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MMM magazine Quality and Accuracy

Wills Wagon

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A question for Forum Members? I think the quality of articles and the accuracy of information has deteriorated in MMM over the past six months and apart from Andy Stothert and David Chapman some of the photography is also poor. Is it because MMM are now trying to do things on the cheap like Practical Motorhome and have ditched people like Barry Crawshaw and Andrew Robson? If this posting stays on the Forum I would be interested in responses as should the editor. .
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Wills Wagon - 2012-11-17 9:32 PM


...I think the quality of articles and the accuracy of information has deteriorated in MMM over the past six months...


It's certainly the case (and hardly surprising) that MMM's format has changed radically since the original John Hunt days, and significantly since Mike Jago was editor, but I can't say I've noticed any deterioration in standards during the last 6 months.


How are you defining "quality of articles" and, when it comes to inaccuracy of information, can you pin-point examples? Or is this just an undefinable feeling on your part?



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Derek Uzzell - 2012-11-18 8:54 AM


It's certainly the case (and hardly surprising) that MMM's format has changed radically since the original John Hunt days, and significantly since Mike Jago was editor, but I can't say I've noticed any deterioration in standards during the last 6 months.


How are you defining "quality of articles" and, when it comes to inaccuracy of information, can you pin-point examples? Or is this just an undefinable feeling on your part?



I agree with your first paragraph completely Derek. With regard to the second, I e-mailed the editor regarding inaccuracies and quality of information (misleading) in some Wickersham articles and didn't even have the courtesy of a reply, so gave up!!



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Wills Wagon - 2012-11-17 10:32 PMIs it because MMM are now trying to do things on the cheap like Practical Motorhome


Andy Stotherts articles and Armand Fosters cartoons are by far and away the best bits of MMM but even without them, and the inaccuracies you say you've spotted, it's still a far far better mag. than Practical Motorhome of which I bought a couple of copies a few years back and vowed never to go near that publication ever again!!! 


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Andy will be a sad loss, his style of writing was just great, and quality of photography stunning. As to the general quality of the MMM it has been in freefall since Jago left, The photos in the artical by Ken Alway page 151, are very poor. As are many others in this months edition. The print quality also appears to be poorer, less black is being used! All preparation for a move to total digital and doing away with print perhaps?
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I really looked forward to every issue when I first took MMM in 1982. I certainly do not read it all now but thought it was because at my age there is little that is new. Back then every van was very different whereas now they all seem to copy each other, so the tests become rather monotonous.
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Guest pelmetman

I've been reading it since 82 as well ;-)...................and since the early 90's I've even been known to buy one :D..........never subscribed just bought one when I felt like it.


It'll be a shame if Andy and Fag Ash retire, as I've always liked his sense of humour :D......



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I have found that its hit and miss with MMM but totally agree that its far better than Practical Motorhome apart from the technical bit which I like in there. Really really sorry to seeAndy Stothert is going his articles are the best. I always find there is too much on UK sites and travel but then thats probably because we don't travel in the UK. As always in any mag, far too many adverts but if they weren't there then the mag would cost twice as much :-D
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Do not agree that mag is worse under new editor; in lots of ways better, certainly the anti-aires, anti-off site attitude shown by Jago et al has gone. Yes it could improve with more on "new" tech. such as, for example, discussion on ways to obtain wi-fi in Europe, changes to sat reception etc. and of course more on aires! Ditching of Barry Crawshaw is a step forward, me thinks. When sent possible articles on line his response was to ask for hard copy! So clearly not up to the demands of the digital age. Re Andy then yes his style is easy to read and photos are of good quality but do the articles offer more than you could get from a good travel book or sites guide? So a vote for the new editor.
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Having fairly recently returned from France after an extended stay, I am playing catch-up with the MMM magazines, and very upset to learn that Andy is retiring. I look forward to reading his articles, enjoy his sense of humour and admire his beautiful photography. You will be sorely missed Andy.


As for the magazine I notice that I read through them much more quickly than I used to now and, as I largely ignore the adverts, I assume there is either less actual reading material or less interest on my part in what is printed. Like others, I have been a subscriber for many years so perhaps it is me who is getting stale rather than the magazine. But, without Andy to look forward to ??????

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Thanks for the post Chris,

Not sure why you would think this thread would not stay on the forum. The team at MMM always welcomes comments (positive or negative) from readers, which can be sent to us by post, email, text or here on the forum.

One of the key ways we can continually improve MMM is to learn what readers want and what they like and don't like.

The very informative results from the recent reader survey (which 1,464 of you completed, so thank you all!) have been assessed and have formed the backbone of the editorial strategy for 2013/14 – a strategy built on reader feedback.

As to the other points you raise: Andy Stothert will still be writing for MMM, but not for ever issue. So you will still get your Stothert fix but just not as regularly.

And we have a some great motorhoming writers lined up to fill the space who I hope you will enjoy as much.

I am not sure what you mean by 'trying to do things on the cheap'.

There has been no reduction in the editorial budget or indeed any other budgets associated with MMM. I have restructured some areas and invested in others. One of the areas I have put in more resources is in sub editing.

As for quality of the photography: one of MMM's most valuable assets is that its travel articles are written by motorhomers for motorhomers. This means it is often amateurs or semi-professionals who submit articles to the travel section. This naturally means in many cases we have amateur or semi-professional photography to work with.

But that is part of the joy and part of the challenge of working on MMM – it is an enthusiasts' magazine packed with loads of information on motorhoming, lots of which is written by enthusiasts to help their fellow motorhomers.

The magazine is not built on professional photography nor expertly written articles; it is built on genuinely helpful and inspirational articles designed to ensure readers continue to get the most from their motorhomes.

We will always strive to get the best photography we can for the pages (including paying agencies for their images), but I will not cut a great motorhoming article just because the photography is not 100%.

Hope that helps feed the debate.




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I think Andy Stothert's articles and pics were the last remaining thread binding me to my MMM subscription, so really sorry to see him go.


The 'tests' these days hardly merit the term as they have degenerated into little more than descriptions of what's where and what colour it is in most motorhomes. Can't remember the last time I read even the slightest hint of criticism, but then that also applies to the rest of the current crop of motorhome magazines.


Unlike a couple of others on here, I rate Practical Motorhome as the best of a pretty mediocre bunch, at least it isn't padded out with frankly rather amateurish readers' reports on campsites, the technical bit is pretty good and the tests are at least shorter and more to the point.


Think I'll keep that one going and scrap the rest when the standing order runs out. Shame really, as I used to enjoy reading them all.

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As I see it Motorhomes are by their nature a relatively limited topic and nothing like as wide a subject as cars for example.


On that basis it is hard enough for car magazines - even Auto Express - with it's never ending supply of new models - to be different and not samey every issue.


The longer we have been doing any hobby the more we both know, and think we know about it - and maybe the more we become fixed in our ways and attitudes - so the smaller the scope to learn new things that interest us will become.


Twenty years ago we all knew less and I don't think MMM has significantly deteriorated - it was never totally factually accurate and the road tests were always biased in favour of those that lend the vans for evaluation with glaring design faults rarely reported - just like any other motoring magazine.


That said it is no worse than any other publication - and even manufacturers own bumf can be inaccurate and economical with the truth. Anyone who takes any magazine, newspaper or media article as gospel or anything more than a guide without checking for themselves - especially where their own money is involved - is perhaps a bit too trusting or naive?


Common sense suggests that road tests are only to be used as a guide to what might or might not be a good layout and all other judgements should be made by the buyer whose money is on the line as every individual hand made van can be different from the one before it.


Similarly touring and site reports can only describe what the writer saw at the time and on another day with different eyes it can sometimes be hard to compare them as the same place! Caveat emptor - in all things!!


Personally site reports and other peoples tours don't interest me at all except for looking at the pretty pictures to see if we fancy a visit - but I do understand why many folks love them.


I would like to see more items on unusual and non conformist ideas, modifications, brainwaves, and motorhoming destinations? There are some brilliant home made conversions out there with great ideas about durable construction and better use of space and many mainstream converters might do well to emulate some of this design and build brilliance.


Meanwhile as long as MMM does enough to maintain its reader base and stay in publication these arguments will continue!


Good job we are all different innit!

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Guest pelmetman
Tracker - 2012-11-19 12:10 PM


I would like to see more items on unusual and non conformist ideas, modifications, brainwaves, and motorhoming destinations? There are some brilliant home made conversions out there with great ideas about durable construction and better use of space and many mainstream converters might do well to emulate some of this design and build brilliance.


Yep I'd agree with that Rich ;-)....................a little less bling machines and a few more wacky or weird wagons :D


Also cater a bit more for aires users ie an "aire of the month" would be nice ;-)

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Guest pelmetman
Tracker - 2012-11-19 12:41 PM


pelmetman - 2012-11-19 12:36 PM

Also cater a bit more for aires users ie an "aire of the month" would be nice ;-)


How about Airhead of the month too - plenty to choose from - and I should know!


How about page 3 "topless airhead of the month" :D..................I look quite good in my Speedo's (lol) (lol)

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pelmetman - 2012-11-19 12:45 PM


Tracker - 2012-11-19 12:41 PM


pelmetman - 2012-11-19 12:36 PM

Also cater a bit more for aires users ie an "aire of the month" would be nice ;-)


How about Airhead of the month too - plenty to choose from - and I should know!


How about page 3 "topless airhead of the month" :D..................I look quite good in my Speedo's (lol) (lol)


Oh dear me - spare us pleeeeeeze!

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Guest 1footinthegrave
Considering the amount of people who are employed in the industry, and depend on buyers for their survival I'd love to see MMM together with their advertisers taking on local councils and their ever more draconian anti motor home policies such as height barriers, non or very little provision for parking in many places with only car sized bays available. As individuals complaining to local councils we make zero impact on these matters, perhaps a campaign by a leading publication could get results. I'd also like to see a regular and updated feature on garages that give good service for our vehicles.
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1footinthegrave - 2012-11-19 12:57 PM


Considering the amount of people who are employed in the industry, and depend on buyers for their survival I'd love to see MMM together with their advertisers taking on local councils and their ever more draconian anti motor home policies such as height barriers, non or very little provision for parking in many places with only car sized bays available. As individuals complaining to local councils we make zero impact on these matters, perhaps a campaign by a leading publication could get results. I'd also like to see a regular and updated feature on garages that give good service for our vehicles.


You can expect to see that very soon - in fact just as soon as the squadron of pink pigs have flown directly overhead - do ensure that you take cover when the 'Perky Tornadoes' or the 'Pinky Sh1tehawks' are airborne!!

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1footinthegrave - 2012-11-19 12:57 PM


Considering the amount of people who are employed in the industry, and depend on buyers for their survival I'd love to see MMM together with their advertisers taking on local councils and their ever more draconian anti motor home policies such as height barriers, non or very little provision for parking in many places with only car sized bays available. As individuals complaining to local councils we make zero impact on these matters, perhaps a campaign by a leading publication could get results. I'd also like to see a regular and updated feature on garages that give good service for our vehicles.


A motorhome magazine will never take up any cause to benefit motorhome users.


There is an issue with height barriers, parking and similar issues. I am a member of the wildcamping forum and the members have managed to obtain more overnight parking spots than anyone else. I myself have helped to get what is virtually an Aire in a beautiful part of the North. At £5 a night, it is a snip.

At present I am awaiting a reply from a Scottish Marina to see if I have convinced them to allow overnighting in the 'off season', as practicality makes a bit unworkable (limited space) at the height of the Summer.


The trouble is that there are too many moaning minnies and hardly any with a more positive attitude. And please come back whingeing about the fact that it is not possible ..... it is. If you did not spend all your time bickering on here, you might realise that.


Dear Mr Editor,


Not everyone has a big motorhome, many have campervans, many have self build PVC's, so take those rose tinted specs off and look at the real world. BTW, the selfbuilders went down that route because they think a lot of professionally built ones are crap. At the number of complaints against new (and eye wateringly expensive) vans, I think they have a point. Anyone who only read your mag (and not any motorhome forums) would have a totally false impression of the motorhome world.

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