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2013 Premier Parks revealed!


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pepe63 - 2012-11-09 8:52 AM




Tracker..We know you say you don't do UK sites or Clubs...because you never seem to tire of telling us ... *-)

You also never seem to tire of having a snidey,condescending dig at those that for what ever reason, do occasionally use UK sites.. Why is that exactly?....in fact why would you bother posting on a thread about 'sites anyway?..as their use,would be clearly beneath you....







This year I carried out a survey of peoples reasons for preferring to use campsites.


I asked which of the following alternatives most closely matched their preference:


A) I prefer using campsites as I can afford it and they give me a better sense of security.


B) I prefer using campsites as I like to meet other tourers and swap stories with them.


C) I prefer using campsites as it guarantees that I won't meet Tracker



98 percent answered " C "




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Oh dear Pepe I do seem to have rattled your cage and awoken the sleeping stirrer again don't I!


You will note that I speak in general terms and I never specifically criticise anyone's methods of camping - but I do so love to drop a lure in front of passing campers from time to time to see what pops out from the deep - and you just did!


I too would have no objection to using a site in the sun for a month at the sort of prices that seem available down South but to pay rip off UK prices for a site in the soggy UK really is taking the proverbial precipitation - something I feel that is not unique to me.



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It is quite true that you do meet a different type of camper on a site - always assuming that they venture outside forsaking their twirling sat dishes for long enough to actually speak to another person!


As I recall from years ago, the posher the site the less friendly and outgoing were the inmates which seems a good enough reason to use aires where people do still talk to each other and swap yarns - albeit not as much as they used to it must be said as the world moves away from face to face live communication and charges headlong towards communicating only by electronic means.


I look forward to talking to the independent 2% who don't feel obliged to follow all the other sheep into their nightly pens!!

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Tracker - 2012-11-09 11:10 AM


It is quite true that you do meet a different type of camper on a site - always assuming that they venture outside forsaking their twirling sat dishes for long enough to actually speak to another person!



(lol) ...you can't really be expecting 'em to risk missing out on their fix of "Corrie"/'stenders/'Strictly can you..?? (lol) ...


...just sitting in and watching the tele,whilst we're away,certainly isn't our cup of tea either..but "those" who do choose to gain their pleasure that way,are free to do so..


It's their money that's paying the pitch fees and the Clubs subs,not ours'....

(.."subs",which by the way,would also go towards administering the network of CLs/CSs,which I believe some "Wildcampers" admit to making use of.... ;-) )


Not for one minute saying that their locations may not be more "exotic"...but I can'treally see how parking on an designated "Aire",with a ruck of other motorhomes,is any less "sheep-like" than parking next to 'em on a "campsite"...? :-S

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Tracker - 2012-11-09 12:10 PM


It is quite true that you do meet a different type of camper on a site - always assuming that they venture outside forsaking their twirling sat dishes for long enough to actually speak to another person!


As I recall from years ago, the posher the site the less friendly and outgoing were the inmates which seems a good enough reason to use aires where people do still talk to each other and swap yarns - albeit not as much as they used to it must be said as the world moves away from face to face live communication and charges headlong towards communicating only by electronic means.


I look forward to talking to the independent 2% who don't feel obliged to follow all the other sheep into their nightly pens!!





I'm with you on this one Rich - but each to their own of course.



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pelmetman - 2012-11-08 7:18 PM


Colin Leake - 2012-11-08 7:06 PM


32 nights at one location! No thanks we like to move about a bit and explore new locations all the time.


Horses for courses Colin ;-) ..............Our touring habits vary throughout the year, but in January its veg out time for a bit of winter sun B-)............


It'll be the first time we've ever spent a month in one place though, but we had 3 weeks in Calpe this January and enjoyed it very much :D


Point taken. We don't take the motorhome out in the winter. We use that time to catch up on the chores we have left (this time it's building a toilet in the garden so we don't need to keep trudging into the house every time we need a wee - a need that is becoming more frequent as we age) and visiting out children and their families who are always complaining they never see us in the Spring, Summer and Autum.

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Ah, the great debate! Aires, vs CLs/CSs, vs sites, vs wild camping, vs free camping. Different costs, different preferences, different expectations, different tolerances.


There is an incomprehensibly broad choice of vans on the market. Vans that some folk love, others couldn't bear to live with. Coachbuilts, vs PVCs, vs A classes, just for a start. Then there are layout differences, and size differences. Being so different in our choice of van will surely also have implications for where we prefer to stay? Why do we squabble over it? I think it is because those who do other than we do, make us nervous. We possibly feel criticised by their choices, and a little insecure in our own. So we become defencive, and then mildly aggressive. Funny lot, aren't we? :-)


What amuses me most about many other motorhomers is how much time and effort they expend trying to get their satellite dishes lined up, and how often this is the first thing they do on arrival. Doesn't seem to matter where they stop, aire or site, round and round goes the dish, trying to find a gap big enough for the signal. Then, of course, the van must be moved to a better place. I assume there must be something uplifting about watching the same programmes in a different place each night. The place itself seems purely incidental, leaving me wondering why they are there at all. However, it is clearly very important for them, and they doubtless sit and ponder how on earth we survive with no telly!


The only time I get niggled is when they use one of those dreadful little sat finder things that give off a high pitched screech until it gets a signal, which of course it often doesn't. That gets really irritating after about ten minutes, and can go on for well over 20. Eventually the penny drops, and then they move to annoy someone else. Truly, we are a funny lot! :-D

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Brian Kirby - 2012-11-09 7:58 PM


Ah, the great debate! Aires, vs CLs/CSs, vs sites, vs wild camping, vs free camping. Different costs, different preferences, different expectations, different tolerances.


There is an incomprehensibly broad choice of vans on the market. Vans that some folk love, others couldn't bear to live with. Coachbuilts, vs PVCs, vs A classes, just for a start. Then there are layout differences, and size differences. Being so different in our choice of van will surely also have implications for where we prefer to stay? Why do we squabble over it? I think it is because those who do other than we do, make us nervous. We possibly feel criticised by their choices, and a little insecure in our own. So we become defencive, and then mildly aggressive. Funny lot, aren't we? :-)


What amuses me most about many other motorhomers is how much time and effort they expend trying to get their satellite dishes lined up, and how often this is the first thing they do on arrival. Doesn't seem to matter where they stop, aire or site, round and round goes the dish, trying to find a gap big enough for the signal. Then, of course, the van must be moved to a better place. I assume there must be something uplifting about watching the same programmes in a different place each night. The place itself seems purely incidental, leaving me wondering why they are there at all. However, it is clearly very important for them, and they doubtless sit and ponder how on earth we survive with no telly!


The only time I get niggled is when they use one of those dreadful little sat finder things that give off a high pitched screech until it gets a signal, which of course it often doesn't. That gets really irritating after about ten minutes, and can go on for well over 20. Eventually the penny drops, and then they move to annoy someone else. Truly, we are a funny lot! :-D


Ah! The jaundiced eye of the veteran motorhomer.


Actually you have covered the only part of being on a site that I enjoy. The rest of the time I was worried sick in case I was not lined up on the marker peg accurately, or even worse, parked the wrong way round. We used to sleep badly, just waiting for the Warder, er I mean Warden's knock in the middle of the night.


BTW, Sods Law dictates that if there is nobody about, you can line up your dish in seconds. With an audience, it's an hours work. *-)

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747 - 2012-11-09 8:07 PM


....I was worried sick in case I was not lined up on the marker peg accurately, or even worse, parked the wrong way round....


(lol) ...Oh no! ..please don't say that you were fool hardy enough to EVER think of parking the "wrong" way around... ?? ... That does tend to get 'em in a bit of a flap! ... (lol)

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Yes it must, and should be, each to their own. Sure many of you would not enjoy our November trip on the aires of France. Now on aire at Mortagne-sur-Gironde; it is raining very hard and most of the places are a mud heap! We have managed to find a firm spot but to do so means we are really close in between two French vans (yes how a lot of you would hate that!). But we have power (needed to use two long leads to reach a free point), free wi-fi (thanks to town) and sat t.v. (no it does not take hours as is an automatic dome). So we have all mod cons would have at home plus view of marina. On top of that when weather brightens (forcast for next few days is sunny if chilly) will be able to enjoy some really good walks. Even if forecast wrong view still good and meal booked for Sunday lunch at resturant other side of port will still be excellent (have been before) plus local wine up to usual standard. Could we do similar on premier parks? Well some but not same view and certainly not in village with same ambience. Cost wise here is 7.4€/night but clearly add in travel costs and £30/night on these premier things over 3 weeks will be similar. So some may prefer the latter but give us the aires any day!
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Guest pelmetman
pepe63 - 2012-11-09 8:49 PM


747 - 2012-11-09 8:07 PM


....I was worried sick in case I was not lined up on the marker peg accurately, or even worse, parked the wrong way round....


(lol) ...Oh no! ..please don't say that you were fool hardy enough to EVER think of parking the "wrong" way around... ?? ... That does tend to get 'em in a bit of a flap! ... (lol)


Couple of years ago I got taken to task by the warden for parking the wrong way round *-).................I like to pitch in order to get the evening sun ;-)....................When I asked why I had to turn around? he said so that our habitation door was not opposite the neigbours ...............So I turned round as "Ordered" *-).............and who rocks up to the last pitch on the site next to us (?)


A European built van *-)................Won't be a problem again, as after 20 years I'm no longer a member of that club ;-)

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Tracker - 2012-11-10 5:20 PM


Well Robert & Jean I would rather be where you are now than on an equally desolate site in the UK - enjoy - whilst the rest of us - or at least those of us who will admit to it - only dream on!


Spot on Tracker. Since last post on Sat. promised better weather arrived and have now had 4 days almost unbroken sunshine, with at least a couple more to come. Warmed up as well now in mid/high teens and sending this sat outside overlooking marina in t-shirt and light weight trousers. Doubt if possible today on the old Premier Parks! Seriously this is second year we have been in this part of France in mid November and weather has been good and not too far to drive down even if only got 2/3 weeks available. Another great plus is that most shops etc not yet into Christmas, unlike U.K. where it started in August!!

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