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Two-tier road pricing is it April 1st already!!!!!!

Chausson le mor

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All drivers would pay a charge allowing them to use local roads and A-roads. But then those wanting to travel on motorways and major A-roads would fork out again.


The latest hair brain scheme to get us the gulable masses pay even more taxes!!!


After paying a fortune in tax and the fact the road fund duty does not pay for roads but goes into govt coffers is the latest get rich scheme when will people say enough is enough?



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Listen, since the MP's expenses scandal the actual expenses paid to them have actually gone up, couple this with a reduction in tax paid due to the recession, where do you think the'll get the money from that keeps them in the lap of luxury.
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Guest pelmetman
Oh goody that should help extend the recession *-)..............and another good reason for crossing the ditch in the camper ;-)
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Why not just get truck drivers from the Continent to pay their fare share. Truck goes abroad to France they pay.

Most of these trucks come over here with 1500 litre tanks and some with trailer belly tanks and never have to buy fuel here.

Never mind, it is a lot easier to hammer the UK driver :-D

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Not a problem in Mid Wales, we don't even have a dual-carriageway and I pay the same road tax!!!!!!!!!

Still I suppose being retired I should be grateful it keeps industry out and reduces tourist on the road making more room for windfarm convoys. :-|


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How stupid do you have to be to a government bean counter.


Motorways and dual carrigeways are the safest and most economical roads by a considerable margin. Push more traffic onto unimproved routes and while the take from fuel duty goes up so does pollution and the cash going abroad to the oil producing countries. Then the cost of dealing with the increased collisions and resulting injuries and death soars.


I rest my case mlud.

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Hawcara - 2012-10-29 8:15 AM


Why not just get truck drivers from the Continent to pay their fare share. Truck goes abroad to France they pay.

Most of these trucks come over here with 1500 litre tanks and some with trailer belly tanks and never have to buy fuel here.

Never mind, it is a lot easier to hammer the UK driver :-D


They have already annonced that this is supposed to happen before the end of this Parliment.



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I was recently informed that that scheme had been shelved as the EU had sort of blocked it.

This also means trucks will pay more and prices go up. The Government only have to look at the M6 toll to see why the M6 is blocked at spaghetti a lot of the time. :-S

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This is on its way of that there is no doubt. EU inspired of course and is the main reason for the launch of all those Galileo satellites (with dodgy funding). Forget ANPR this will be a black box fitted to the car which beams its location to roadside boxes and you will be billed automatically on passing. Don't think the UK get to keep the money though as this is purely an EU revenue stream which will bypass all those annual tacky little contribution debates. You will read various puff from the DoT which is smoke and mirrors designed to soften us all up for the next few years but the whole thing is an EU competance and it will go ahead.
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Hawcara - 2012-10-29 1:09 PM


I was recently informed that that scheme had been shelved as the EU had sort of blocked it.

This also means trucks will pay more and prices go up. The Government only have to look at the M6 toll to see why the M6 is blocked at spaghetti a lot of the time. :-S



The M6 toll road is an expensive farce, The original M6 was built too close to the centre of Birmingham,

hence the terrible pollution around that area, let alone the massive traffic hold ups. While the 'Toll M6' stands almost empty (and always will do !). Nationlise it, and open it Toll Free. Then see the pollution ease and traffic start flowing again.

Road Charging is NOT the answer, and will be strongly resisted by already overtaxed motorists.

Black box in car ; shield it with tinfoil, ANPR; deface numberplate. they will have to put 'Actual live policemen' back on the roads, relying too much on technology and outdated databases does not work.. as for our existing roads, our 'Road Tax' and petrol duty paid over the years has paid for them many many times over, we don't need to pay for them again to a 'Private company'. Ray

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Hawcara - 2012-10-29 8:15 AM


Why not just get truck drivers from the Continent to pay their fare share. Truck goes abroad to France they pay.

Most of these trucks come over here with 1500 litre tanks and some with trailer belly tanks and never have to buy fuel here.

Never mind, it is a lot easier to hammer the UK driver :-D


One of the founding principles of the EU is that countries cannot charge other member countries any different to that which they charge there own citizens ie French truck drivers get charged the same amount to use the French motorways as do UK/German/Spainish/etc truck drivers.


With a few exceptions, motorways and roads in the UK are toll free for UK drivers therefore they are toll free for any EU citizen.


I think the scheme the government are looking at involves some sort of toll system for UK truckers (with a reduction in their road tax). If and when that comes in then every non UK truck can be charged for using our road system.

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While I agree I would not like it, do not overlook the fact that many EU countries charge for motorway use already, either through a direct toll or a vignette system. Now whether they pay an equivalent road tax as well is where I suspect things will get down and dirty. Knowing our lot they will want to keep both, with a sweetener that road tax will be reduced FOR A FEW YEARS, and then of course will rise again. Do we trust them??? Of course not.
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Hello everyone, I have read these responses with interest, it would seem from my paper, that government revenue has fallen as greater numbers of drivers are favouring lower tax rated m/vehicles. Great for the environment, but I live in a part of the world where I only have an extremely limited number of buses daily (3) and after 1800hrs, nothing.

There is no alternative class road I can use to exit my locality but the A38, which itself has been chopped up after Plymouth and one is forced to stay on a dual carriage way until Exeter, and then the choice is either a m/way or or A class roads A30 etc.

If there were viable alternatives I would use them, but we all do not live nrear a metroploitan centre served by a variety of qulity roads and/or alternatives. This is the thin end of the wedge and we should all resist these increases in taxation as much as we can, unless they are fair and egalitarian in the application.

Most have another Bye for now Bob






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George Collings - 2012-10-29 10:55 AMHow stupid do you have to be to a government bean counter...

A little less stupid than actually being an MP. You get to do what you like but get some naive gobsh*te to take the flack.

I suppose more money has to be raised somehow in order to waste it at the fantastic rate it's wasted.
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Mike Parke - 2012-10-29 7:32 PM


Is that true or merely true that it's a rumour?? (The road pricing bit)


Suggestions involving UK 'road pricing' are nothing new. I don't know what provoked the original posting, but these are a couple of recent-ish references:






Radically reforming the present motoring-related taxation system based on Vehicle Excise Duty and fuel -tax would be a challenging proposition for any UK government, with a very unpleasant potential backlash if the 'plebs' really take umbrage. (Remember the Poll Tax?)

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Hawcara - 2012-10-29 1:09 PM


I was recently informed that that scheme had been shelved as the EU had sort of blocked it.

This also means trucks will pay more and prices go up. The Government only have to look at the M6 toll to see why the M6 is blocked at spaghetti a lot of the time. :-S


Not sure that is so as the bill has its second reading in the Commons on Tuesday 6th November2012 and is proposed to be introduced from April 2014.

My understanding is the objections put up by the EU were circumvented by introducing it for all HGV over 12 tonnes including UK vehicles. Uk vehicles are however having their VED reduced in line.



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