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Guest pelmetman
the fat controller - 2012-10-26 10:41 PM


It depends what time of year you will be heading home, I am currently in the Ebro valley around half an hour away from Vinaros and its around 22deg . The high land heading up to Zaragosa is usually around 5-10 deg lower.


22 to 12 degrees your be alright, very little risk of snow ;-)

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We went that way earlier this year in January. Its not a bad road , mainly single carriageway all the way, some of which is through the mountains bt not very high. It can get a bit narrow in some places but nothing to worry about. I would advise you to ensure you have plenty of fuel before leaving Zaragosa as We did not see a single filling station on the way, there was also very little traffic so although not the fastest of roads to drive it was a fairly easy drive. Pretty scenery for the co driver to look at as well.


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We have used the N232 and it has been improved recently - not a bad run.

Although not a direct answer to your question the following route may be of some use and although about 25 mile longer is much more relaxing and takes about the same time to Zaragosa.

Depends on the time of year that you intend to travel, we used the Vielha tunnel Via LLerida on the way down this year and its a pretty good road but very windy in places. We have used it up to mid November and it was snow free.

This year 1 week ago we fancied a change and we travelled home as follows:-

Vinaros N340, Tortosa C12 to Maials (just before Llerida/Lleida) then left on the C45 to Fraga and N11 to Zaragosa. From Zaragosa to Tudela, Pamplona, N121a to Hendaye, Bayonne then free M-way to Bordeau, Angouleme, Potiers, le-Mans ( drive on part of the 24Hr race circuit) Alencon then Rouen and finally Calais. Not used a pay motorway all the way although it was a bit slow going around Hendaye Biarritz etc, so may consider paying to miss these towns next time.

I believe the way home route if one that is favoured by people travelling in the winter months. Other than of course the Bilbao/Santander travelling folks.



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Been on the road since end August and returning from here, Benicassim, mid December. just checked prices for bilbo/Portsmouth and was pleasantly surprised - $379 including cabin for 7m motorhome for 10th December, so booked it with CC. saves a lot of driving in crummy weather.
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