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how open is the 'open' road?


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We want to travel around the UK but we do not want to be tied down to getting to specific campsites on specific dates. Are there do's and don'ts about where you can park up over night? Are there areas to avoid? What about 'offroad' laybys? the ones that are not right next to the carriageway but behind a screen of trees etc. these questions might seem to be a little naive to you but as we will be new to the motorhome community, I felt it is worth the asking.
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When touring we very rarely book ahead more than one day, usualy just phone on the day or turn up at campsite, but then we don't tour during peak season. In july and august if we go for weekend, we may phone up couple of days before, but once again we stear clear of busy areas, If a campsite is full we proboly don't want to be there. One exception is guy fauxs carnaval at glastonbury, have to book in advance and acept the crowds
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for 'wild camping' see http://www.wildcamping.co.uk/, don't park anywhere obvious make sure you can drive away if need be, and nowhere were it says no overnighting. you could also have a chat to Steve, http://www.soh.me.uk/ he's a big fan of wild camping. B-)
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We personally have never travelled in england Weather & the fact that we dont find it user friendly no aire's no pull ins . We always head for France & further afield . The nice thing is just being off the beaten track and driving along thinking did we just pass a sign for emptying our waste brilliant you dont tend to find that in England. I do feel sad sometimes as there is so much to do in our country but until they make us feel welcome including Shopping tesco's and the like with no height barriers we will continue to head out. As for layby's not near the road they are few and far between . Happy hunting happy travels.
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Guest starspirit
Try Camping and Caravan Club or Motorcaravanners Club holiday sites and weekend meets. No pre booking (usually), good instruction, good company (usually), just turn up and stay as long or short as you want.
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