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Orian Saturn or any model !!


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Hello to everyone, We have spent the past couple of months looking at many different makes and layouts of Motorhomes and still trying to decide on what is best for us !!! We visited a dealer who showed us round an Orian Saturn and instantly fell in love with it. Now I am not a one to rush into anything and having asked around there aren't too many people who I can find that knows much at all about the Orian other than who the manufacturer is. What I would really like is for anyout on here to relay there experiences of Orian to us via the forum. Ermmm don't suppose anyone knows of any Saturns for sale either second hand or new ?? Many thanks Butch
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Guest starspirit
I would be inclined to hire a van first and based on that experience decide what you like and don't like. It may cost a few hundred pounds but could save you thousands. I have heard that some dealers will give a discount if you buy after hiring - but I don't know which ones. Beware of fixed bed vans as they often have a very uncomfortable lounging area. Try everything first. Make the beds and lie on them to feel the joins, length & width Sit on the loo pretend to wash or shower. Try sitting at the dining table, pretend to cook, try lounging for comfort. Where will the TV go - will it be a pain in the neck to watch. Is there enough storage space and is there enough payload to use. There are too many 6 month old vans for resale due to careless buying and over zealous and uncaring sales people.
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