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I have smashed the toilet window of my motorhome and went to the dealer who recommended I get in touch with a company called EECO. They quoted me a price of £196.23 which includes the postage and vat etc. The model I have got is a Mobilvetta Kimu122. if someone can help with suggestions of companies that do this sort of replacement I would be obliged.
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Mobilvetta have always used Seitz windows, so I auume it's that you require. Any motorhome/caravan dealer will supply Seitz parts for you - but make clear you don not need a replacement for the inner part containing the mosquito and silver screen blinds If you give me the window size (width x height), I can check the current price. However, I suspect that, including fitting, this may well be worth making an insurance claim, depending on the size of your excess. After all, why do we pay for insurance? And I think windows are normally excluded from the NCB calculation, but check your individual policy or ring your broker.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest robbo
Just picked this one up. I recently had to replace a broken plastic "bubble" window on my Duetto. After many enquiries (including this forum and a quote from EECO) the least expensive solution was to buy a complete window and frame from AS and fit just the bubble. Cost £130 incl vat and carriage, 20 quid less than my insurance excess :-(
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KIMU122: It would be most unusual not to have a maker's name on a modern motorhome window. As Mel E says "Seitz" windows are often fitted as are "Polyplastic". The sensible thing would be to replace like with like. Although EECO has a good reputation, I'm doubtful that their replacement would have the 'look' of the original. If you can identify the maker of your window it should be relatively straightforward to obtain an exact replacement.
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Ah, EECO - could that be the very same Exhaust Ejector Company which in the 1960s made those ludicrous cone-shaped gizzmos that I used to fit to the exhaust pipe of my 850cc mini in the vain hope that it would make the thing go faster? Having got that pointless remark off my chest, agree with the other posters that you'd be better replacing like with like if at all possible. Good luck with the search anyway.
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