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The meddling Nanny State "at work" again!


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You can't "win".......not in UK! Whatever you do there will always be some 'Police Person' telling you what to do, how to do it, where and when, how much or how many you should or shouldn't have of whatever.......and God forbid anyone daring to disobey "the rules"!


personally, im glad there are rules and someone to police them, otherwise anyone taking a fancy to my motorhome could just shoot me and drive it away.

is this the first mention of motorhome on this thread??? :D

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Brian Kirby - 2012-09-01 7:14 PM


I do not ignore the others, I merely refrained from clouding the issue of smoking with other, different, forms of stupidity. :-)


Brian Kirby - 2012-09-01 7:14 PM

Why not pick on smokers, they seem fair game to me. :-) The obese? Of course they should be given the same treatment.....



Brian Kirby - 2012-09-01 7:14 PM

Indeed, and the "nanny Telegraph" is very naughty for mentioning this. :-) They'll be educating the masses next! However, these facts no more mean the average person should give up drinking, than obesity means the obese should give up eating. It is a matter of balance and judgement. They all get told the error of their ways: they can take note, or stay as they are.


Brian Kirby - 2012-09-01 7:14 PM

No, we ban selectively, and sensibly, and little.....


But do tell, what would we then do about those who can't or won't cope, and whose practises are anti-social, or endanger others? So, presumably we should ban what is socially unacceptable. Question then is, unacceptable to whom?


And here endeth The First Lesson from Cardinal Kirby. *-)


When is the next Temperance meeting? I'll wear my hair shirt.



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Guest pelmetman
KeithR - 2012-09-01 7:40 PM

personally, im glad there are rules and someone to police them, otherwise anyone taking a fancy to my motorhome could just shoot me and drive it away.

is this the first mention of motorhome on this thread??? :D


There you go *-)...............someone being dam sensible again :D


Where's Chatterbox when you need it? 8-)

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Guest 1footinthegrave

No I beat you to it, alluding to all the noxious fumes we breath in when we are out and about in them, it's funny that the anti fag merchants never consider their polution, here's the deal, I'll stop fagging it and get rid of my van, when you stop belching out your exhaust fumes, not to mention the polution created in the manufacture of the vans to begin with, my guess is the average single run down to Dover is equal to a lifetime of the pollution I've put out with my fags, just try sitting next to your tail pipe with your engine just ticking over, and getting a lung full of that and see how long you last, I mean look at most major cities of the world and their traffic fumes polution.


Come on for Gods sake, we all make choices that in some way affect others, if you don't get that you don't get anything. :-|

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Guest pelmetman
Hawcara - 2012-09-01 7:45 PM


As long as they don't ban pies then not a problem!



Did you mention pies :-D....................we had an Gold award winning pie from "Lakings" of Louth for tea tonight B-) .................£3.06 ...........of unctuousness :-D................I make a mean steak and stilton pie myself.............but not for less than 10 quid 8-)

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Brian Kirby - 2012-09-01 7:33 PM


So, what is your point? I started work at16, and am still paying tax, even in retirement. So what?


You wouldn't be paying any if you hadn't retired on such a fat pension.


Keep on paying though.......i'm glad for you.



Brian Kirby - 2012-09-01 7:33 PM

As to being grandiose and pompous, do you consider all unwelcome facts to share these characteristics?




Self opinionated overblown mumbo jumbo more like.



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Guest pelmetman
crinklystarfish - 2012-09-01 8:39 PM


Been away in the truck for a bit, dropped in to see what's going on, immediately bored.


Have some allowance for us shallow folk still at the coalface Crinkly ;-)

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Guest 1footinthegrave
crinklystarfish - 2012-09-01 8:39 PM


Been away in the truck for a bit, dropped in to see what's going on, immediately bored.


That's the point exactly, why on earth would people be wasting their time "talking" to people they neither know or in most cases would care to know on these forums, if they were not all bored, and I do include myself in that, not much on telly these days. :-(

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Bulletguy - 2012-09-01 7:59 PM................."Facts"???


Self opinionated overblown mumbo jumbo more like.


You mean it never occurred to you that when you (or any of the rest of us) get treatment from the NHS, all taxpayers contribute to the cost? I understand that to be a fact. Since it seems you pay no tax, I guess that excludes you. How is that overblown, or mumbo jumbo? Have another spliff! :-)

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robertandjean - 2012-09-01 5:39 PM


Brian is right this is in wrong forum but seeing it is here might as well comment. Very happy if U.K. became smoke free would be greatest step forward in public health in this generation. Loss of revenue? More than made up for by reduction in costs to Health Service etc. Do not see it as any thing to do with nanny state just common sense to stop something which clearly results in early death and illness for lots of people. Interesting that those who declare smoking to be a "freedom" do not seem to take same line on hard drugs.

There had our say now back to enjoying our glass of vino overlooking the River Meuse!!!


Dont get me wrong I'm very much anti smoking but the argument that there will be a saving on the National Health may not be true. Certainly there will be a saving in the direct treatment of smoke induced illnesses. But we will all shuffle of this mortal coil at some time. For those of us who don't smoke it may well be later but we will still need just as much medical care when the time comes and having lived longer will have needed more care during our extended life time so we may even cost the NHS more rather tha less.


Me I'm a very healthy but diabetic 70 year old and I come from a family that has a history of longevity. I have every intention of continuing my present healthy life style and sticking around for a long time yet. So who is going to cost the NHS more me or a smoker dying of cancer at an early age?


Just as an aside has anyone tried typing on the touch screen of an iPad with a plaster on their index finger. Thats what I'm doing now and it's a right pain in the arse!

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Colin Leake - 2012-09-01 10:23 PM


Just as an aside has anyone tried typing on the touch screen of an iPad with a plaster on their index finger. Thats what I'm doing now and it's a right pain in the arse!


Try holding the iPad further away from your scrotum Colin.


Hope this helps :D



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Perhaps the actions of a medical practice here in Australia might appeal. They aren't allowed to surcharge smokers, they are obviously not responsible,but they give a discount to non smokers.

When this first started the victims whined nationwide,including to anti discrimination commissioners. To no avail, they then said they would take their business elsewhere,no problems!

We have a different health system here but maybe the victims could benefit? There are a couple of very good peer reviewed papers on the net to the effect that there is no such thing as addiction,just a victim set of mind(not my fault etc..)

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1footinthegrave - 2012-09-01 8:53 PM
crinklystarfish - 2012-09-01 8:39 PMBeen away in the truck for a bit, dropped in to see what's going on, immediately bored.
That's the point exactly, why on earth would people be wasting their time "talking" to people they neither know or in most cases would care to know on these forums, if they were not all bored, and I do include myself in that, not much on telly these days. :-(

Ah yes, should have qualified that more. Been away in the truck for a bit, was bored, dropped in to see what's going on, immediately exponentially bored.

And more generally, not in response to 1F, and in an effort to be more constructive: whenever I tried cigs, which I did a few times in my teens and into my twenties, they made me feel dizzy and sick. I did think about pushing through the pain barrier and persisting - but found out they were ridiculously expensive even then, and also might have killed me.

No Nanny State required.
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Colin Leake - 2012-09-01 10:23 PM


Dont get me wrong I'm very much anti smoking but the argument that there will be a saving on the National Health may not be true. Certainly there will be a saving in the direct treatment of smoke induced illnesses. But we will all shuffle of this mortal coil at some time. For those of us who don't smoke it may well be later but we will still need just as much medical care when the time comes and having lived longer will have needed more care during our extended life time so we may even cost the NHS more rather than less.


Me I'm a very healthy but diabetic 70 year old and I come from a family that has a history of longevity. I have every intention of continuing my present healthy life style and sticking around for a long time yet. So who is going to cost the NHS more me or a smoker dying of cancer at an early age?


Personally I don't see you as an anti smoker....but the first non-smoker who has written with any logic. Logic which is apparent to most of us, including those who do smoke, but ignored by those pompously preaching a holier than thou lifestyle.


Every working man and woman is now being told they have to pay more tax as people are living longer and pensions are becoming 'unaffordable'. So not only are people having to work longer (preferably till they drop dead), they will be paying more.


My Father died from cancer 18mths after retiring at 65. He never smoked one cigarette in his entire life. A cousin of mine, also a non-smoker, never even saw his 21st birthday and died from cancer. A very close friend of mine who gave up smoking thirty years ago is now battling the same cancer which killed my Father.


Currently in the UK it's seen as 'trendy' to snipe at smokers and smoking. The same people who then go and 'shoot themselves in the foot' by indulging the pleasures of drinking alcohol, apparently oblivious to the damage alcohol causes. Alcohol can cause cancer (it's recently been medically proven so is now open knowledge), but apart from cirrhosis of the liver, causes untold misery to millions of people who suffer at the hands of alcoholics in the family home, not to mention the number of people killed by idiots drink driving.


But drinking is fine and OK..........for now. Once the anti-smoke fascists have tired of bashing smokers, boozers will be next in the firing line of the loony lot. They have to have someone or something to have a dig at.




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Bullet Guy, our remark about commenting on smoking whilst enjoying a glass of vino overlooking the Meuse was clearly light hearted but must spell out things more in future. Yes we do enjoy, when in France a small glass of red wine before our evening meal; it is true that drinking alcohol in excess is stupid and no better than smoking but understand that medical opinion is that one glass of red wine every other day or so is beneficial to health. On the other hand just one puff is not!

But enough of all this, not bothered if alcohol is banned the true pleausures in life involve travelling in our motorhomes to destinations like the aire here at Mouzon on the Meuse.

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