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Compressor fridge


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Thanks for all the remarks to the effect, that I should not be here in the first place, but it does not help me as I am stuck with the fridge! And it does have some advantages as I have built it into a chest which gets rid of the swinging door and as said, 'no holes in the van'. Can I add on a 12 volt charges for more power? What snags to this, Ah Ah! The Zig is a C.F.8
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Hi ken, You have given half of the required information, the CF8 answers one half. It is most likely that the CF8 has sufficient output capacity to power your fridge but this depends very much on what else it is trying to power at the same time. What is the fridge? Make and model. Waeco ??? Regarding the no holes and your "chest" you may have shot yourself in the foot already. If the fridge cannot get rid of the heat it takes from inside itself and dissipates in the cooling fins on the back then it will not work for long. It must have some airflow across the back to get rid of this heat. The two holes in the outside of the van being the most appropriate as if its dissipated INSIDE the van it just makes the van itself hotter, the fridge work even harder and you sweat even more with only a warm beer to console you. You may have to re-consider your method of fitting. C.
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Clive, If it's a Waeco then that's their recommended method of fitting - i'e'., no holes outside the 'van - fridge air supply from and vented to the inside. But, of course, it doesn't work! At least not with mine. So I'm fitting a small (computer-type) fan to vent it outside. The fridge even has a terminal to power a 12v fan which is presumably switched on when the compressor goes to work. In my experience, all the readily available compressor fridges (both travel and at home) are fitted with the same Danfoss motors and compressors, so the answer should be common to most.
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Hi! Thanks for your replys I only use lights and water pump,( small) and so the major user is the compressor firdge. The unit is the small Danfos and it was supplied with a built in fan. I have fitted a switch so that the fan only works when required. :-|
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