PM


I disagree BG;

Weekly vignette for (two-track) motor vehicles up to maximum permitted weight of 3,500 kg EUR 15


I take that to mean up to and including ......


Therefore a vignette is necessary.


Hmmmm.......on reading again it does look that way. Which means even a micro car weighing 500kg has to pay! *-)


Must admit when I was there in 2009 I didn't pay anything and never even saw any Vignette controls unlike in Romania, Hungary and Bulgaria where they are everywhere!


Could be worth asking at the first Service Station you come to over the border.


Will be able to tell you precisely in two or three days time as once I leave Hungary i'm heading for this site in Slovenia; http://www.camping-radovljica.com/


Not cheap but I stayed there in 2009 and it's an excellent site.



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Just seen why I didn't pay anything in 2009.


It's under the heading of Exception;


"For motorway journeys coming from Austria up to the Hrušica exit towards the interior of Slovenia and in the reverse direction, use of a vignette is not required. The road toll for the Karavanke tunnel is valid between the first motorway exits on either side of the national border (in Slovenia the Hrušica exit, in Austria the Podrožca – Rosenbach exit)."


Not sure of your approach route into Slovenia but if via Austria this site is very nice; http://www.camping-vierthaler.at/en/


Situated just a few minutes drive from Werfen where you will see the actual Castle more commonly known as the Schloss Adler from the film "Where Eagles Dare".


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Guest JudgeMental

stop worrying about the odd tenner here and there......just get your finger out and get down here its wonderful! :-D


not sure what weather forecast you have been looking at (other thread) but they have had no rain for 4 months and none in the foreseeable......currently on small island of Trogir north of Splt and moving up coast tomorrow, visiting Krka National Park etc...


fuel £1.21 a litre.....

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JudgeMental - 2012-08-29 8:11 PM


stop worrying about the odd tenner here and there......just get your finger out and get down here its wonderful! :-D


not sure what weather forecast you have been looking at (other thread) but they have had no rain for 4 months and none in the foreseeable......currently on small island of Trogir north of Splt and moving up coast tomorrow, visiting Krka National Park etc...


fuel £1.21 a litre.....


If the fines were only a tenner no problem!


Thanks for the weather info, really looking forward to getting down there quickly,



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Alan (Snowie)


Can confirm indeed you do need a Vignette for Slovenia. €7 for a week and (from memory) €15 for one month and you can buy at any Service Station.


I came into Slovenia today from Hungary so entered from the east side where in 2009 I entered from Austria.


Weather unfortunately is more like UK i'm afraid......began raining heavy around noon today and didn't cease until 1630hr. Temp is down to 21c.

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David Dwight - 2012-09-01 8:08 AM


Why do you want a Vingette? dont use the Motorways. When we were there we never touched a Motorway. The ordinary roads a good and you see much more of the Country that way. Why rush you are on holiday. Enjoy the peace and hospitality of the area.


I agree with you apart from one thing.


To enjoy the 'peace' through cities is to walk them rather than drive through them....and driving around invariably means you will use a motorway section at the very least.


With some countries there is no option but to purchase a Vignette....it's compulsory for all roads.


At the moment though the scenery of Slovenia is covered in low lying grey cloud more common to UK! The change in weather has been dramatic. Yesterday in Hungary was bright sun and 28c, now today here in Slovenia the temp inside my van is just 18c......and it's just started raining again!



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Bulletguy - 2012-08-31 6:29 PM


Alan (Snowie)


Can confirm indeed you do need a Vignette for Slovenia. €7 for a week and (from memory) €15 for one month and you can buy at any Service Station.




Just found my receipt and it's €15 for a week......not €7. So a month must be €30.


Depends how long you want on the beach at Trieste Alan. With these temps you won't be doing much sunbathing!




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Bulletguy - 2012-09-01 2:57 PM


Bulletguy - 2012-08-31 6:29 PM


Alan (Snowie)


Can confirm indeed you do need a Vignette for Slovenia. €7 for a week and (from memory) €15 for one month and you can buy at any Service Station.




Just found my receipt and it's €15 for a week......not €7. So a month must be €30.


Depends how long you want on the beach at Trieste Alan. With these temps you won't be doing much sunbathing!




Hi BG; thought you'd got it mixed up with Austria?


Hoping that we've not left it late, but maybe it's just a blip. Setting off next week anyway, so we'll be out to enjoy the trip anyway,


alan b

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snowie - 2012-09-01 4:15 PM


Hi BG; thought you'd got it mixed up with Austria?


Hoping that we've not left it late, but maybe it's just a blip. Setting off next week anyway, so we'll be out to enjoy the trip anyway,


alan b


Might have left it a bit late for the weather! Still raining here though only lightly but temps have dropped dramatically. Bring clothes you'd normally wear in UK and you'll be OK. (lol)


Cursing myself for not packing my little electric heater (yes i've got onboard heating but that runs on gas and i'm a tight git!). (lol)

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Guest JudgeMental

thunder storms this morning but managed to get into Zadar and have a walk around port and old town...now on luxury site north of town as ACSI kicked in today...still swam and had a BBQ so better then home I would think?


forecast looking dodgy for our last week but we will try and carry on with plans as would hate to miss out...

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snowie - 2012-09-02 12:33 PM


Ferry booked, a few things to do next week, but we're committed!

Hoping for some decent weather.

Looking forward to the trip

alan b


Well though it p***ed it down yesterday from around 4pm on and continued through the night, i'm pleased to say Alan that today has been sunny and warm (around 23c). And the forecast for the coming week isn't bad either with temps between 21 - 23c.


Enjoy your trip and enjoy Slovenia. It really is a beautiful country though unfortunately the low lying mist makes photos of the surrounding mountains impossible.

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Guest JudgeMental
forecast was thunder storms again today but it turned out a beautiful day... sea swimming and bike rides. moving on to pitivicka lakes tomorrow then ferry to Rab Island and then home....
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JudgeMental - 2012-09-02 7:23 PM


forecast was thunder storms again today but it turned out a beautiful day... sea swimming and bike rides. moving on to pitivicka lakes tomorrow then ferry to Rab Island and then home....


Looking forward to pitivicka lakes, and hoping that there are some swimming opportunities like in Swedish lakes.

Just cut the grass for the last time (we've booked a guy to come and do it while we are away this time!) so just got to get our son sorted out and off on his hol's and we are away; can't wait!


Thanks for weather updates; much appreciated

alan b

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snowie - 2012-09-02 7:34 PM


Thanks for weather updates; much appreciated

alan b




I discovered the other day why I paid no Vignette last time I was here in 2009......it hadn't been introduced! One of the girls at site Reception told me. She also told me what they have to pay as residents of Slovenia.....almost €100 pa. Quite a lot as incomes are relatively low.


On the bright side Alan......it is literally that! Bright, Sunny and quite warm (25c in the van and rising). :-D

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Thanks BG; setting off on sunday ferry, aiming for 4 nights on the way down; can't wait.


Weather here is very nice too.


Finishing loading the van and checking load. Had van weighed yesterday, and looks like we've got about 350Kg left when the wife's sat in her seat. I'm upto approx 120Kg before putting clothes in, so I chuffed so far,



alan b

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