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Metallic 'clunk' - is it my Gaslow Cylinder

Matrix Meanderer

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Guest JudgeMental

Sacrebleu! Are you saying there is a 3rd imposter! :-(


Have been in broadmoor for 2 years and still have the EuraMobil CB...what in Gods name is going on!!!!

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JudgeMental - 2012-11-22 9:29 PM


Sacrebleu! Are you saying there is a 3rd imposter! :-(


Have been in broadmoor for 2 years and still have the EuraMobil CB...what in Gods name is going on!!!!


That is such a relief and I hope you enjoyed your stay in Broadmoor - there are some wonderful characters in there I understand and perhaps you can confirm that for us please - if you are feeling well enough now the medication is wearing off - and we all hope that you are feeling better if not quite like your old self!


Meanwhile that wretched impersonator has been up to all sorts of tricks upsetting everyone in your absence but at least he has been found out now and we know it wasn't really you at all!!


I hope the Euromobil starts OK after two long years in isolation and I think I speak for many of us when I say that only a fool would change a lovely Euromobil for a tin box on wheels - long may you enjoy your travels in luxury and comfort safe in the knowledge that buying a panel van was only a drug induced nightmare after all.


Welcome home!!

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