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Who but an idiot would buy a coach built?

Judge Mental

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Guest pelmetman
malc d - 2012-11-23 11:53 AM


JudgeMental - 2012-11-23 11:33 AM


malc d - 2012-11-23 10:54 AM


JudgeMental - 2012-11-23 10:48 AM



Thanks Derek ;-) .. every cloud has a silver lining, as this egit now popping up all over the place saying what he wants!,..and getting away with blue murder! :-D



Hhmmmm ................Can't find any postings by " him " in the search function.





Try and keep up Malc..there are more of me...I have been cloned! :-|





Oh lord - I hope not !





I've been clowned :D

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derek pringle - 2012-11-23 10:32 AM


Aside from the posters attempt to try and inject some humour in to the forum........ I sympathise with the Judge and do not think this sort of behaviour is constructive in that if it makes the person who is the target feel bad then we should not condone it.


Blimey Derek


That sounds a tad 'Ministerial'. Maybe you have a 'calling' to the priesthood...or the political arena? (lol)


You have to admit at least it woke the forum up a bit if nothing else and though I don't know JM, i'm sure he is thick skinned enough to take a bit of ribbing from what was a cleverly crafted amusing post. I say 'cleverly crafted' as the author avoided any sneering snipes or gleefully revelling in any misfortune JM may have experienced ......something which a tiny minority (thankfully) like dishing out, but are not so good at taking.



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I must begin by apologising for my error. When I joined this forum I simply didn’t realise that there was another member with a name similar to mine. What is amazing is that he too shares my love of panel vans and is intelligent enough to understand why they are the only suitable construction method for campervans. It really is spooky isn’t it! 

Anyway, let me say that I have only made one post prior to this and this will be my second and last post under this name as, quite clearly, it is causing some confusion. 

I intend re-registering under a different name so as to avoid any further misunderstanding and will leave the original Judgemental to continue the crusade for the only sensible design of motorhomes, a task which he undertakes with far more expertise and vigour than I ever could! Well done that man! 

Anyway, I’m torn as to which user name to choose. I have a house in Kirby Lonsdale in Cumbria and, as must be obvious, I’m extremely clever, so I thought about using ‘Brain Kirby’. I can’t see anyone else choosing anything like that. 

My best friend cycles a lot and is famous in the village for his snazzy protective headgear. We also pull his leg about being a total kn*b end and we all call him Helmetman. I quite like the sound of that as well and that must surely be a one-off name? 

My wife came up with the next one because of my insatiable appetite for motorhome trivia. I have every edition of four different motorhome magazines going back forty years, as well as catalogues from every manufacturer which ever existed. She accuses me of guzzling information like a man who’s been starving for years, and she has suggested the user name of Eric Guzzle. I must admit that has a ring to it and that surely can’t clash with anyone else? 

I think that my favourite one though will be based on my profession, that of a civil engineer. My firm has recently been involved in fracking in Morecambe Bay. As I’m sure you all know fracking involves injecting totally alien substances into rock and shale in order to disrupt them and manufacture more gas.

 I won’t be interjecting little bombs into this forum to disrupt it I can assure you, and there is no way that I want to expand the amount of gas that flows from it by such interventions but, nevertheless, I quite like the name ‘Fracker’ which has a certain ring to it.

 So I shall go off now to ponder the best name to use, but one thing I can assure you of, is that there’ll be no more posts under this name and, as I said, despite what my doppelgänger states, I have only made two, including this one!


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Guest JudgeMental

Listen here you cock sucking weasel of a non entity...the only way you could get some attention of here is by bathing in my brilliance..Look forward to putting your lights out you miserable Troll


(Oops' crossed with Derek)


as you have not an original idead in that pee brain


derwek wuzzle






Brian Trilby


and on and on and on you brain dead feckor...knock yourself out!



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I think on balance that the new JM is lot more entertaining than the original!!


So keep it up Sludge Mentor as it is brightening an otherwise dull spell on the forum since Myshell has gone into hibernation until something else falls off her brand new over priced coachbuilt behemoth to bring her out again - shouldn't be long then!







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Guest pelmetman
Judge Mental - 2012-11-23 1:21 PM

My best friend cycles a lot and is famous in the village for his snazzy protective headgear. We also pull his leg about being a total kn*b end and we all call him Helmetman. I quite like the sound of that as well and that must surely be a one-off name?


Ooooh er Matron 8-).....................I've never been toyed with in public before :$................I'd better hold on to my helmet for safety :D

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Guest JudgeMental
rupert123 - 2012-11-23 4:14 PM


JudgeMental - 2012-11-23 3:56 PM



Fine by me Eddie. I do so admire your sophisticated choice of language. This bloke or women really got to you, wound you up a treat, why not treat it as a joke like eveyone else.


I like to think we are a bit of a family on here... Family's stick together, well maybe not this one.


This is a Troll taking the piss for heavens sake...and you lot are feeding it

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I am sorry that you are upset about this but it could have happened to any one of us; and I doubt any of us would have been less upset (or would have let on that we were anyway). The fact is that we are all fair game and due to the considerable trouble that this individual has gone to with researching the subject I have to suspect that it is one of the 'family' that is responsible. They know exactly what buttons to press and have a lot of time on their hands!


As it is you that has been targeted and is therefore 'the aggrieved' can you not ask the moderators to divulge the true identity of the culprit? They will at least know the email address from where the profile is set up. They may be able to name and shame or just block them from future access.


As I said, it could happen to any of us; so while it was amusing to begin with, the extra banter that ensued was potentially very hurtful and I would respectfully suggest that we should identify this sort of thing and enjoy reading it but stop short of fanning the flames in future.


If this continues to be a problem and we don't rally round instead of rousing up we could end up losing a member or two and that would be unforgivable.


So, everybody; like Eddie said. Family.




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Guest pelmetman
euroserv - 2012-11-23 5:06 PM



So, everybody; like Eddie said. Family.




I'm related to Eddie 8-)..............I'll need a while to think about that? :-S

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euroserv - 2012-11-23 5:06 PM



If this continues to be a problem and we don't rally round instead of rousing up we could end up losing a member or two and that would be unforgivable.




Oh really - can I ask the audience about that please Chris - or should I say Niknak!

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Guest JudgeMental
Tracker - 2012-11-23 5:25 PM


euroserv - 2012-11-23 5:06 PM



If this continues to be a problem and we don't rally round instead of rousing up we could end up losing a member or two and that would be unforgivable.




Oh really - can I ask the audience about that please Chris - or should I say Niknak!


You nasty s**t, just because Crinkley carried out such a fine job of destructing your character piece by piece!lol By all means feel free to carry on... maybe more will then recognise what a thoroughly devious and pathetic wretch you really are...

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Guest JudgeMental
Mel B - 2012-11-23 5:37 PM


Well, I'm sulking! :-(


Why wasn't I mentioned as a suitable 'other' name ... obviously I'm not 'famous' enough (maybe infamous! >:-) ).


Melba :-D

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JudgeMental - 2012-11-23 6:51 PM

You nasty s**t, just because Crinkley carried out such a fine job of destructing your character piece by piece!lol By all means feel free to carry on... maybe more will then recognise what a thoroughly devious and pathetic wretch you really are...


Now that is the real Eddie that we all know so well.

It's always good, if no surprise, to know what you really think - if indeed think is an appropriate word?

Dragging up the past and priming someone else to fling it complete with distorting the truth and using the very same foul and abusive language that I am accused of using, but never have, is much more in keeping with your true nature.

But I bear neither of you any malice as I fully understand now that you do indeed have a debilitating mental illness and are more in need of our sympathy and understanding than I had realised!!

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Guest JudgeMental
bollards? You work in a pious and insidious way, its well documented,,have always found you one of the most reprehensible members on here...your attitude and comments during last few days evidence enough. A prime exampled of what you do, snide comment after snide comment, I finally react as above..and I'm the nasty one!...Please!lol
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So now we know what this dual personality caper is all about - it's your elaborately veiled excuse to reignite an ancient vendetta that you have always resented ceasing if for no other reason that you didn't come out of it so well yourself!!

You are not coming out of this smelling quite as much of roses as you had hoped for either and I suggest to you that your desire to reinflame old sensitivities by turning banter into an excuse for rehashing what you have already said dozens of times ad nauseum before has backfired somewhat and leaves you covered in bovine excrement once more!!

I will use exclamation marks so that everyone will know that I am joking - well you think it works for you!!

So carry on - keep digging - cover yourself in yet more glory!!

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Eddie - what the heck is wrong with you at the moment, I've never read such bad language off you and you seem to be just trying to pick a fight with anyone. So if you do want a 'fight' pick on me and leave everyone else alone, including Tracker! I can assure you that I can throw big enough punches to keep you occupied! >:-(


If you are instead trying to get banned then congratulations as you are most definitely going about it in the right way! However, it will be a real shame to lose you from the forum, but if you carry on as you are I'm afraid it will happen and I won't be able to 'play' with you any more. :-(

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