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Reasons to Buy a motorhome?/Reasons to not buy a motorhome


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I had to laugh at the heading for a post so I want to add reasons not to buy a motorhome.


1) massive depreciation

2) Sh-t rip off dealers

3) S-it accessory fitters

4) Poor servicing and extortionate prices

5) Rip off site prices in the UK by our favorite clubs

6) Supermarkets rip off charges when you overstop your time whilst buying there rip off price goods


And if when you read this you still want to buy a motorhome you must be prepaired to get to know a good solicitor so you do not end up paying thousands of pounds in court costs.


You may say why do you own a motorhome then well It must be because I am blo-dy mad or am slowly going in to the relms of insanity.


BUT!!!!!! there must be some people out there that do have reasons to buy and love there motorhome.





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Guest JudgeMental
I avoid all this by only dealing with German/Belgian dealers. Good prices, excellent service and above all good PX, making a new van not such a financial headache....
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Guest pelmetman
If you think owning a motorhome is bad :D..................You want to try a boat ;-)................The description that likens it to standing in a cold shower tearing up £50 notes couldn't be more apt *-)
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I avoid all this by only dealing with German/Belgian dealers. Good prices, excellent service and above all good PX, making a new van not such a financial headache....


If you think owning a motorhome is bad ..................You want to try a boat ................The description that likens it to standing in a cold shower tearing up £50 notes couldn't be more apt


I dont think my heart could stand the stress of buying anything over £9.99 at the moment because everything seems to go wrong and I mean everything.

I think when I walk in to a store they think heyup here comes another mug that we can rip off!!.

My OH has taken the purse off me now and forbids me from buying anything O she trusted me to fetch a paper the other day and it had the center pages missing.

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Mickydripin - 2012-10-15 3:59 PM

she trusted me to fetch a paper the other day and it had the centre pages missing.


That was lucky - a bit less drivel to have to read Micky - every lining has a silver cloud!


I sometimes think the best way is to buy an older but well made and cared for van and cross each repair chasm as it arrives?


Easier to work on, very little depreciation, no dealer or maker warranty to faff about with, argue over or chase after and if you scratch or dent it a DIY or low cost local repair works very well.


So why didn't I do that - duh?



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Depreciation very low on our van.

Dealer works on low margins & still gives discount.

Fit my own accessories.

Servicing OK & cheap.

Don't use club sites apart from Forestry Commission ones that have a good discount.

Don't go in supermarkets that have time limits or charge for parking.


Oh, I did buy in Belgium :D not rip off Britian

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I read the OP again and it's actually a pretty good appraisal.

There are solutions, but I'm not sure how practicable they are if you aren't into self-building / tinkering, and overnighting off formal sites.

The lifestyle is now a relatively cheap one from my perspective but I absolutely get how it can just be exceptionally expensive, disappointing, and upsetting with a bad experience or two.
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Guest pelmetman
Caddies104 - 2012-10-16 8:37 AM


, we bought our first Motorhome new in 2006 for £26,900 (Suntor) and sold it last year for £23,000.


Sounds like a good deal, was that PX or a private sale?................ dealers offering such good deals should be praised ;-)


Still more depreciation than Horace though, which works out at less than 1k a year :D

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Guest pelmetman
maggyd - 2012-10-16 10:49 AM


OH AND ARENT YOU RIGHT MD :-S I could add a lot to this thread >:-( but Im hanging fire as we are waiting for the balloon to go up any time now!!!!!


Watch this space.



As the BROWN ballon goes up over the HILLS.?????


Oh heck Maggy :-S....................that sounds ominous 8-)

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OH AND ARENT YOU RIGHT MD I could add a lot to this thread but Im hanging fire as we are waiting for the balloon to go up any time now!!!!!


Watch this space.


maggyd I think a lot of people could add a lot to this thread and why dont they?.


Because like me and pehaps you in the past they keep there mouths shut and dont dare to say anything just to keep there dealer happy so that he might!! just do the warranty work that needs doing on there motorhome they string you along making promises but do nothing and still keep there reputation in tact.


But I have had enough of that and as from now I am going to name and shame the bad ones and praise the good ones and if the MMM moderaters do not like it they can shove there Mag where the sun does not shine

I buy there mag and pay there wages without us out there buying there mags they would not be in bussiness.



(Another rant over)



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pelmetman - 2012-10-16 8:44 AM


Caddies104 - 2012-10-16 8:37 AM


, we bought our first Motorhome new in 2006 for £26,900 (Suntor) and sold it last year for £23,000.


Sounds like a good deal, was that PX or a private sale?................ dealers offering such good deals should be praised ;-)


Still more depreciation than Horace though, which works out at less than 1k a year :D


Although it was part exchange, still a good deal off Brownhills... Lost £3900 after 5 years..and bought an AutoTrail..





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Guest JudgeMental
maggyd - 2012-10-16 10:49 AM


OH AND ARENT YOU RIGHT MD :-S I could add a lot to this thread >:-( but Im hanging fire as we are waiting for the balloon to go up any time now!!!!!


Watch this space.



As the BROWN ballon goes up over the HILLS.?????


Oh!......Cant wait! :D


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I'm happy to slag off dealers, manufacturers, converters; anyone really.

Always struck me as a singularly stupid and spineless thing to do not to put negative experiences into the public domain.

Never ceases to amaze me how people pay top dollar for crap, then whine about it whilst inexplicably protecting the companies / individuals that have rogered them.

Here's one: don't ever engage the services of Autotek Electronics of Dorset. They are incompetent, they are liars, and they cheat customers out of money. They refuse to pay county court judgements and still manage to trade in spite of numerous complaints to the wholly incompetent trading standards department of the local authority. 

Hey, that was two for one.

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OK, let's try to redress the balance. Here are some of the reasons why Sue and I love our motorhome:


1: Sense of adventure every time we step aboard.

2: Great deal offered on our previous MH by small independent dealer.

3: Good handover, followed by friendly efficient attention to a couple of minor faults found later (they'd already provided two new batteries and a replacement clutch as part of the deal). Sadly, they're no longer there.

4: Friendly, reasonably priced mechanical servicing and repairs at Riverside MoT, Melksham.

5: Friendly, reasonably priced habitation maintenance and repairs at Pickwick Caravans, Broughton Gifford.

6: The motorhome has been largely reliable and always great fun to drive and use.

7: Never felt I was being ripped off, but that the relatively low amounts I've needed to pay for the few faults have all been worthwhile. That excludes the £700+ that a failed rear wheel bearing cost to repair, but part of that was my fault for not spotting it earlier.

8: Overall, can't think of any other way of spending the same amount of money that would have given us half as much pleasure.

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OK, let's try to redress the balance. Here are some of the reasons why Sue and I love our motorhome


Hi Mikemoss,

I am not saying that I do not enjoy my motorhome AND WE like the sense of adventure when we are getting it ready for a trip and I feel like a king when I am at the wheel and getting on that ferry to who knows where.

BUT and that is a big BUT it has been soured so many times (and remember it was a new motorhome) by the dealer by assessory fitters and the neglect of my vehicle when it has been in there care with parts being stolen from it and bad workmanship and there denile that is was not done while in there possession.

These are the things that get my goat and then it happens time and time again.

I was sitting on my backside for over three years with the first motorhome just watching it on my drive and wondering if my house would be possesed to pay the solicitors,


When my van was finally changed for a new one I thought nothing will go wrong now we can just sail off into the sunset and enjoy ourselves, but guess what that did not happen I do not think anybody can blame me for being BLo-dy mad.






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We've had two new motorhomes a Rapido and now an AutoTrail. Both been great and very reliable. One dealer was not that great but we've got a very good one now. Depreciation has been low. We use ours about 120 days a year so it represents very good value. We nearly always use Caravan Club sites. Not that cheap but as they say you do get what you pay for and you can rely on them. For that mater some commercial sites look cheaper but when one looks into the details they often work out more expensive. Now where was I I've just had to break off to deal with a ruddy great spider that had my wife trapped. Yes that's it we love the life style, the freedom, sense of adventure and waking up and exploring so many different locations.


Try looking on the bright side it makes life so much more enjoyable and as far as I can ascertain we only get one go at it.

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pelmetman - 2012-10-15 3:11 PM


If you think owning a motorhome is bad :D..................You want to try a boat ;-)................The description that likens it to standing in a cold shower tearing up £50 notes couldn't be more apt *-)

That's simply not true Dave. mine's 22 Yrs old and still worth not too far off what I paid for it. You can't say that about motorhomes.
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pelmetman - 2012-10-16 8:44 AM


Caddies104 - 2012-10-16 8:37 AM


, we bought our first Motorhome new in 2006 for £26,900 (Suntor) and sold it last year for £23,000.


Sounds like a good deal, was that PX or a private sale?................ dealers offering such good deals should be praised ;-)


Still more depreciation than Horace though, which works out at less than 1k a year :D

1K a year depreciation how long have you had it?
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