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UK road pricing revealed by Tories

Guest 1footinthegrave

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Guest 1footinthegrave

A bit of Christmas cheer news. Road privatisation plans from the Tories


The private operators will run 12,000 miles of existing motorways, dual carriageways and major roads. They could receive a ring-fenced share of the near £6billion raised each year from road tax – the tax disc officially called Vehicle Excise Duty (VED) – as a ‘shadow toll’ or subsidy paid directly from the Treasury according to how many vehicles used the roads.

They will be allowed to build new roads constructed from scratch and impose tolls on them – as with the existing M6 Toll in the Midlands. But under the plans motorists will not pay tolls to use existing roads – a pledge which runs out in 2015



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Isn't this just another "Can't think of anything much worth reporting today" piece by a Daily Mail hack that merely re-hashes information on government proposals that was well-publicised in March of this year?



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JamesFrance - 2012-12-22 8:03 AM


It's on the news in the Today program this morning, so maybe the Guardian or Independant? need to keep up Derek.


I can't see that's particularly relevant.


If you view the link I provided, you'll see that 1foot's 2nd paragraph was lifted word-for-word from a MailOnline article.

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Guest 1footinthegrave

And so it is, but if the report is true I was interested in others views about the very real possibility that before long it will happen, not a debate about the Daily Mail reporting or anyone else for that matter, these are firm proposals now it seems ( not everything in the Daily Mail turns out to be unfounded )



Also being covered by the BBC today



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They (the Tories) don't have a 'cat in hell' chance of winning the next election, they have 'Stuffed' too many groups of people, Students,The Disabled, The Pensioners, Middle income families with children, and of course the Poor and Unemployed, Don't think they will get in with just the Votes of Bankers and people who benefitted from the drop of the 50p tax rate.

Don't worry it will never happen. If it does 'oscure' your numberplate, they intend to gather this 'windfall' by ANPR cameras !!!! not Toll Booths (too expensive, you actually have to 'Employ Plebs' if you do that.).

The Road system is already ours, and is 'paid for' several times over, we don't need a 'Private company' to 'Re-sell' it to us. Do We ? Ray



Remember the 'Rebecca Riots' (look it up !).

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Err, I don't think Gordon did it all by Himself, I think the American Sub-prime market had a 'bit' to do with it.

Just blank out the first character of you number plate with reflective tape. ANPR is then 'Banjaxed'

back to a 'Bobby on a Bike' to catch you. And they have got rid of most of those havn't they.

Reliance on technology alone for compliance WILL not work. Ray


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Guest 1footinthegrave
My Dad voted Tory /Labour, or I've always been a Labour / Tory supporter myself is the very thing these idiots rely on, more idiots voting them in time and time again, British politics needs a big shake up, you'll never get it with these same old career politicians and their tired politics.
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Why do the Government insist on taxing the arse out of motoring..we currently pay some of the highest fuel prices in Europe..(The Government gets a lot of this in tax)..we pay through the nose in VED and have some terrible roads..insurance goes up by the hour no wonder there are so many tax dodgers..and still they want to make roads toll roads..that M6 toll is a joke..used it once and it cost me the earth to go 10 miles Joke I should coco..

How about taking the money off the scroungers who can't be arsed to work..and stopping all the scrounging Euro immigrants from bleeding us dry..

Government pathetic I say just aim for the easy targets eh??

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I might be on my own here but I think road pricing, rather than tolls on some roads, would be a good idea. But only if its introduction did away with VED and reduced duty on fuel. It would be good for me because I only drive about 8000 miles a year over half of which is in Europe. Assuming that charges would vary depending on what roads you use and the time of day many of us would find our annual expense for using a vehicle would likely be less than it is now. It could help those living in more remote communities as it would reduce their costs.



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Guest 1footinthegrave
Klyne - 2012-12-26 5:49 PM


I might be on my own here but I think road pricing, rather than tolls on some roads, would be a good idea. But only if its introduction did away with VED and reduced duty on fuel. It would be good for me because I only drive about 8000 miles a year over half of which is in Europe. Assuming that charges would vary depending on what roads you use and the time of day many of us would find our annual expense for using a vehicle would likely be less than it is now. It could help those living in more remote communities as it would reduce their costs.




You might have missed my earlier post, VED ( Tax discs ) have already been done away with for many already, and are for many people zero or at greatly reduced cost, a friend who has just bought a 1.9 diesel, and travels on business pays £30 a year but travels four time the distance I do in a year, but me in my 2007 Ford Focus has to pay about 7 times as much.

So perhaps they did not think it through properly when they introduced these differing levels of VED, and the mounting losses to their revenues from VED. What a surprise, a cock up as usual by either Labour or Tories, but they need to find a new cash cow somehow, in readiness for the rest of Europe to come here for our "free" benefits system, apparently thousands of Bulgarian Roma gypsies cannot wait, nor Romanians !.


Remember what the other lot said


Labour predicted only 15,000 Poles would come to Britain after Poland joined the EU in 2004.


But they got the numbers badly wrong, and more than 600,000 immigrants from Poland have since taken up residence here, that's why we'll all end up paying more than the rest of Europe once again to run our vehicles when the new lot arrive..

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Guest 1footinthegrave
mirage - 2012-12-26 7:04 PM


The golden rule is you are always poorer at the end of a labour reign than at the beginning of it.


That's the usual blinkered stupid comment you get in politics, and NO I'm no Labour supporter, or any supporter for that matter.


Do pray tell us what you think of the road pricing issue proposed, my guess is a whole lot of Tories a whole lot richer out of our pockets when their mates get the contracts don't you think.

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mirage - 2012-12-26 7:04 PM


The golden rule is you are always poorer at the end of a labour reign than at the beginning of it.


Hmmm..well,I suppose that may depend on how "rich" you were to start with...


..but I wouldn't mind betting there's a fair few on here,who whilst slagging off Labour one minute,are more happy to pocket the income from their Feed in Tarifs and/or Winter Fuel Payments the next *-) ....


... both of which I believe were introduced under Labour?... :-S

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pepe63 - 2012-12-27 10:43 AM


mirage - 2012-12-26 7:04 PM


The golden rule is you are always poorer at the end of a labour reign than at the beginning of it.


Hmmm..well,I suppose that may depend on how "rich" you were to start with...


..but I wouldn't mind betting there's a fair few on here,who whilst slagging off Labour one minute,are more happy to pocket the income from their Feed in Tarifs and/or Winter Fuel Payments the next *-) ....


... both of which I believe were introduced under Labour?... :-S




Well I for one certainly felt better off after the Labour government that introduced the National Health Service.




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Oh yeah! 8-) How could I forget the National Health Service....?! :$


(I trust you and your family had a pleasant Christmas Malc'... :-)

..I think I'm getting a touch of "cabin fever",as we haven't been away in the van for a couple of weeks).


Back on the subject of VED bands etc,the OH has been looking to swap her old Pug 306 diesel for something "nearly new" with low banding, for quite a while now...but the damned thing refuses to pack up(the car..not the missus!)and whilst it's still going,there seems little point in parting with 5-7k,just to buy a car that'd save 100-150 quid a year in road tax... *-)





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We do seem to have gone a bit off topic! I have no issue with Polish people coming here or UK citizens going to live in Spain or France. Likewise I certainly didn't feel worse off during the years of the Labour Government, and I didn't even get any benefits until I was 60.


Back to road pricing. Surely there has got to be a better way than we have at the moment? It would be much fairer to pay as you use. If the system was flexible enough you might even be able to plan a journey with little extra cost, especially if you are retired.



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