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Hello to all my fellow wavers :-D I just wanted to thank everybody for their views on my horse in a motorhome and I have solved the problem and we are now in the process of purchasing a welsh mountain cobb which should fit in the van with a push B-) anyway off that subject, the wife wants to visit the west coast of Scotland and she would like to stop at a place called Rockall , has anybody stayed there and if so what are the sites like, My mate Davey used to drive a bus there and he was telling me it is very picturesque and his mate is called Bill Gannet and he lives there and he was saying its quite vibrant as his family colinised it years ago,so I am looking forward to the trip, I look forward to any thoughts from motorhomers who have been there (lol) Your Ardent Gesticulator Henway
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Henway, the resident band and also the herd would like to accompany you on your holiday to Rockall as they are needing a break. The mouse with the monacle, mostache and mullet hair cut, he plays in the band as well sometimes on the symbols, says he wants to come as well. But only if Adrian , who is a wolf, can come as well. Adrian however wants to know if there will be any sheep on the rock and if he needs to bring his extra furry coat as it looks very cold with all that snow on the top. He does not believe the mouse with the hammer who says it is not snow. The band will require special seats at the back of the bus so they can practice their bagpipe playing, and Cooking Fat the resident cat wants to sit up front with Bullseye.

Now, Fiona who is currently not in France but on these shores and would like to come as the cheef holiday fotograher and will be making screen prints for all to keep as soovineers but she is not sure how to spell soovineers. I don't think you have met fiona but she makes her livig doing screen printing and selling her wares at French outdoor markets. She uses an old Box brownie and will need to take over the shower room as her developing lab every afternoon between 10 and 11.30 in the morning. She never was good at readinga clock.

The polish dancers, or are they dancers with poles - not sure, are also wanting to come on this holiday as well and have got together with the band who are now busy packing their cases and putting in there best bibs for meal times. You should be honoured as they only get out their best bibs for very special occassions. They are so so so excited. I will leave it to you Henway to post the final arrangements and dates.



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Brambles - 2012-11-12 11:04 AM


Henway, the resident band and also the herd would like to accompany you on your holiday to Rockall as they are needing a break. The mouse with the monacle, mostache and mullet hair cut, he plays in the band as well sometimes on the symbols, says he wants to come as well. But only if Adrian , who is a wolf, can come as well. Adrian however wants to know if there will be any sheep on the rock and if he needs to bring his extra furry coat as it looks very cold with all that snow on the top. He does not believe the mouse with the hammer who says it is not snow. The band will require special seats at the back of the bus so they can practice their bagpipe playing, and Cooking Fat the resident cat wants to sit up front with Bullseye.

Now, Fiona who is currently not in France but on these shores and would like to come as the cheef holiday fotograher and will be making screen prints for all to keep as soovineers but she is not sure how to spell soovineers. I don't think you have met fiona but she makes her livig doing screen printing and selling her wares at French outdoor markets. She uses an old Box brownie and will need to take over the shower room as her developing lab every afternoon between 10 and 11.30 in the morning. She never was good at readinga clock.

The polish dancers, or are they dancers with poles - not sure, are also wanting to come on this holiday as well and have got together with the band who are now busy packing their cases and putting in there best bibs for meal times. You should be honoured as they only get out their best bibs for very special occassions. They are so so so excited. I will leave it to you Henway to post the final arrangements and dates.



The head cat is not really called Cooking Fat-it was only when Fiona fell over it that it inherited that name. Previously it was called Muckinn Foggie -to match the weather on it's birthday I believe.

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Brambles - 2012-11-12 11:04 AM

Adrian however wants to know if there will be any sheep on the rock and if he needs to bring his extra furry coat as it looks very cold with all that snow on the top. He does not believe the mouse with the hammer who says it is not snow.


You won't be able to go skiing because the snow is special non slip white stuff which was specially laid by millions of seagulls and hardened by the 100 mph gales which keep it from melting.

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Tracker - 2012-11-12 12:12 PM


Brambles - 2012-11-12 11:04 AM

Adrian however wants to know if there will be any sheep on the rock and if he needs to bring his extra furry coat as it looks very cold with all that snow on the top. He does not believe the mouse with the hammer who says it is not snow.


You won't be able to go skiing because the snow is special non slip white stuff which was specially laid by millions of seagulls and hardened by the 100 mph gales which keep it from melting.


Seagulls, never heard of them, but Nigel who is the s**tehawks flying instuctor and bombing raid coach, also an expert flyer himself and oftem leads bombing raid missions, has been using the island for practice for the last few years. Nigel has also lead a sortie around your way in the past...you must have seem the fall out on your car sometimes.

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Tracker - 2012-11-12 9:37 AM


It must have been a very small bus as there is absolutely rock-all else on Rockall unless you are a lover of guano - supposed to be good for the garden if you can bring back a van load!


He won't have room, Rich.

The van will already be full of Hoss muck, from his Welsh Cob.

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Yoo Hoo Its me again,It seems my comments are taking in disdain :-( why I do not know , when I was a struggling trailer tenter , I dreamed of being a motorhomer and putting my ideas on to the motorhome forums so I could gain knowledge from other campers and give my ideas back,now I am chided by the stalwart brambles :'( but I do like the idea of joining the band and would he join and the other doubting thomases and they could all learn to play the trumpet and as eveybody knows, no sweeter sound can ever be heard than the sound of people blowing their own Trumpet :-D Keep on Waving Henway :->
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