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Wind noise from Heki

Guest machra

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Guest machra
Has anyone experienced wind noise from their Heki and if so how did you stop it? I have a Symbol fitted with a wind up Heki (Heki 3 delux?) It has started to make an awful din while travelling. I cleaned the perspex and the sealing rubber and the noise stopped for a couple of days but it’s back again. I was wondering about wiping the seal with olive oil or something similar.
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You could try replacing the seal(s) to see if that does any good. Also, try getting someone to pull the rooflight down manually when the noise is occurring to check whether the thing isn't closing fully tight. Other than that, if there's nothing apparently wrong with the Heki unit itself, the seal(s) have been correctly fitted and closure appears to be OK, then its tempting to blame the noise on the particular aerodynamics of your Symbol. Rooflight noise while travelling can often be cured by fixing a deflector (spoiler) to the vehicle's roof in front of the rooflight. Such deflectors are available from Seitz(Heki) or Fiamma. Perhaps Auto-Sleepers fitted a deflecter originally and it's now gone missing? Such things happen!
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I did not explain fully but on our new Bessacar they have not only fitted a Gas regulation thing but they have also removed a seal from the Heki .... So there you go . This is a fantastic idea you are not only up all night frozen stiff winciette pyjams gloves hat scarf something to stop the nose going blue. BUT you wont die of carbon monoxide poisioning ........ GOOD EH.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest starspirit
I got some dense foam about 4" x 2" and stuffed it down the constant airflow channels around the Heki roof vent. It cost very little and significantly cut the wind noise. For winter use consider blocking the air vents on the inside door bottoms and on the edge of the doors, extra foam around the seat belt mountings, and proper sealing around the fridge also helped.
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Michelle, All the Hekis come in two versions - with and without ventilation when closed. We have two (small and medium), both with ventilation. Neither give any trouble when driving. However, the small DOES give trouble when stopped. The concertina blind, when pulled across to darken the interior, continually rattles in its slot as the air sucks it in and out. I am in correspondence with Seitz to try band find a fix to this.
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mel , probably stating the obvious but as i said before the two children (disabled couldn't tell us they were froze............when checked they had totally left off when mnufacturing we took it back they appologised and put it in.. problem solved................ now they have done the same with the new besie on the back heki which is adjacent to that gas thingy so we freee again i give up. not going back to newark again
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Mel look at a cross section of the Hecki on the internet we did .... on quite alot they are physically removing the back half of the rubber seal our blind was being sucked a ripped now that one has gone . The new one is the same at the back....good luck
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Michelle, I agree with Mel. We have a large and a Midi Heki fitted and both are the non-vented version, which create no noise during travel. There are enough ventilation points throughout the van without the need for more in the roof. Ken
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Ken all I know is we have two, large and small they make no noise whilst driving but the small one at the back is freezing over the bed at night.. and once again whilst having a check they have missed out the black seal sorry to bore you all... This is not supposed to be missing . As stated in previous comunications when in the sales mans office we asked the Swift group themselfs OH we have solved that they said... Rubbish back to square one freezing cold ........and whats more why miss the rubber seal and put it directly next to the GAS HOLE THING do they think we do not have enough air what is the point .......may as well of left the GAS HOLE THING off the vehicle in the first place as the black seal that is missing let's in enough air IT'S BALTIC .................... If you could see it you would understand that this has been a deliberate mistake . But on going back to a certain newark dealership ...The JOB's worth said CANT DO THAT IT HAS TO BE LIKE THAT what aload of COD's.... still the sock's come in handy and the knickers make grate hole stuffers
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