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Problem with Scorpion Alarm


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Not sure if anyone can help me on this, will probably have to contact Scorpion? I have a Scorpion alarm that came fitted with the motorhome but is not covered by the warrenty we took out as it was an additional extra fitted by the last owner. It comes with an imobaliser that works, you just have to push a small connector till it bleeps twice and then you can start the engine. The alarm also comes with two small pads that have two buttons on, I assume one for arm and one for dissarm?? When we lock the motorhome cab up, after a few minutes both indicators flash and beep to let you know it is armed. The small key pads with the on off buttons don't do a thing, one makes a small light flash on the little pad itself, the other one does nothing at all. When we first went into the motorhome when viewing, we opened the habitation side door and the alarm went off, but now you can open the door and walk around freely and nothing happens. Under normal operation, instead of having to push the little dabber (technical word) onto the connection on the dash everytime I want to start, should I just arm and disarm with the key pad and away we go. Bet all that is as clear as mud !! Not sure how to test the alarm, to make sure its not me that is doing something wrong?? As always any help appreciated, I am trying to sort it before we head off to france in a weeks time Cheers Kevandali
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Hi Kevandali I have the same problem with a Serpi Star alarm/immobiliser, and got some help from this site http://abacuscaralarms.co.uk/members/forums/index.php?&&CODE=00 Register and ask your question someone will know. Also try the Scorpion website http://www.scorpionauto.com/ Best of luck. Regards
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People tell me not to presume anything the two buttons on the fob are one for arming and disarming (left) Right one for isolating the interior sensors thats probably why you can walk in the van now. this is pressed within 40 seconds of the left one to isolate if you dont want to isolate dont press it. The sensor on the dash is there if the fobs dont work and to set up a fob when you change a battery. I know this because i didnt read the instructions and drove off with the alarm sounding. I have the full instructions if you want them give me a mail on spartan3956@hotmail.com i would be glad to send you a copy. They are quite comprehensive Pete
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