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Hi new to the forum, Well we have had 3 campers in 4 years started witha Bessacar 765 fabulous but I cannot say the same for the dealership in stevenage. So we thought we would take a trip to a reputable company in Newark// Well how wrong could we be. We went ahead and purchased a Hobby big thing as I have Disabled children and needed something for the wheelchair with lost's of space and one that also afforded us the, what I term train seats forward facing (The little one head bangs so violently we would end up with no windows. (The only reason we got rid of the Bessacar.) We bought the Hobby in NOv 2005 and by January I could not take it anymore .NOT FOR US. So we went back and I have to say, because of the sales man who is the only reason we have stayed so placid and nice for so long . We bought a new 06 Bessacar again and have managed to adapt and make a big long pillow for the headbanging. When we bought the new one having ahd one before there is not lot they can actually show you eager to get home to the kids off we set we couldnt see nothing obvious with it wrong. it is now July and for 7 months we have been phoning the Sales man whom throughout has been really kind and sweet. passing on messages emailing people and so on. We had a sat dish fitted and someone did not secure the hole on the roof the water flooded into the wardrobe soaked our clothes run into the pace box blew it up the shower door was off it rail broken but dont worry we will sort it as and when we can get up there which is not easy with the childrens disabilities
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Guest peter
Have you tried tightening the gland on the roof where the sat pole goes through, that may be all thats needed as it squeazes up on a seal and waterproofs it. Also some poles have a gland on the inside that you loosen to push it up and have to re-tighten it so water doesn't get in. Hope this helps. Peter
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We have a severely autistic grandson and also a grandaughter with Asbergers so understand your plight quite well. Quite seriously I would not expect any European caravan or motorhome to withstand the sort or regular abuse these suffers can inflict. My suggestion would be to look at an American unit where weight is not a problem and things are SOLID rather than the light weight construction with a centre cavity and skins each side. At least you shouldn't be paying VAT on whatever you get! Good luck Clive
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Thanks for the advice My husband has this weekend off so he will be up on the roof to look see & check what they have done . we did try to explain that mother nature and the down pour we had a few weeks ago was slightly more potent then there hose ....lol. will be busy this weekend yours truly michele
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clive thanks . As a fellow carer I know you have the knowledge of these types of children .It is just so much hard work up& down the motorway to get things repaired hopefully that will be the last. 7 months is pretty lenient I think Even when we have had to leave them at home it's hard to get child minders that i s qualified enough to know about feeding tubes and such things oxygen cylinders . But after being told by one lady that they would not send a driver for it . the salesman said he would pick it up personally again really sweet. they did send a driver this week very nice chap with out a fuss. not really happy with the repair job though. never mind better to do it ourselfs ......... We have never looked at the american units as we find them to big. size for driving is fine I am used to a double decker bus but to tour in England you have had it . Via la france. regards michele
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