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Reasons to buy a motorhome?

Guest pelmetman

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Spot on Colin - don't let anyone tell you it makes economic sense, unless you buy a really old (cheap) one, and have a bit of no-how to keep it going yourself. That approach got us some amazing holidays abroad when our kids were younger, which we couldn't have had any other way.


But once you get into buying new or nearly-new, you'd have to live a long time to make your investment pay off in terms of how many "normal" holidays you could get for the money!


It's a lifestyle thing - you have to love living in a little box, and moving on most days (otherwsie a caravan makes more sense!). But if that IS what you love, there;'s no substitute!

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Guest pelmetman
antony1969 - 2012-10-13 9:04 PM


" Reasons to buy a motorhome " not sure Dave , think it was Ian Drury and the Blockheads .


Talking to me punk? :-D.........Sadly I was never any good at spitting :$.........................


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Guest pelmetman
colin - 2012-10-13 9:15 PM


pelmetman - 2012-10-13 8:58 PM


colin - 2012-10-13 8:53 PM


Because you want one. ;-)


Reasons to change a motorhome? :D


Because you've got fed up of fixing the old one :D


Admittedly I spent this afternoon under Horace screwing for all my worth :$..............delamination in the step area is an age thing *-).....................but I repaired it myself with..........A BIT OF THAT WOOD US BLOKES SAVE JUST IN CASE :-D.............well there's a first time for everything (lol) (lol) (lol)


Cost Zero as well................... ;-)

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Guest JudgeMental

when your back gets fed up of sleeping on the damp ground in a tent :-S


And you have a young family and BIG mortgage, and want to make sure they have decent holidays..,,My kids used to say "DADDY! Why do we have to go away all the time!!!" *-)

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Guest pelmetman
JudgeMental - 2012-10-13 9:29 PM

My kids used to say "DADDY! Why do we have to go away all the time!!!" *-)


See.......... you were cruel to them kids Eddie ;-).............and if they want to sue you later on then I'll be happy to be a character witness on their be half for..............a large fee :D

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Guest pelmetman
antony1969 - 2012-10-13 9:28 PM


Screwing Horace all afternoon ? . Sounds like one of the 70s low budget flicks I enjoy , any good Dave ?


Only if you like under seal getting into places you didn't know you had :$...........................Plus I ache like hell *-)...................holding it up with one hand whilst trying to tighten my nuts with the other has never been so difficult 8-).....................



But hey......................... the sense of satisfaction afterwards...............lasted minutes :-D


















Bit like sex then (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol)

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pelmetman - 2012-10-13 9:47 PM


antony1969 - 2012-10-13 9:28 PM


Screwing Horace all afternoon ? . Sounds like one of the 70s low budget flicks I enjoy , any good Dave ?


Only if you like under seal getting into places you didn't know you had :$...........................Plus I ache like hell *-)...................holding it up with one hand whilst trying to tighten my nuts with the other has never been so difficult 8-).....................


But hey......................... the sense of satisfaction afterwards...............lasted minutes :-D


Bit like sex then (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol)


Impressive ... you can hold Horace up with one hand ... Super Duper Dave!!!! :->

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Guest pelmetman
Mel B - 2012-10-13 9:59 PM


Impressive ... you can hold Horace up with one hand ... Super Duper Dave!!!! :->


I know Mel :$..........................I am frequently embarrassed by my own abilities :D

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pelmetman - 2012-10-13 9:25 PM


Admittedly I spent this afternoon under Horace screwing for all my worth :$..............delamination in the step area is an age thing *-).....................but I repaired it myself with..........A BIT OF THAT WOOD US BLOKES SAVE JUST IN CASE :-D.............well there's a first time for everything (lol) (lol) (lol)


Cost Zero as well................... ;-)


... it isn't just blokes who keep timber 'just in case' ... and bits of this and that, and t'other ... but unlike blokes, I have other stuff too ... like material, cotton, velcro etc ...


Just realised though Dave ... you've probably got that lot too!!!! :D (lol)

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pelmetman - 2012-10-13 9:25 PM


colin - 2012-10-13 9:15 PM


pelmetman - 2012-10-13 8:58 PM


colin - 2012-10-13 8:53 PM


Because you want one. ;-)


Reasons to change a motorhome? :D


Because you've got fed up of fixing the old one :D


Admittedly I spent this afternoon under Horace screwing for all my worth :$..............delamination in the step area is an age thing *-).....................but I repaired it myself with..........A BIT OF THAT WOOD US BLOKES SAVE JUST IN CASE :-D.............well there's a first time for everything (lol) (lol) (lol)


Cost Zero as well................... ;-)


Screwing under Horace with a woody 8-)


Anyway Horace is a youngster compared to my VeeDub

p.s. and compared to 6 of our other vehicles, there's only so much time a man can spend screwing.

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Guest pelmetman
Mel B - 2012-10-13 10:04 PM



... it isn't just blokes who keep timber 'just in case' ... and bits of this and that, and t'other ... but unlike blokes, I have other stuff too ... like material, cotton, velcro etc ...


Just realised though Dave ... you've probably got that lot too!!!! :D (lol)


Yep...............and very useful it is to ;-)..................just planning on doing a bit of DIY with our off cuts ;-).............to entice the buyers we're going open plan 8-)..............but I'm planning on a bit of decorum here, with some nice folding screens in Colfax & Fowler fabric instead of doors to the sun lounge ;-).............Coz we're dead posh :D......



Naturally it will cost me nuffink ;-)

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Guest pelmetman
colin - 2012-10-13 10:09 PM



Anyway Horace is a youngster compared to my VeeDub

p.s. and compared to 6 of our other vehicles, there's only so much time a man can spend screwing.


In my defence 8-)......................it was something I should of noticed earlier :$...................the step was getting a bit springy :-S..................but last week we noticed a definet lurch to the right 8-)......................I thought my nuts were lose, as I've suffered from lose nuts in the past...............so I reached under and felt them :$...................and they were nice and tight.........................but when we got home Tuesday decided to have a good look...........................shock horror 8-) 8-) 8-)...................my right nuts were fine, but the floor had cracked into two layers :-S


So now its been reinforced from below with "8 x 10" x 1" hardwood on both left & right sides plus I injected glue into the delaminated bit before waking it tight with a timber prop. plus a 9 mm piece of ply over the top and screwed through the the hardwood below ;-)


Tomorrow just got to sort out the new door step department *-).............



Make do & mend is in my genes :D

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Guest pelmetman
Mel B - 2012-10-13 10:39 PM




How come you'll pay good dosh to get Horace all tarted up but then go and bodge the step!!! (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol)


BODGED? 8-)..........Did you say Bodged?...............You have got to be joking Mel? :-S











I'll tell you tomorrow when I try the step :-S :$

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