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Judge Mental

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Tracker - 2012-11-24 8:05 PM


malc d - 2012-11-24 7:54 PM


If you think the profiles are the same I can only assume that you have not looked at the profile of Judge(space) Mental.





However some of the original JM's postings on this thread have not been quite in the same tone and they do not appear to have been as a result of hijacking because the profiles and postings count are consistent.


Do you follow me now?



No - not really.


If the " profiles and postings count are consistent " surely it's because it's the same poster.




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Guest Peter James
JudgeMental - 2012-11-24 8:34 PM


Really looking forward to meeting you now.....You all know tracker now dont you guys? he was the lonely boy in corner of playground pulling legs of spiders watching them spin round in circles while chuckling ....


If you've never met him, how did you see what he did in the playground as a child *-)

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Peter James - 2012-11-24 9:51 PM


JudgeMental - 2012-11-24 8:34 PM


Really looking forward to meeting you now.....You all know tracker now dont you guys? he was the lonely boy in corner of playground pulling legs of spiders watching them spin round in circles while chuckling ....


If you've never met him, how did you see what he did in the playground as a child *-)


Is that what legless spiders do then - I really had no idea until you told me!


As soon as I can find a spider or two I'll give it a go!!


Just out of interest - do they rotate clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and anti clockwise in the Southern does anyone know?

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At what point did the JM ever try to seriously claim his actual identity had been hijacked? All I saw was him playing along for a while before it became obvious the reaction to the J space M was upsetting him, and then in spite of that being obvious, he was wound up yet again - at which point he predictably reacted angrily.

Naturally though we are then fed the same tired old deceit that seeks to portray JM as the bad one and the winder-up the poor innocent victim who, once again has been 'forced' to defend himself, and in the process attempts to yet again marginalise a user he clearly doesn't like.

Tiresome, malevolent and deceitful. The forum troll is hiding in broad daylight.
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Guest JudgeMental
crinklystarfish - 2012-11-25 9:43 AMAt what point did the JM ever try to seriously claim his actual identity had been hijacked? All I saw was him playing along for a while before it became obvious the reaction to the J space M was upsetting him, and then in spite of that being obvious, he was wound up yet again - at which point he predictably reacted angrily.

Naturally though we are then fed the same tired old deceit that seeks to portray JM as the bad one and the winder-up the poor innocent victim who, once again has been 'forced' to defend himself, and in the process attempts to yet again marginalise a user he clearly doesn't like.

Tiresome, malevolent and deceitful. The forum troll is hiding in broad daylight.
Thanks crinkley! Yes correct, took it in the chin until I eventually snap, and this bunch zone in on me not the TROLL........astonishing stuff..who needs enemy's with friends like theseAlso any other forum I look in on, it's an instant ban to critique members spelling or grammar.Many pointers to who it is. Funny thing is I avoid him like the plaque,as I can't stand the supercilious old git... Best get your ladder out and clean them windows on that ivory tower you inhabit as you may miss something you pathetic Sado !lol
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Not to me - it's really very simples!!


I respond to each individual posting on it's merits, or lack of, and generally in the same tone that the poster uses.


I can take a joke and I enjoy good natured banter, wit and humour as much as anyone, but some posters abuse that for their own ends - whatever they are.


I don't refer back to previous spats, old history, bad feeling or anything else unless it is ungraciously dug up and used against me because they have no other reasonable points to make.


I don't live in the past and I don't carry a grudge - not to anyone - not even JM or CSF or anyone else with whom I may have crossed swords - so if you don't want me to have a go at you - its simples - just stop the unprovoked and snide attacks.


I think it's time to call it a day on muck raking back through history and time for everyone to deal with each individual posting on it's own merits.


We've been here before as once again I ask that we all forget the past and move on in the open minded and tolerant spirit of the hobby that connects us all on this forum.


So what do you say guys - is enough enough already?


And no I don't mean you Ips - it's just coincidence that this follows your post!!




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Guest JudgeMental
you will never get this will you, this is not in the slightest like anything that came before, because the instigator is a TROLL? That it is a member with a real grudge and you lot embrace it astonishing to be honest. The first post had its moments and was amusing at my expense, but his later post showed what a non entity and sado it really is
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Guest JudgeMental
ips - 2012-11-25 12:29 PM


I dont embrace it judge.


Bless you, I know you dont! never for one minute thought you would.. There are a good few decent sort on here...but just as in real life a minority of the chattering classes as well...

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JudgeMental - 2012-11-25 12:09 PM


you will never get this will you, this is not in the slightest like anything that came before, because the instigator is a TROLL?



The first post had its moments and was amusing at my expense, but his later post showed what a non entity and sado it really is




I think of him as a 'satirist' rather than a troll and enjoyed his first posting, but I must agree his second was not so good.





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Guest JudgeMental
malc d - 2012-11-25 1:45 PM


JudgeMental - 2012-11-25 12:09 PM


you will never get this will you, this is not in the slightest like anything that came before, because the instigator is a TROLL?



The first post had its moments and was amusing at my expense, but his later post showed what a non entity and sado it really is




I think of him as a 'satirist' rather than a troll and enjoyed his first posting, but I must agree his second was not so good.



Sorry but it is a Troll, the anonymity evidence enough, that this does not seem to matter to some on here I find decidedly odd. . The judge my invention thank you very much, that I dont always get it right, just a fact of life, but at least he has a personality unlike the Troll

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Guest pelmetman
malc d - 2012-11-25 1:45 PM


JudgeMental - 2012-11-25 12:09 PM


you will never get this will you, this is not in the slightest like anything that came before, because the instigator is a TROLL?



The first post had its moments and was amusing at my expense, but his later post showed what a non entity and sado it really is




I think of him as a 'satirist' rather than a troll and enjoyed his first posting, but I must agree his second was not so good.





How do we know its a him? :-S............could be a her.......and then she'd be a Trollop :D........

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JudgeMental - 2012-11-25 10:22


Also any other forum I look in on, it's an instant ban to critique members spelling or grammar

Not sure if this is aimed at me, but was not criticising grammar, just the fact that the 'imitator' was imitating a characteristic of your posts very accurately......

Again, I agree the first post was amusing but has now gone too far.

Take some small comfort in the saying that imitation is the best form of flattery and that you had to be a 'character' before you could be a target. Show character and leave the troll to exhaust himself......

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JudgeMental - 2012-11-25 2:58 PM




Sorry but it is a Troll, the anonymity evidence enough,....................................................




If anonymity is "enough evidence" of being a troll, looks like there's potentially an awful lot of trolls on this forum............




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No Malc, although any of us can be anonymous here, the point is that this

person is clearly an existing forum member (because of all he/she knows of Eddie's style), assuming an EXTRA identity just to annoy and insult.


Edit: btw, sorry for joining in earlier, that wasn't helpful and if Id known how the thread would develop I'd have responded differently.

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Tracker - 2012-11-25 11:53 AM  ... once again I ask that we all forget the past and move on in the open minded and tolerant spirit of the hobby that connects us all on this forum...

Just to be absolutely clear, it isn't about the past. It's the fact that you currently persistently drop deliberately antagonistic posts into threads that are designed to belittle, humiliate, or otherwise offend - with the sole intention of creating confrontation.

You then revel in the deeply personalised insults you are able to inflict, and justify these by pretending to the wider readership (and maybe even yourself - who knows?) that you have been 'picked on'. It is clear that, in spite of your deceitful protestations, the confrontation and attempts to hurt and offend are what you enjoy the most.

It isn't about the past but the past does evidence your consistency in the most appalling abuse of this forum. Once again, please stop spoiling threads.

The answer really is very simple and it's in your own hands. 

Don't seek to deliberately antagonise people and you will magically find that you are no longer constantly embroiled.
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It's all in your paranoid mind CSF.

You're very good at fishing around in the past whenever it suits you, and then denying that it is about the past so let me remind you just who it was who decided that a rake around in the past would best suit his attack - I'll give you a clue - it wasn't me!!

On that basis let me now invite you to show me where I have deliberately set out to antagonise you?

Please also show me where I have insulted you prior to you having an unprovoked attack on me??

You surely don't mean a throw away comment like 'holier than thou' do you??

Show me where I have belittled or humiliated anyone other than in response??

Although 'holier than thou' wasn't originally aimed only at you - and as it was a throw away humorous generalisation - are you not familiar with the term 'banter' - which fitted the way the thread was going - but as that cap certainly now seems to fit you very well please feel at liberty to carry on wearing it!!

There you go again with your wild accusations - there is nothing deceitful about me - what you see is what you get and I say it the way I see it - perhaps I should have been on Catchphrase!! It's only you and a couple of others whose paranoia sees it through warped eyes.

Picked on - I certainly have been by you and a couple of others who seem to delight in reading everything I write as if it were an attack on them?

Such conceit - you really are not that important to me that I seek to wind you up all the time and as I keep repeating - I don't harbour grudges and I treat every post on it's individual merits, so if you want me to stop retaliating address your comments to me in a non antagonistic style keeping to the point at hand without hysteria and you will get a non antagonistic reasoned response from me.

So once again I say - don't attack me and I won't feel the need to respond with like.

How hard can it be for you??

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Guest JudgeMental

Far from it! Crinkley has forensically dismantlement your motives and lack of humanity very accurately.


when will you ever learn just to shut the f**** up.... I dont read anything you write much anyway, just flit over it.....Oh Lord ! How we need an ignore button :-D

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Guest JudgeMental
JudgeMental - 2012-11-26 12:37 PM


Far from it! Crinkley has forensically dismantlement your motives and lack of humanity very accurately.


when will you ever learn just to shut the f**** up.... I dont read anything you write much anyway, just flit over it.....Oh Lord ! How we need an ignore button :-D


24 posts on this thread alone delighting in it.....TWENTY FOUR folks from this maggot

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Yes, I wondered how long it would be before you chipped in with your foul and abusive language!


There is nothing forensic about either of you in your unholy alliance of attacks but at least I never resort in desperation to the kind of language that you like to use.


I think I have established over recent months that no grudges are carried by me and that I can respond to your normal postings in a normal manner so it strikes me that it is you who needs to take a good hard look at your own attitudes and paranoia.

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The problem with people like you is that they see others as a challenge to their own ego be taken on and belittled and put down and some on here do feel intimidated by the likes of you.


You keep thread counting if it makes you happy - I really don't care - but it does at least keep your hand in at history raking I suppose!!


I have no axe to grind with anyone and am I happy to treat you on your own merits - or lack of if you insist - as has been proven by postings in recent months.


I don't know whether it's the phases of the moon that seem to alter your attitudes or whether medical problems make you more bad tempered than usual but all you have to do is stop provoking me and I will not provoke you in return - I never have provoked you other than in reply yet and it is only your own paranoia or schizophrenia that makes you see it the way you do.


So you just carry on with the insults and bad mouthing because the hole you are digging yourself grows larger by the day!


Alternatively - never lose your perspective or sense of humour and always wear a smile!!


Or carry on whingeing - we could make a film with that title with you in the title role - now there's a thought!!


And yes - now I really am winding you up - well it makes me smile - how about you - are you smiling too - I do hope so??


Now do you want to call enough yet or do you still want to perpetuate this nonsense?

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