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Remis Blinds


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Has anyone had problems with these blinds? Ours appear to have mould covering the surface. I seem to recall reading somewhere that this problem was caused during the manufacturing process. I would be greatful to hear from anyone who has had the same experience and how it was solved, if at all. Audrey
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We had the same problem on our Autotrail. Our blind was replaced by our dealer with no hassle at all. Remis have acknowledged that there was a manufacturing problem so you should have no trouble getting it replaced. Lilbunny.
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[QUOTE]AUD SHAW - 2006-07-10 8:30 PM Has anyone had problems with these blinds? Ours appear to have mould covering the surface. I seem to recall reading somewhere that this problem was caused during the manufacturing process. I would be greatful to hear from anyone who has had the same experience and how it was solved, if at all. Audrey[/QUOTE]

Remis accepted full liability for a batch of blinds made from a dud batch of the fabric.  Your supplier should, by now, be aware of the fault and that he will be compensated by Remis for the replacements he will need to provide you with.  Do as Derek suggests, and search back for Remis or Remifront/Remisfront.  All details are there.

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All the concertina window-, cab- and roof-blinds on my 2005 Hobby are Remis-manufactured. Some of them (particularly the cab-blinds) are more 'speckled' then others, but I can't recall whether the pattern has emerged with time or was there to begin with. Rather like Mel E, as long as the pattern is regular I don't find it offensive. The effect on the 40cm x 40cm rooflight-blind above our Hobby's rear bed is quite different, where an irregular mark has appeared (exactly like a patch of mould). While the Hobby's window- and cab-blinds would be simple to replace, the rooflight-blind is more complicated. Although the 'dirty' mark doesn't thrill me I know that a leaking rooflight would delight me far less, so I've chosen to leave it in peace. I also realised recently that, when viewed from outside the motorhome, the Remis blind on one of the Hobby's 4 windows differs visually from the remaining 3 regarding the plastic reinforcing pieces through which the vertical guide-cords run. Three windows have transparent reinforcements while the 4th has black ones. Looks a mite odd once you notice but hardly something to throw a fit over. Incidentally, the Hobby's window-blinds are of the cheaper 'open bottom' type (rather than fully cassetted) and have benefited from adjustment of the side pieces to improve the sliding action. Although all the window-blinds had worked OK when I took delivery of the vehicle, some were quite stiff. It needs saying that the sort of careful adjustment that a DIYer has the time to carry out isn't always possible on a factory production line. The blind on the Remis 50cm x 50cm roof-light has a distinct reluctance to concertina back cleanly, especially if it's left in the 'pulled-across' position for any length of time. As this happens at the same point in the blind-material on each occasion the problem may be peculiar to my blind. Then again it might not!
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When Remis explained the defect they said that the fabric incorporates an aluminium foil layer.  To prevent oxidation of the aluminium sealing layers are applied to this foil.  In the defective batch of fabric one of these sealing layers had been omitted during manufacture, leaving the aly foil inadequately protected behind the innermost layer of the sandwich and thus prone to oxidation.  I was given to understand that the oxidation of the foil is inevitable and will progress until, in time, the whole inner surface of the foil turns black.  The white inner layer is a sort of perforated synthetic felt (very thin, get a magnifying glass and have a really close look).  The oxidised aly will be visible through this layer and it is that "filter" that gives the impression of mildew.  I think the prognosis for all your blinds that are showing discolouration at present is that they will all turn virtually black.  I suppose it must be possible that with such a thin foil, the oxidation will eventually result in some de-lamination, or holes forming.  I'd therefore say, get them done.

We had the rooflight blinds replaced as well as the cab set.  What Remis actually did was to provide replacement rooflight inner frames complete with blackout and flyscreen blinds.  If yours are the same as ours, there are eight screws behind concealing plugs in the frame.  You remove the plugs, then the screws, then the inner frame, fit the new inner frame and put all the screws etc back.  Actually, very easy.

You may find Remis easier to approach than Hobby.  Go to the Remis website and look for the link to Remis UK.  Then e-mail them and I think you'll get a constructive respones.  If not give me a yell, and I'll provide the details I'm not supposed to publicise.


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