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throughout this time we kept the Salesman informed of all our troubles . & months is a long time to get it booked in. We stayed calm but finally last week we had enough and decided to get it mended before our summers holiday. Most upset when it came back the Fog lights which were not put in when bought were put in horrible one doesnot even look like it's in properly the leak was tested with a hose a managed to hold up to it so the chap said he cant find nothing wrong .....? The seal is missing on the hecki above the back bed next to the adjacent GAS COMPULSORY air thing that you have to have when asked why they couldn't put the black seal in because its freeezing they said against the law ? the shower door top rail still cant be mended they will post no parts. at one point we were told down to WARRANTY haha. The reversing camera packed up but glad to say they mended that. The heater thermostat was not working so you would be sitting there freezing right throughout winter and the temp would say 28/29 and in reality the manufactures had put thermostat next to the blower silly people they hopefully have rectified that by putting in in the front next to the passanger seat . The cable is missing out of the back of the AVIC navigation and will also be posted the occasional table is not fitted but they will post The shower blind well we have none it came out from day one soon as we got it home and looked at it we realised it was all crumbled creased and not long after came out and flew up on itself . repaired he tried haha...soon as the chap brought it back it fell apart. So thats it nice salesmen or not I will not be treated like this I think that we have seen the last of Newark. Funny but quite a few people said the same on holiday in france What a shame they have no aftersales care I suppose all the money go's on the big pool whilst they con you out of money not telling you that they have the most crappiest aftersales care. and dont really care once you have parted with the readies......
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Michelle First, contact your Trading Standards office and get some advice on what you can legally do - I suspect you would have a good claim to reject the motorhome due to all the problems as it is not 'fit for purpose'. You should also contact Citiziens Advice Bureau again for more legal advice. Don't put up with it any longer, the longer you let it go on the weaker your position. You're not the only one who doesn't like certain big dealers!
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thanks for the advice you know with disabled kids work everything i dont think that we have the energy . What a shame that MMM does not have a name them and shame them policy that would be a laugh . Maybe make them wake up to how many disgruntled customers they really have. On the other hand i suppose in all fairness when they get it right we dont get to here I try by nature to be nice and give people lots of chances .Eventually they wear you down My husband is of an attitude that just do it ourselfs............probably do a better job... regards & thanks Michele
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Guest peter
That's not very re-assuring as I am currently buying one from them. I will just have to check everything out before parting with my dosh.
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Well I wont go into my friends dilema who ordered theirs in 2004 at the earls court camping and caravan show waited 1 whole year ordered a blue one. 1 year later..................................got a green one ...................... Turned up really excited with blue sleeping bags .......? took the green most hated one for 6 months bashed in the side witha lump of wood on the motorway one big dent later returned it and and ..........theres more . The new blue one has never been right spent every weekend there up in sunny Newark not happy bunnies and will never ever go back.................. :'(
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Dear Peter , The after sales wont be any better no matter how much you check it out . They take the money and run ....Promise you the earth .... I also noticed no bouquet of flowers for the wife ...which is standard when spending so much dosh..they will ply you with coffee give you free meal vouchers have a nice soak in the pool ......and I hope for you and others nothing will be wrong.........BECAUSE YOU HAVE HAD IT WHEN IT GO'S BACK..... Good luck
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Michele: I've some sympathy over your dealer's refusal to add seals to your motorhome's HEKI rooflight. If the motorhome manufacturer has chosen to fit a rooflight with 'permanent ventilation' I think it's perfectly reasonable for a dealer to be reluctant to alter the vehicle's original specification by fitting extra seals to that rooflight. I once met a couple with an identical complaint (serious draughts through the over-bed HEKI rooflight on a new big Swift Group motorhome). They told me that the vendor (Brownhills/Newark) had agreed to fit extra seals but had insisted on installing an additional small 'ventilated' rooflight to maintain the original amount of high-level ventilation. As the vehicle's roof already had a 2nd big HEKI and several other ventilated rooflights in it the owners decided this was a daft idea and obtained and fitted the extra seals themselves. I've often wondered whether there is a formula for the minimum amount of high-level ventilation a motorhome requires. It's certainly true that SOME ventilation is necessary (and possibly obligatory) but, if a particular motorhome design starts off with (say) a couple of ventilated 40cm x 40cm rooflights, and these are deemed sufficient to provide high-level ventilation, then there seems to be no good reason why further roof-lights (eg. an optional big HEKI unit) shouldn't be fully sealed to limit draughts. Conversely, if a HEKI unit is used to provide the ONLY high-level ventilation in the motorhome, then, cold draughts or not, it's going to have to remain unsealed.
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Sorry to read about your problems we too are having problems with the same dealership, I would personally advice no one to buy from them. I wish someone had told us!!!(Hindsight is a wonderful thing). Does anyone have a good word to say about there aftersales service?
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If you want more 'education' go to one of the big shows and meet up with other people who have bought from them, their 'hospitality' tent becomes a real "lets swap horror stories" hive of activity!!! There must be some people out there who have had GOOD service ... mustn't there?????
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[QUOTE]Mel B - 2006-07-10 8:21 PM If you want more 'education' go to one of the big shows and meet up with other people who have bought from them, their 'hospitality' tent becomes a real "lets swap horror stories" hive of activity!!! There must be some people out there who have had GOOD service ... mustn't there?????[/QUOTE] Mel, I bought 4 motorhomes (all Autosleepers) from them between 1987 and 1995. It was a family run business headed by Roger Pearce and the service was excellent. We did have some problems but they were dealt with promptly and efficiently. Today I would not touch them with a barge pole. Don
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Don, you're not actually meant to NAME them!!! Here's hoping they dont' pull this thread now, I hope not as the points made are very valid, if praise can be made in the MMM magazine then other comments should also be permitted, both in the mag and here if they want to be seen to be playing fair. I'm still waiting for the replacement drawer fronts (since September last year) when the fire damage was 'fixed' by them.
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[QUOTE]Mel B - 2006-07-10 8:46 PM Don, you're not actually meant to NAME them!!! Here's hoping they dont' pull this thread now, I hope not as the points made are very valid, if praise can be made in the MMM magazine then other comments should also be permitted, both in the mag and here if they want to be seen to be playing fair. I'm still waiting for the replacement drawer fronts (since September last year) when the fire damage was 'fixed' by them.[/QUOTE] Mel, Sorry about that :-( a senior moment 8-) There getting more frequent these days, done a bit of editing 8-)
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Dear Derek, Thank you for your reply. When we owned the first Bessacar it didn't take us long to work out ,that although the children could not tell us, it was baltic in the back . Being new to it back then I covered the children with blankets .We never managed to keep them warm for long because of the disabilities they would knock the quilt/blanket off. I was really worried that they would become ill and such so obviously we started putting them in coats trousers boots and a blanket. We looked around trying to find out what was wrong with the big Heki in the centre of the cab. We soon found out that that who ever ! had just totally left the black seal off . We sent it back eventually...as I said before not so easy with the childrens needs They repaired it straight away I should point out this was another dealership. We did do our homework on the internet and looked at the Heki from a cross section it was obvious that the seal was missing. Now back to this Bessacar when we were in the salesman's office He actually phoned Bessacar infront of us put them on loud speaker. We asked the man there and then what about the problem with the Heki's. Oh that's been solved he replied we have now fitted a Gas escape thingy & we have solved the problem. First trip January freezing once again check out what's wrong only to find they have totally left off the left hand strip. Recently we went to France in May just for the week as we had respite. Within two day's I could not move I am getting to old for all this) The draught /cold air is so severe that at my age it's like sleeping outside . Your nose is frozen and my neck gave up I spent the rest of our much earned respite in agony doped up on pain killers . I appreciate that they cannot mend what in some cases should be there for a reason to save your life . But right immediately next to the Small over back bed Heki is a giant gas escape hole. So again it has been taken back whilst I know that it's not down to the dealership they have the attitude of SO WHO CARES ........................ Not how can we help to solve this problem ......................... I was told sorry Can't put the black seal on because of the regulations ...? Hello I thought that's why they had started to instal these GAS THING/ HOLES SOoooooo to sum it all up we are back to putting a pillow up in the Heki hole shutting the blind the weight of the pillow then damages the blind it all falls out. If your lucky it stays up their the night and stuffing a pair of sock's in the gas hole thingy ..... Now this may seem irresponsible but we do not go to bed with the Gas on .. I am at a loss as to what to do next other than mend it ourself's.......... It's just the total attitude regards Michele
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Dear Donna & daz. Yes I think their are quite a few others as well . We had wonderful salesman ship I cannot fault that . Mind you I did start off with NOW I HAVE HEARD YOU HAVE CRAP AFTERSALES IS THAT TRUE........... I shouldn't of put him on the spot not his fault still he has remained true to his word and has always been at the end of the phone trying to help us. I think that it's a shame that you dont get introduced to a whole sales everything roled into one team where you are` allowed to get names so at least you can put a name to the face when it does go wrong. I think they would have a lot more satisfied customers . Let me tell you a little story this is pure attitude for you We sold the first Bessacar to them in Nov swapped it for a big Hobby thing . when I decided I didn't like it mainly because of the childrens disabilities it did not suit we went back to choose another Bessacar much loved . They came to pick up the Hobby for us they walked around it check it top to bottom on the drive . We did not take delivery of the new Bessacar until the Jan this year we waited eventually true to their word we got a call so pleased to go and collect the Bessie again off we set arranged baby sitter's which is not easy as the children need specialist care. Off we set early in the morning be up there for 9am coffee yes please wont be long have seat thank you all the politeness out the way . Were sitting their drinking our coffee next thing we know after weeks of them having it the hobby is pulled up outside the front door. We looked and said that's ours isn't it . It was subjected to a full romp over inside and outside I said to my husband what are they doing he said beats me because it ws perfect when it left us so if it has been damaged here we are not getting the blame for it. Then a man walks over sign this he said the attitude stunk I said what are they doing he replied checking it welll it was all I could do to keep from laughing .What do you mean checking it you done that weeks ago on our drive .WELL it has to be check by the ???? team to see if it's ok. But I protested you have checked it and if anything has happened to it whilst it has been here or been driven here you don't think we are takinh the blame for it do you. ? He then got really stroppy got out of bed on the wrong side attitude where is your tax exemption for the children to prove your entitled to the VAT off well it knocked me sideway's as they already had this on file due to the fact that we bought that model they were now checking again OFF THEM ............ Attitude stinks........................ Good luck with any dealings you have with them I wish you the best Michele
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why does this thread start off halfway through a post? Is it in parallel with the other one about a certain large dealership in the Newark area? Seem to remember on the old style forum some threads criticising them were pulled by Warners - presumed by all & sundry to be under pressure from the dealers in question.....hmmm. what will happen next? *-)
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just sitting here thinking are we not allowed to have freedom of speech. Did my Grandad not fight in the war for this . Especially if it is genuine and not derogitory If the said company would like to publish or let it be known the happy customers I would like to read . Yes they can not get it right all of the time and they say dealing with the public is not a thankful task . but...............................the people who have genuine greviences with them don't always jump down there throat I believe 7 months is a long time to wait just to get booked in to be seen and I also believe that smiles manners and listening to what the customer say's would secure their future or do they think that they are so big they need not worry? (?) (?) (?) (?) (?) (?) (!) (!)
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  • 4 weeks later...
Well having just read what Carol has had to say this does not suprise me in the least. if you can be bothered to read the above you will see that we have had nothing but trouble. Well today we finally received through the post the most weirdest package ,and on opening it it was a tiny peice of trim ....Cut off from supposidly a long peice of trim. Which is supposed to fit our shower door .which would allow one to use the toilet & have a shower in privacey...The letter say's that they are pleased to confirm that a replacement bathroom rail has now been received into stock . And enclosed is a small sample......SAMPLE that's all it is (what in GOD's name did they do when they had it up there 3 week's ago just look and take a guess at the size.Obviously yes............IT's Nothing like the shower rail and at a wild guess I would say it won't do the job... Now how about that for customer care BOUGHT NEW IN JAN NOW AUGUST GOING ON HOLS IN 8 DAY'S.. 8 MONTH'S ....So looks like it definately won't be done (also for those who remember ) We also have the children problem there back /getting it picked up..... not a happy bunnie.........Don't hold your breath Carol....
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Seems like you,ve opened up a can of 'worms' Michele (no offence to Mel B). I have just bought new' 3 months ago and have a short list of not unreasonable malfunctions to sort out when I return my Freetec in the Autumn. Until now I can only praise the Kent branch , but of course up till now I have not actually asked them to do anything. All my faults are minor and I will expect them to be done promptly and without quibble. Now you.ve got me worried, lets hope I don't join the list.
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Geoff , Sorry I really hate to sound so unreasonable because I am not .. I don'tlike to fight argue critisise people and I am the first to say sorry. But as I pointed out before I have yet to meet a happy customer (WHEN THINGS GO WRONG). I wish to add I cannot fault the Salesman..,the after sales service leaves alot to be desired....All our problems are minor, they have now become major .They have certainly lost our next sale ....I will not tollerate being treat like this ....Out to lunch ,will phone back. Not in today will phone back, Attitude what's your problem. On holiday ...what makes me silly is we told friend's not to buy from them for no other reason than it was to far away............when they had a good salesman ship and came home with the stories we silly two thought oh can't be that bad ... WHAT FOOL's ...........Goodluck
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Any advance on ten months from new for faults still remaining unresolved. Our A Class Burstner came supplied with twelve faults (from serious to just aggravating), two of which, water level readings a 100% out and a rainwater leak, are still outstanding after all this time. The dealer has been incompetent and the manufacturer non existant to correspondence. Result, once eventually sorted out neither will be seeing us again. Have fun.
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Ron , Sorry to hear . We also have a water leak run's in above the wardrobe where we had the sat fitted......soak's your clothes blew the pace box.... but hey they teseted it with a hose and the report said ............ FOUND NO LEAK ........... Maybe my husband mistook it for the toilet one night .... :D
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Guest starspirit
I always buy a used van and let some other poor s## have all the new van aggro! There are plenty of nearly new vans to choose from and you save money too. Or am I missing something?
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Ah, but starspirit, that's assuming the previous owner managed to get the dealership to sort the ruddy problems out ... not always the case! But then again, this is all part of the fun of motorhome ownership ... Mel B PS Olley can I borrow your tin hat please!!!
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