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Who but an idiot would buy a coach built?

Judge Mental

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Brian Kirby - 2012-11-23 8:12 PM


Colin Leake - 2012-11-23 7:44 PM


Just grow up the pair of you.

Sorry Colin, but I don't think anyone has made any adverse comments in a dignified manner. :-D



....now now, Brian, you know very well that Colin intended to say "Nothing defuses a situation like ignoring, in a dignified manner, any adverse comments made"........in his usual dignified manner. ;-)


I was thinking of creating a new posting identity..........Grudgecentral



.......but I thought better of it. B-)



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crinklystarfish - 2012-11-23 10:01 PM
Brian Kirby - 2012-11-23 8:07 PMPerhaps he could come back as Sirry Fracker - or might that offend the Chinese? :-D

Or just a plain old 'Dick'.

Have I misunderstood the game?
No Crinkles, I'm sure you haven't. You have understood the rules very well, but they are the rules to a different game! :-D
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Guest Peter James


Most politicians were pleased to see themselves lampooned by the likes of Mike Yarwood or even spitting image - it showed they had made it because anybody who was anybody had been caricatured by them. Harold Wilson, Denis Healey, Edward Heath all became personal friends of Mike Yarwood.

You missed a trick there JudgeMental. If you had gone along with and laughed it off it you would have earned a lot more respect than you have by being nasty about it.

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euroserv - 2012-11-23 5:06 PM




I am sorry that you are upset about this but it could have happened to any one of us; and I doubt any of us would have been less upset (or would have let on that we were anyway). The fact is that we are all fair game and due to the considerable trouble that this individual has gone to with researching the subject I have to suspect that it is one of the 'family' that is responsible. They know exactly what buttons to press and have a lot of time on their hands!


As it is you that has been targeted and is therefore 'the aggrieved' can you not ask the moderators to divulge the true identity of the culprit? They will at least know the email address from where the profile is set up. They may be able to name and shame or just block them from future access.


As I said, it could happen to any of us; so while it was amusing to begin with, the extra banter that ensued was potentially very hurtful and I would respectfully suggest that we should identify this sort of thing and enjoy reading it but stop short of fanning the flames in future.


If this continues to be a problem and we don't rally round instead of rousing up we could end up losing a member or two and that would be unforgivable.


So, everybody; like Eddie said. Family.




If anyone wants to dissect my "Derek Uzzell" on-line personality, I don't care - sticks and stones, etc. - and I'm pretty sure Brian Kirby and pelmetman won't care either.


Although the "Judge Mental" clone will have provided a valid e-mail address when registering, there's every reason to expect this will be a throw-away hotmail/gmail-type address, not the one supplied when the clone registered as himself/herself. You'll see from the clone's Profile that a 'Real Name' of "Roger Gee" was provided, but that's equally unlikely to be true. (A GOOGLE search reveals that there's a singer named Roger Gee and one of his songs is called "Lying", though this may just be coincidence.) So the chances of the forum's Moderator 'naming and shaming' the clone are effectively nil.


As far as blocking the clone is concerned, this might be practicable if the IP address of the computer used by each forum member were stored by Warners (which I believe doesn't happen), but that would assume a member only had access to one computer. A forum member using a false name, a disposable e-mail address and, say, a public library computer is essentially invisible and untouchable. Sure, it's possible to 'ban' a forum member by blocking his/her user-name, but there's nothing to stop them immediately reviving themselves under another user-name. This has happened in the past, proving that banning by user-name is a joke.


It's also be a joke to suggest that a forum member who nowadays goes into ballistic rant-mode at the slightest excuse (example: posting of 23 November 2012 2:36 PM on page 2 of this thread) should complain to the Moderator about forum abuse.



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I think the perpetrator of the original post has achieved exactly what he/she set out to,i.e, a few people having a go at each other. Mel, you should be grateful you are not one of the ' attacked' members.The people involved in slagging each other should think that under slightly different circumstances they would be saying this post should not be on this forum anyway. Come on now lads and just 'wind your necks in' before things get out of hand.



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Well Eddie still think you should have taken it in good part as a joke rather than throwing your toys out the pram. Was really waiting for OP to out one together for us re our love of aires. Something on the lines of..

Who but a fool would stay on Campsites? When instead you can stay on a crowded dirty car park, with a busy main road one side a main rail line the other and so close to next van you can not open your doors................

We would do nothing but have a laugh, so come on Eddie do the same.

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Bulletguy - 2012-11-23 12:54 PM


derek pringle - 2012-11-23 10:32 AM


Aside from the posters attempt to try and inject some humour in to the forum........ I sympathise with the Judge and do not think this sort of behaviour is constructive in that if it makes the person who is the target feel bad then we should not condone it.


Blimey Derek


That sounds a tad 'Ministerial'. Maybe you have a 'calling' to the priesthood...or the political arena? (lol)


You have to admit at least it woke the forum up a bit if nothing else and though I don't know JM, i'm sure he is thick skinned enough to take a bit of ribbing from what was a cleverly crafted amusing post. I say 'cleverly crafted' as the author avoided any sneering snipes or gleefully revelling in any misfortune JM may have experienced ......something which a tiny minority (thankfully) like dishing out, but are not so good at taking.


Hi Bulletguy,

I can assure you that if you knew me - ministerial would be the last way you would describe me.

You may well be right in what you say just so long as things do not get out of hand and for instance certain members of this forum who we know quite often have fifferent views on matters do not fall out to the extent that we lose what we have now. I quite like the banter we have now which is carried out under the proper names of the posters. I would like to think your idea that it is just a' little ribbing' is correct and good luck to you and yours.



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Guest JudgeMental
derek pringle - 2012-11-24 9:39 AM



I think the perpetrator of the original post has achieved exactly what he/she set out to,i.e, a few people having a go at each other. Mel, you should be grateful you are not one of the ' attacked' members.The people involved in slagging each other should think that under slightly different circumstances they would be saying this post should not be on this forum anyway. Come on now lads and just 'wind your necks in' before things get out of hand.




Thanks Derek P and Nick....nice that someone gets it!lol


The OP just a sad cancerous old Troll..means nothing, that it a member even sadder. But the glee with which most enjoyed it I admit I found hurtful.



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derek pringle - 2012-11-24 9:39 AM



I think the perpetrator of the original post has achieved exactly what he/she set out to,i.e, a few people having a go at each other. Mel, you should be grateful you are not one of the ' attacked' members.The people involved in slagging each other should think that under slightly different circumstances they would be saying this post should not be on this forum anyway. Come on now lads and just 'wind your necks in' before things get out of hand.




Infamy, infamy - to quote the late Kenneth Williams!!

I think the 'members being got at' bit is a bit more specific than 'a few' Derek - which kinda removes the joke side and points the whole ploy towards the dark side methinks!

I am just as happy to be the butt of a few jokes as everyone else particularly when they are witty and innovative and I wouldn't mind if it had been a a bit more original?

However when the past gets dragged up by the same people out of context time and time again it does get a bit boring and pointless not only for me but to others too I would imagine?

There do seem to be a very small selection of members stuck in a time warp of the past and I suggest that they need to get a life and move away from history and into the present by dealing with each posting on it's individual merits not based on perceptions of the past?

Is that asking too much?



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Guest JudgeMental
robertandjean - 2012-11-24 10:34 AM


Well Eddie still think you should have taken it in good part as a joke rather than throwing your toys out the pram. Was really waiting for OP to out one together for us re our love of aires. Something on the lines of..

Who but a fool would stay on Campsites? When instead you can stay on a crowded dirty car park, with a busy main road one side a main rail line the other and so close to next van you can not open your doors................

We would do nothing but have a laugh, so come on Eddie do the same.



Bless you..you are decent folk, but simply not recognising the malice behind this.


In my early 30's had a period of abusive phone calls and an attempted burglary, they forced front door open but someone was in, all this happened at same time, may well of been unconnected , but did not feel like it. Unless you have experienced something like this its hard to understand I think....Probabaly related to some girls I wa seeing but never found out

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Guest JudgeMental
ham - 2012-11-24 11:33 AM


This thread reminds me of fishing term HOOK LINE AND SINKER. . You have all been caught by the poster.


And played like an old record

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Tracker - 2012-11-24 11:08 AM


derek pringle - 2012-11-24 9:39 AM



I think the perpetrator of the original post has achieved exactly what he/she set out to,i.e, a few people having a go at each other. Mel, you should be grateful you are not one of the ' attacked' members.The people involved in slagging each other should think that under slightly different circumstances they would be saying this post should not be on this forum anyway. Come on now lads and just 'wind your necks in' before things get out of hand.




Infamy, infamy - to quote the late Kenneth Williams!!

I think the 'members being got at' bit is a bit more specific than 'a few' Derek - which kinda removes the joke side and points the whole ploy towards the dark side methinks!

I am just as happy to be the butt of a few jokes as everyone else particularly when they are witty and innovative and I wouldn't mind if it had been a a bit more original?

However when the past gets dragged up by the same people out of context time and time again it does get a bit boring and pointless not only for me but to others too I would imagine?

There do seem to be a very small selection of members stuck in a time warp of the past and I suggest that they need to get a life and move away from history and into the present by dealing with each posting on it's individual merits not based on perceptions of the past?

Is that asking too much?


Hi Tracker,

I for one would really miss the banter between yourself and the Judge for instance, that why I think a mysterious outsider should not be allowed to ruin MY longlasting enjoyment.



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If only the profile and avatar of the 'nasty' JM was not the same in every respect to the profile of the 'nice' JM - as opposed to the original obvious 'copy' - I could have a lot more faith in the 'troll' idea which, if proven beyond reasonable doubt would cause me to tender Eddie my apology for taking the bait.


Call me naive but I find it hard to understand how the identity could be taken over by a 'third party' who seems to have researched forum 'history' so deeply with just one purpose in mind - or is this what trolls do?


As I am not able to prove a negative I have to believe that what I am seeing in print on the forum is real and from the published poster?


I someone had hijacked my identity I would very quickly delete the original, contact the administrators and moderators and start a new identity complete with an explanation of what and why?


That's how I see it - am I wrong and is that assessment so unreasonable?

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Guest JudgeMental

Well I'm just off out to clean and polish euramobil roof ..god! I hate climbing up there and having to clean tha bloody awful white box..wish I had on of those really nice compact panel vans everyone's raving about! *-)


Could be worse I guess, one of those CB where you have to sleep on the sofa..at least you have an oven to stick your head in....

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Tracker - 2012-11-24 12:36 PM


If only the profile and avatar of the 'nasty' JM was not the same in every respect to the profile of the 'nice' JM - as opposed to the original obvious 'copy' - I could have a lot more faith in the 'troll' idea which, if proven beyond reasonable doubt would cause me to tender Eddie my apology for taking the bait



As I am not able to prove a negative I have to believe that what I am seeing in print on the forum is real and from the published poster?






Dunno why you are confused.



If you think the profiles are the same I can only assume that you have not looked at the profile of Judge(space) Mental.




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malc d - 2012-11-24 7:54 PM


If you think the profiles are the same I can only assume that you have not looked at the profile of Judge(space) Mental.



Let me explain. The spaced out JM has made only two postings unless he/she is also Eric Guzzle?


All three of these posting have been witty, funny,well thought out and great fun.


However some of the original JM's postings on this thread have not been quite in the same tone and they do not appear to have been as a result of hijacking because the profiles and postings count are consistent.


Do you follow me now?

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Guest JudgeMental
Really looking forward to meeting you now.....You all know tracker now dont you guys? he was the lonely boy in corner of playground pulling legs of spiders watching them spin round in circles while chuckling ....
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JudgeMental - 2012-11-24 8:34 PM


Really looking forward to meeting you now.....You all know tracker now dont you guys? he was the lonely boy in corner of playground pulling legs of spiders watching them spin round in circles while chuckling ....


The 'real'JM also has a habit of leaving the second 'F' from the word 'off'..........

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