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Blackpool Motorhome Parking.


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I came across this whilst researching parking for someone and maybe of use to some on here.


I`ve already put it on another forum where some of you might have already seen it.


The " Official " stance on Motorhome parking in Blackpool :-




Hope this helps.



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If you click on "location of car parks" on the following webpage




information/map relating to the Blackpool 'motorhome-friendly' car parks can be obtained.


The charge for all car parks mentioned on the document Woolie refers to is currently £5 for a 24-hour period, EXCEPT for the Lonsdale motorhome/coach site that costs £5 for 12hours (No overnight camping).

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Hi Wooie,

Thanks for the info. Not that I would particularly want to park at Blackpool personally but this attitude p****s me off. Blackpool should be encouraging anything that gets visitors to go and spend money there including looking for ways to encourage campervans for the odd overnight stop.



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Likewise,it isn't a place we'd visit..but I'm a bit unclear as to which "attitude" it is that "p****s" you off.. Derek P.... :-S


I don't pretend to have trawled all the details at length..but this Blackpool MH parking lark was discussed sometime ago on another forum..and from what came over from that was that it seemed as if was all they were doing was trying to stop MHers from plonking their vans on the prom' for the day and from clogging up onstreet parking..


I dare say the sight of MHers,lining the prom' and sitting there,whilst consuming "supplies" they'd brought with them,wouldn't exactly endear us,as a group to the local B&B and Cafe owners..... :-S


The "council" appear to have provided alternative locations,so I can't really see an issue.....



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derek pringle - 2012-12-07 9:23 AM


Hi Wooie,

Thanks for the info. Not that I would particularly want to park at Blackpool personally but this attitude p****s me off. Blackpool should be encouraging anything that gets visitors to go and spend money there including looking for ways to encourage campervans for the odd overnight stop.






Hi Derek,


I fully agree that Blackpool and all the other resorts need to be " Encouraging Visitors " which ever way they can.


It`s Not Rocket Science that................................


More Visitors normally means More Money being spent with Local Traders and that then means they keep trading so they can keep paying their bills which eventually means more money going into the

" Councils Coffers " so they can still have their " Christmas Party ".........................LOL


The charges on the Car Parks are in my mind " Excessive " but it is somewhere safe to park your van whilst you visit Blackpool and an " Overnight Camping Area " i think would work well.


I see they recommend 2 local Campsites but..........their tariffs especially in High Season are Astronomical and i really do not know how people pay them prices.


Blackpool and others i imagine are not having a very good time and this will probably continue for some time yet.


The Brother-in-Law has a B&B in Blackpool and he`s lets say " Surviving " just.


He was on Channel 4s " Four In A Bed " earlier in the year and his bookings went Through The Roof

for a couple of months after the program.


Sadly things soon got back to normal and if it wasn`t for the " Stag and Hen Parties " he would have nothing and is very often empty from Monday to Thursday.


I think it just takes a " Brave Council " to try it and they very often work well, but they do need to keep the charges at a reasonable level for what they offer.


Extra Visitors however and wherever they stay must be good for the resort.

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pepe63 - 2012-12-07 10:37 AM


Someone mentioned on another thread,a Park&Ride(Canterbury?)that caters for MHs and allowed "overnighting"....

What's the situation with Blackpool and P&Rs?...could they perhaps be something that the council could look at utilising for MHs..? :-S




Hi Pepe,


Blackpool does not have a " Park & Ride " but does have plenty of parking at the end of

" Yeadon Way / Seasiders Way " which is a continuation of the M55 motoroway.


I think because this area is pretty much central with plenty of buses available they won`t bother.


This area is absolutely huge and i`m sure something could be done on there.


Just have a look on Google Maps / Street View it`s very good quality and you`ll see what i mean.


One reason that might be stopping it happening is Blackpool and surrounding areas has a big

problem with " Travellers ".


As you travel in down Yeadon Way which is elevated you see one of the " Official Sites " built for them by the council, just look at the state of it.

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Guest Peter James
There is now an oversupply of Beds in Blackpool. A landlord I know spoke fondly of the days soon after the war when Blackpool holidays were in huge demand. There was such a shortage of beds people arriving without bookings were sleeping out on the streets, police cars patrolling the streets with loudspeakers urging residents to offer accommodation to visitors. This was the heyday of the Blackpool Landlady ....


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After watching the TV series of 999 "  whats your emergency " Blackpool is the last place on earth I would waste my time visiting . As regards B & Bs the police on camera stated that most of the boarding houses had been bought up cheap and then sublet to DHSS tennants by the landlords.
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ips - 2012-12-07 12:49 PM


Beats me why anyone would go to BP but if you like tacky then each to there own :-S




I completely agree and the only reason we go is because we have family ( In-laws ) that live there.


But lots do go, possibly on their way to the Lakes etc. So there is a call for Motorhome Parking and

Overnight Parking as not everyone wants to stay on big commercial sites.

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Fair point


On occasions I have had to drive through BP for work reasons, wow its like apocolypse now "never get off the boat" or in our case "never get out the van" :-D

Some seriously dodgy looking folk wandering around and god only knows what it must be like at night, I shudder to think 8-)

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All of the work on the Promenade has now been virtually completed.


They`ve made quite a good job of the " Headlands " and there are some nice exhibits and

statues along the Prom.


One good thing now is that you can Walk / Cycle/ Disabled Scooter completely traffic

free all the way from Squires Gate to Fleetwood which is more than 10 miles.


Many people like a " Good Brisk Walk " with some bracing Sea Air to clear out the Cobwebs.

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pepe63 - 2012-12-07 10:06 AM

Hi Pepe.

Each to their own where they choose to go-Blackpool would definitely not be on my list.

I certainly do not advocate Motorhomes filling up the prom and I do think people who do want to stay overnight should find a local site at a reasonable cost ,not very easy to do in Blackpool according to the brochures as they do seem to charge top dollar. The main point that got to me was the fact that when you go to a supermarket you have to pay 2 fees. I understand you should not overhang a roadway or driving route but if your parking means you overhang in to another space then what the hell.Isay 1xvehicle=1xcharge. Not the greatest point on earth but one that would in itself put me off Blackpool or at least shopping there.

good luck



Likewise,it isn't a place we'd visit..but I'm a bit unclear as to which "attitude" it is that "p****s" you off.. Derek P.... :-S


I don't pretend to have trawled all the details at length..but this Blackpool MH parking lark was discussed sometime ago on another forum..and from what came over from that was that it seemed as if was all they were doing was trying to stop MHers from plonking their vans on the prom' for the day and from clogging up onstreet parking..


I dare say the sight of MHers,lining the prom' and sitting there,whilst consuming "supplies" they'd brought with them,wouldn't exactly endear us,as a group to the local B&B and Cafe owners..... :-S


The "council" appear to have provided alternative locations,so I can't really see an issue.....


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skyrider - 2012-12-08 7:23 PM


And scarborough i have heard is having a go at motorhomes and camper vans as well >:-(





I think what`s happened over in Scarborough with the Motorhomes is self-inflicted.


Earlier in the year we had a few days over that way starting at Spurn Head and working

our way up to Whitby then back over The Moors.


I got chatting to one that was almost " Bragging " that he`d been " Set Up " as he put it and

that this was his 4th day.


That`s exactly what happened at Cleveleys down on Princes Way. Now there is

No Motorhome Parking between ( 02:00 and 04:00 i think ) which will stop overnight



I`ve seen 30+ Motorhomes of all shapes and sizes all but Set Up and some even

had " Awning, Table and Chairs " out. Now i`m sorry but that`s " Taking The P*ss ".


These areas are OK for an Overnight Stop but not for the Full Weeks Bloody Holiday !

and it`s them people that have spoilt it for everyone else that uses or used places

like these.


I would never dream of using these " Seaside Promenade " locations but lots do and

the " Drunks, Yobs and Traffic " doesn`t seem to bother them and they sleep through it.

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