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Tethering A Laptop.


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JudgeMental - 2012-11-07 4:30 PM


Wooie - 2012-11-07 4:13 PM


JudgeMental - 2012-11-07 4:01 PM


Tracker - 2012-11-07 3:49 PM


JudgeMental - 2012-11-07 3:11 PM


Tracker - 2012-11-07 2:37 PM


JudgeMental - 2012-11-07 2:15 PM


does anyone know where I left my toothbrush...any ideas?


If you are walking with a funny gait perhaps it is stuck somewhere where the sun don't shine - and no I don't mean Huddersfield!


Noooo that is the first place I looked...I have searched on toothbrush forums...


Ah that's where you are going wrong - try searching on forums for wig wearers as it might have slipped under someone's syrup whilst they were using a shoe brush to brush up their wifi knowledge and not concentrating enough on keeping their head under their hair!!


Ah Ha! found the wig forum..see that you are a member, must be a vanity/age thing....nothing on toothbrushes though....anyone?


Here you go Judge...............Enjoy.






GEE thanks! A new toothbrush not the end of the world financially I guess......if it dont turn up in the next week or 2 I will venture out and buy a new one!! :-)


Maybe its in the vacuum cleaner...can anyone help me find that! :-S











Next ?

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Guest JudgeMental
Wooie - 2012-11-07 4:54 PM


Can`t do any more for a while, they`ve come to take me back to my cell !


and it`s time for my medication................night night .


Err.... its only 5pm


and you have really done it now! mentioning and advertising that awful manufacturer. If you buy one you are a traitor! and supporting the manufacturing destruction of the UK economy..watch where your toothbrushes come from also! *-)

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Very interesting posts - if confusing. Excuse me, i thought the purpose of a motorhome was to get away from the madding crowd - i shall stick with my PAYG phone for just letting family know i have'nt died and telling everyone not to ring me as the phone is off. If the house has burnt down - just put some water on it!


I have just bought a Tablet to play with though!!!???XXX


Bobbykins & ere *-)

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dougal - 2012-11-10 10:33 AM


Very interesting posts - if confusing. Excuse me, i thought the purpose of a motorhome was to get away from the madding crowd - i shall stick with my PAYG phone for just letting family know i have'nt died and telling everyone not to ring me as the phone is off. If the house has burnt down - just put some water on it!


I have just bought a Tablet to play with though!!!???XXX


Bobbykins & ere *-)






Hi Bobby,


Yes it did get a little silly towards the end but if you can`t have a laugh every now

and then it`s time to give up...................LOL.


The main reason we need to " Keep In Touch " with the" Big Bad World " is that the

wife has a little business that she runs from home and it means we can keep it

going whilst away in the van.


She needs to get on her " Website " and " Paypal " etc. so as she can print off the

receipts and the necessary paperwork, then we can post the items whilst out and



We had been " Connecting Up " via the Pre-pay dongle we have and the free Wi-fi

we have access to.


I have recently re-newed my phone contract and got a load of data thrown in and

wanted to know the best way to utilise this.


I`d heard of " Tethering " before and wanted some " First Hand Experience "

( I shall await your comment Rich ).....LOL .....from people that had " Tethered "

in a similar situation.


We`ve now had chance to " Do it on the open road " ( still waiting Rich ) and it works

a treat, very quick and easy to set up and i now have a comparison between

the Dongle and Tethering the phone.


Connecting to the web via Tethering the phone and using the Dongle are very

different and Tethering is a " Lot Lot " quicker than the Dongle, that could be

because the Dongle is 5 years old now and the phone is brand new.


One thing i will have to keep an eye on is " Data Use " as it seemed to use

more than i thought it would for the time we was on the Web.


I have a " Data Monitor " on the phone and will keep an eye on it.








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The main reason that tethering between a phone and a laptop can seem to surprisingly eat into the phone's data allowance, is that the much bigger display of the laptop necessarily uses up an awful lot more data.


Abroad recently, I was able to check my Vodafone data allowance each day and noticed a far greater data usage with the iPad tethered, but at the time it escaped me as to why that should be, given that I was browsing the same sites.


So, back home, I compared normal internet access via the Samsung Galaxy in question with the iPad tethered to the same phone. To clarify, one test was performed with just the phone, then immediately after I accessed the same web pages with the phone tethered to the iPad.


I had to wait a day or so before the data usage came through on my Vodafone account, but when it did I was very surprised to find that the iPad used around four times more data for the same web pages as the phone did. I simply didn't get it, so I trawled the internet for the reason, then slapped something or other at the sheer obviousness of it all.


The display of the phone is a lot less than a laptop or tablet, so there's a lot more data to use up in displaying the same web pages on a bigger screen.



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Tracker - 2012-11-10 11:21 AM


dougal - 2012-11-10 10:33 AM


I have just bought a Tablet to play with though!!!???XXX



You mean like one of these?








Hi Rich,


That`s not far from me, but i think you`d be better sucking on one of these :-







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Shaun - 2012-11-10 4:01 PM


The main reason that tethering between a phone and a laptop can seem to surprisingly eat into the phone's data allowance, is that the much bigger display of the laptop necessarily uses up an awful lot more data.


Abroad recently, I was able to check my Vodafone data allowance each day and noticed a far greater data usage with the iPad tethered, but at the time it escaped me as to why that should be, given that I was browsing the same sites.


So, back home, I compared normal internet access via the Samsung Galaxy in question with the iPad tethered to the same phone. To clarify, one test was performed with just the phone, then immediately after I accessed the same web pages with the phone tethered to the iPad.


I had to wait a day or so before the data usage came through on my Vodafone account, but when it did I was very surprised to find that the iPad used around four times more data for the same web pages as the phone did. I simply didn't get it, so I trawled the internet for the reason, then slapped something or other at the sheer obviousness of it all.


The display of the phone is a lot less than a laptop or tablet, so there's a lot more data to use up in displaying the same web pages on a bigger screen.







Hi Shaun.


I know that " Mobile " web sites use a lot less data with a simplified version of the site.


Do you know if it`s possible to connect to the " Mobile " version of a site whilst

tethering a laptop ?


Or will that not make any difference ?

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Mobile websites tend to be based on an auto-detect feature, which will automatically transfer the user to the mobile version, or at least offer the option to divert.


It's odd with iPads, as they're a halfway house. Some sites see them as mobile devices and automatically divert the user to the less-demanding version - or at least offer to do so, whilst others just see them as normal computers.


Laptops, however, are generally considered normal computers (which is reasonable given that screens can be very large), so it's unlikely the user would get the mobile choice at the point of accessing a site.


If you try to access a mobile site from a non-mobile device, it seems you're automatically ushered to the standard website, so it may be difficult to quickly get to the mobile alternative with a laptop. The thinking behind this is that those with mobile devices generally won't have the internet bandwidth that laptop users have, so it's important to differentiate between the two.


Website development isn't concerned about laptop (or desktop PC) users wanting to limit data usage, so efforts are directed to mobile devices which clearly have a need to do so.



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OK, thanks Shaun.


It was worth a try as i thought it was the phone that was connecting to the site and then

relaying that to the laptop.


I`ll keep an eye on the data usage, we will only do the minimum necessary when tethering

and wait until are in range of the free BT Wi-fi that is becoming more wide spread.


Once again Thank You.





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JudgeMental - 2012-11-11 9:25 AM


Maybe worth checking if your contract allows tethering. Some do, some don't .




Hi Judge,


I`ve already spoke to Vodafone about it when i was renewing my contract.


I told them the reason i wanted the extra data was because i would be

" Tethering " a laptop and they said that`s fine and the only thing i had to

do was to make sure that the " Phone " would tether otherwise i would

need a new phone.

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Ah, Vodafone, Graham. You may know they changed their European roaming arrangements this year, which made some users of their previous setup mad as hell, but others giving a thumbs up. From the tethering perspective I was one of the latter, and long may it continue.


For three quid a day I could use my UK phone and data contract, which was just about enough for the time I was away. Regardless of tethering implications, this in itself allowed my love-struck teenage daughter to phone her boyfriend back home, and not have to keep clock-watching. If I rightly recall, the mobile phone contract concerned had brain-frying amounts of inclusive minutes.


On the downside, the more extensive data use when tethering an iPad and a laptop to the phone, meant that the meagre 500 MB of data in the phone contract was OK for just a few days. It also meant we had to be more careful about websites - so no YouTube videos, for example.


So this recent experience has made me consider more than usual the next mobile contract I take on. I have no particular affinity with Vodafone, but as of now they don't mind tethering at all and they have a decent European traveller arrangement, whereas all the other service providers aren't even trying to compete. Yes, with Orange, T-Mobile, O2, etc, you can buy bundles of minutes/data/texts, but it's still expensive and it's difficult to see how much is being used. Vodafone's approach, by comparison, puts you in charge by allowing you to use your own familiar UK contract for three quid a day. Granted, if you send just one text you have to pay that daily £3, but it's really aimed at those who will make far better use of the facility than that.


So here I am now not normally giving a monkey's about data use on the phone all year round, but then for a couple of weeks a year, whilst in Europe, that data allowance suddenly becomes a big deal if tethering a laptop, etc. So, the question I'm still working on is whether it's worth paying the extra for a phone contract with a decent data allowance, which will be rarely used most of the year, but then a couple of weeks abroad beckons, at which point that largely redundant data allowance kicks in big time and I could save a lot.


I own up to this having become something of a mission, because when I used my Three broadband dongle a year ago, I ran up a ridiculous £10 bill in a matter of minutes when I first crossed into France. So this year I was keen to avoid the painful experience, hence my using Vodafone's reasonable alternative. I've done all the MacDonald's free wi-fi stuff, which is fine if you can arrange your whereabouts to suit, but away from city centres, free wi-fi isn't exactly in abundance.


The other thing that's worth mentioning for tethering, is the mobile phone signal itself, and of course everyone will have different experiences. For me and my fellow travellers in France, Three's signal was non-existent most of the time. By comparison, using the phones which were available to us, Orange and Vodafone were reliably good.


So, from the tethering perspective, the phone, its signal whilst abroad and the roaming arrangement with the UK service provider, are very much in the driving seat. The tethered device is by comparison a very large hitchhiker which cares nothing for your mobile phone data allowance.





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I have Vodafone data traveller here in Spain and I make all of my 'social' calls on one day a week. So I get half a dozen calls for £3, 4 times a month which adds £12 to my cheap sim-only contract

We also have unlimited WiFi at £25 per mth at this site whereby we share a login over 2 devices. Pretty competitive, I reckon.

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In the UK I am on O2 for the phone and 3 for wifi via a Mifi connection. When abroad I receive free SMS but have to pay 50p charge for each call made or received. However, I believe O2 charge £1.99 per day now for wifi so I intend to try tethering in future. I made a mistake and bought an Orange dongle (have received two and neither work with my laptop so have put SIM in an unlocked phone) with very small data allowance for which I pay €5 a month on 12 mth contract. I intend to cancel this after 12 mths as waste of money. I got through the allowance within a few hours!!


Edit: I forgot to say that for 50p per call I can use my UK phone allowance minutes which appears to be good value.

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