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An insurance question

Mrs T

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Mr T has two vehicles.


He is selling his A Class Rapido 987M after 6 years of fun, and he's only done 14,000 miles but he says he now finds it tiresome as he passes through his 80's. Its on private land and not insured at the moment. Not a problem.


He has another van of which, he's entitled to drive another's vehicle on his second van insurance. Not a problem.




Can he drive the M/H he's about to sell "Provided a payment has changed hands", on his second van's insurance?


Technically at that time he will not own it, and therefore its "another persons property" of which he is entitled to drive on his second vans insurance.


We don't see why not, there's no underhanded motive, but we do not see a reason for paying a full years Ins: fee for driving just 20 miles


Or, is there a single journey insurance cover that can be issued by someone?





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For Mr T to drive the van (or any other van that he doesn't own) on his insurance the van has to be insured. That being the case if the new owner is going to insure it, he could add Mr T as a named driver for a day to drive it for him ie to deliver. I did this for my daughter for a month and it only cost £40


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You need to check the policy wording very carefully as it depends on the specific insurer's definition of 'other cars'. Some insurers like it to be specifically insured elsewhere and others don't - it's a hugely grey area.


Some exclude vehicles owned by or registered not only by the policyholder but by members of their family living at the same address and although payment may have been made it may still technically be registered in your name until the DVLA change it. This may be regardless of when or whether the tear off slip was dated or has been posted to the DVLA.


Dodgy ground indeed, and if the vehicle is untaxed or SORNed that too might be grounds for invalid cover, and if it is untaxed or SORNed any police ANPR cameras it may be unlucky enough to pass may well pick it up which opens up a whole new can of problems.


Best advice is to pay for any day or days insurance you need and ensure that it is both taxed and MOT'd before allowing it on the road - unless it is registered in the buyer's name in which case it's his responsibility and no longer yours.


Don't take the risk - find out first from your insurer - preferably in writing as the Law justifiably takes a very dim view of illegal vehicles and a fine and seizure of the van is no joke.

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Guest JudgeMental

"Technically at that time he will not own it, and therefore its "another persons property" of which he is entitled to drive on his second vans insurance"


But would it still need to be insured by buyer before you can do this? I dont know......


why not get the buyer to sort it out, as they are surely unlikely to want van at their property uninsured anyway


alternatively get a trade driver with own plates(insurance) to deliver


lots of short term insurance on web,just need to find one that covers campers.....





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