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We hear a new born is due in about 8.9 months

Mrs T

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Mr T suggests that means the UK economy will be in the doldrums for the next 5 years at least, during which time another new born is likely to be with us adding a further number of years?


All very conveniently planned he suggests like the Olympics and other important occasions that are mapped out to induce the populace to take a interest in "the situation" and so forget their own plight is society.


Some would suggest that those in higher circles do very little to aid the UK economy and are therefore not required and that a dictator would be a better proposition to govern these Isles ?


Mr T points out that now there are no world wars on the horizon an alternative means of interest is therefore desired to prevent an uprising in apathy that could lead to revolution. So perhaps the establishment is doing a grand job after all?


Mrs T

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I did wonder after the Olympics had finished what new 'circus' would be introduced to keep the masses enthralled, and getting Katy in the pudding club was near top of the list. It was either that or an arranged 'death' as a State Funeral is always good for getting emotions running, and allows bad news to be kept quiet. And of course next year there is no world cup, olympics or any other major sporting event so something had to be done, and wee Willie did his duty.


As a born again Republican you can probably guess that affairs concerning the House of Windsor do not interest me too much. Even today it took until page 14 of the newspaper before I reached the actual news so Lord knows how many trees it will take until this thing finally makes an appearance. While I accept that a President also has problems, some can be downright nasty, at least the factor of descendants by sheer birth do not normally enter into it, and the people at large get to have some say in who it should be. Presidents also, in the main, do not hang around until they are dead draining money out of the system, but I do accept that you have to finance the b.....s after they have finished, but not their broods. . i quite like the US system, 2 terms and you are out. Of course if we had had a president with Blair then he would have changed that, but then again he does not see himself as a president, merely God.


One bright spot on my particular horizon is that if we get independence then the SNP has told Salmond that he cannot have the Queen as head of state. So you never know. Mind you President Eck is probably more something for the comic books.

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Mrs T - 2012-12-04 3:40 PM


Mr T says ... The replies may be in jest, but 'you ain't heard nothing yet' in the realms of financial problems, better sell your goods while you can, this country will be one of the worlds poorest.




Mr T sure is a barrel of laughs Mrs T , Solo rounds at the pub eh ? just like the other Mr T on here , Tracker :-D

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Well I for one am so excited about the new royal baby that I just can't get enough of looking at the door of the hospital on the TV news !!!!


It's great - it's got hinges , and and and everything.






p.s. The latest speculation, for those who are interested, is that the baby will be a boy or a girl.

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We've been reading Tracker for years and MEL and all the others like Brian the electrician and his dyslexic leg camping by the Millau Bridge. There's some very good reporters on here, and 'Judges' too with fair words of wisdom. Some excellent picture takers and story tellers like, was it Klein who toured the V2 rocket site at Peenemunde.


Yes Will has done his duty for the establishment just like his Dad before him, and the world goes on. 3 cheers for keeping the country from going to the dogs (again). We reckon they are just pawns of society and are in reality far worse off than us poor beings who can dine and go anywhere, I can go and visit their houses anytime I like but alas they cannot visit us. Just imagine having to be surrounded all the time with people you might dislike.


Mrs T

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Guest pelmetman
malc d - 2012-12-04 7:58 PM


p.s. The latest speculation, for those who are interested, is that the baby will be a boy or a girl.


What if its a boy and he turns out to be gay ;-)....................will he be crowned King or Queen? :-S

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I am trying to get my head around this announcement but some posters seem to be treating the announcement in a very cavalier manner.


If monarchs serve their full term there is a middling chance they will draw a lot less pension than the multiple ex presidents who could reasonably expect to have served during the monarchs lifetime.


I wonder if anyone has ever calculated the costs of running the practically powerless monarchy against the costs running an election for president every 5-7 years. And just to add another factor calculated the odds of getting a good one of either.



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Well personally I think it is good news and offer my congratulations to them. I am a royalist and proud of it. I think they are a delightful couple and, rather than being a drain on the tax payer as many bemoan, they will provide a boost to the country's coffers via invisible exports i.e. tourism etc. I am so sick of reading depressing headlines such as murders, muggings, whingers, scroungers, unwelcome visitors to this country that we cannot be rid of etc. etc. It is great to have good news.


However, I do think we will be bored stiff during this pregnancy with all the media hype. Why on earth are all the reporters stationed outside the hospital for hours on end? I have also read some very unpleasant insinuations about the identity of the father. Why are people so vile? Have they learned nothing from the events of recent weeks about printing falsehoods on the internet?


Finally, why on earth do they (the media) still refer to her as Kate Middleton and not the Duchess of Cambridge or Catherine? Even a reporter on American television last night called her Kate Middleton - disrespectful as well as inaccurate.


Incidentally, we have had several gay (hate that word!) kings and they have still managed to provide heirs. Several came to a sticky end though!


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Patricia - 2012-12-05 12:07 AM



Well personally I think it is good news and offer my congratulations to them. I am a royalist and proud of it. I think they are a delightful couple and, rather than being a drain on the tax payer as many bemoan, they will provide a boost to the country's coffers via invisible exports i.e. tourism etc. I am so sick of reading depressing headlines such as murders, muggings, whingers, scroungers, unwelcome visitors to this country that we cannot be rid of etc. etc. It is great to have good news.


However, I do think we will be bored stiff during this pregnancy with all the media hype. Why on earth are all the reporters stationed outside the hospital for hours on end? I have also read some very unpleasant insinuations about the identity of the father. Why are people so vile? Have they learned nothing from the events of recent weeks about printing falsehoods on the internet?


Finally, why on earth do they (the media) still refer to her as Kate Middleton and not the Duchess of Cambridge or Catherine? Even a reporter on American television last night called her Kate Middleton - disrespectful as well as inaccurate.


Incidentally, we have had several gay (hate that word!) kings and they have still managed to provide heirs. Several came to a sticky end though!


Agreed Patricia , I too think its good news and would like to offer my congratulations especially to the Queen who is now a member of the forum after her motorhome purchase , I'm curtsying as we speak .

They are a lovely young couple who help generate tourism in this country and I would imagine a summer birth will bring the Japanese/American tourists over spending there cash .

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