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The Camping & Caravan Club run loads of temporary holiday sites around the UK throughout the year costing anything from £6 to £10 pnight basic sites with water and dumping facilities , but a good way to tour the UK more especially if like us you have the use of a senior citizen bus pass. Even if you can wild camp these THS come in handy when you need to service your van. Also there is always a weekend meet somewhere for you to join in with if thats what floats your boat .
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Guest 1footinthegrave

Judging by the lack of answers could be down to a few things. Starting with the fact that the UK is very Motor Home unfriendly, add in the fact that you need to plan with military precision your overnight stops, if you can find one, or dare to turn up at a CCC or CC site without first phoning, or God forbid turn up after 6 pm.


Then you find the added delight of height barriers everywhere, or parking areas with the dreaded do not overhang the parking bay, or buy two tickets lark, local authority signs prohibiting "cooking or sleeping" in your van, so presumably a quick cuppa and a bacon sandwich, followed by an afternoon nap is some kind of offence .


If I was writing a guide it would be head to Dover, cross to France to see how it should be done, then return to the UK and despair. :-(

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Their is some truth in the answer 'onefoot' gives but his reply is less than useful, but the UK is still a fantastic place to tour. While it is not as M/H friendly as France, especially if you are a member of the anti campsite 'why should I pay to stop' brigade. In the height of season it is best to book ahead but otherwise it just needs a little forward planning, we usually just phone ahead the day before to book. Scotland and the islands are, in our opinion without doubt the best place in the UK to tour with a M/H. I feel you need to be a little more specific in your likes of things to see and do to get many answers.
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Guest 1footinthegrave

I think it very much depends on your idea of touring, I've lost count of the times I've asked and had the same reply from people touring France it goes like this " where you going to today" answer "have no idea really" why, simply because in France you can simply set off in the certain knowledge a site or aire is always easily found. And yes on occasion totally free, but that is what the French expect, a little service by way of a stopover in exchange for their local spending. Add in the fantastic ASCI and France passion scheme, by God the UK has got a lot to learn ! !


Twice this year at CCC club sites arriving out of season we were met with wardens who were less than helpful, one comment was we've locked the office now, that was at 5.45, and at another with a similar attitude, try phoning them ahead and it's likely you'll get no reply unless you catch them in the office, WHY have these guys got no mobiles they can answer, and tell you no problem there are loads of pitches, or not as the case may be ! !.


So in short if you want total freedom to roam choose over the water, or in the UK make sure you plan ahead, and that for us takes all the spontaneity out of the experience. I've only ever done Scotland once, but we were very unlucky ( or was it typical ) with the weather, but a bloody site easier than Wales or England to be spontaneous in your travels.

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Hi Keith, hope Christmas was good to you, before we can be of much help, it would be good to know what you want to do on your wanders. Like do you want hills to walk, or historic buildings to visit, sea scapes or what? Being based in Scotland we prefer to wander about here in Spring, and early winter. Skye is perhaps or favorite place, and you dont have to be a member of the CC or CCC to find a campsite plenty of independents about who will welcome you and your money. Although I have to agree we need to catch up with the French attitude to a lot of things, including motorhomes.

Cheers Iain

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Hi ZaK...


Not a book admittedly but we find the following website really handy for soucing sites:




..that and searching "campsites near......" on google maps.


http://www.britstops.com/welcome.html : is another option(..although we haven't joined yet,so have no idea what their locations are like).


Of the "books" we've had(AA,Cades guides etc),none have ever been that comprehensive to be honest...which meant that more often than not you always needed to trawl through several of them when looking for sites(...that's not to say there aren't some good books out there..)


Also both of the two main "clubs" have loads of sites available...from basic and cheap CLs/CSs to "proper/full on" sites with facilties etc(..for the 40odd quid it may be worth you joining one of 'em..?)


..and as I'm sure you've noticed,even when heading a thread "UK TOURING",it still won't stop you from getting the "..go abroad...it's cheaper...more MH friendly..." responses. ;-)

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Wholeheartedly agree with Mike (1 footinthegrave) Practically given up on the UK so Motorhome unfriendly apart from a few weekends locally on CL's/CS's and occasional visit to the New Forest it's easier to head for Dover.

If I have to plan ahead might as well give up the Motorhome and go back to a caravan and stick it in one place for a week or two.

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zak2442 - 2012-12-25 9:52 AM


Hi,Would anyone know if there is any info out there on cd or book form for touring the uk in Motorhome.




It's evident from your earlier posts that you are familiar with driving a largish motorhome within the UK, so it's unlikely you are looking for basic motorcaravanning advice.


I'm not aware of anything on CD/DVD that might match your stated requirements.


There are plenty of motorhome-related books, but these don't seem to combine motorcaravanning and UK touring (or at least in the manner I'm guessing you want). GOOGLE-ing on combinations of "book", "motorhome", "motorcaravan" and "UK", will retrieve a wide selection of possibilities, but it will be up to you decide if any of the books are suitable.


It might be better to obtain 'tourist' books (these, perhaps)






to select places you'd like to go, and then use a campsite guide (say the Caravan Club's) to identify convenient stopping places.

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One thing that comes to mind is on the CCC & CC sites you have to enter after 12 noon and leave before 12 noon which will not give you much time to " have a look around " and you can mostly only book a minimum of 2 nights , so in effect a £25 p/n pitch will actually cost you £50 if you get my drift . That is why in the past 6 years we have gone over the water on 23 seperate trips to Europe mainly France.
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In 2010 we had 4 months in France, and in 2011 we did France, Germany and Austria, also for 4 months. On both occasions no route was pre-planned and not one site was booked. There wasn't a single time when we were turned away from a site and not one complaint from owners about not booking. This year we decided to give the UK a go. A very different story. We were greeted with sharp intakes of breath when we admitted we hadn't booked etc etc. For those of you with smartphones, I can recommend 'Caravan Buddy' which is a free app. If you find yourself turned away from a site this app will point out other sites in the area. And to be fair, we generally had no trouble with private sites not listed in CC or CCC books.
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Guest 1footinthegrave
Vic - 2012-12-28 9:56 AM


In 2010 we had 4 months in France, and in 2011 we did France, Germany and Austria, also for 4 months. On both occasions no route was pre-planned and not one site was booked. There wasn't a single time when we were turned away from a site and not one complaint from owners about not booking. This year we decided to give the UK a go. A very different story. We were greeted with sharp intakes of breath when we admitted we hadn't booked etc etc. For those of you with smartphones, I can recommend 'Caravan Buddy' which is a free app. If you find yourself turned away from a site this app will point out other sites in the area. And to be fair, we generally had no trouble with private sites not listed in CC or CCC books.


It really is so frustrating that the UK is as it is when it comes to us guys and gals wanting to tour our own country that it seems every obstacle is put in our way, originally my answer to the OP was going to be, "yes I bought a book entitled touring the UK", on opening it consisted of just six words, "don't bother, it's nothing but hassle". I think the UK has never caught up with us Motorhomers, being far more geared up for tuggers, which of course is exactly the opposite in Europe.

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I wonder why the UK seems to have a different attitude to MHs than that of Continental countries?..


Okay,size may/will be an issue..but it can't all be down to the that..nor can it just be down to the supposedly "petty" councils and local campsite owners..


I wonder if it's because we've had "home ownership" drummed into us?..and therefore in someway feel "resentful" when we see others seemingly getting something from "our area" that we have paid for..?


(eg.."..Why should they get to park up when ever and where ever they want,when we've paid to live here?", type of sentiment.. :-S )


Lets be honest, when you have people who would throw a fit,when a neighbour parks outside their house....there's very little chance of them accepting such things as MH stop-overs etc... (lol)


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I have toured the UK for years with no real problems, what is wrong with you lot. Sure it is differant to some euro countries but so what. Switzerland is a similiar place to tour in so do you avoid this as well, their are other countries that have no aires, clamp down on 'freebe' camping etc. Do you avoid all these as well. Some of you must restrict your touring to a very narrow band of countries if you think the UK is the only place with no cheap/free places to spend the night. All this we never plan stuff, who the hell really does that, do you simply drive away in the morning with no idea which direction you are going in. Personally we always know although plans often get changed during the day or we get diverted by something, but will still plan even if we often do not complete the plan.
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rupert123 - 2012-12-28 3:50 PM


..... All this we never plan stuff, who the hell really does that, do you simply drive away in the morning with no idea which direction you are going in...


That made me laugh Rupert'..as I've often wondered the same thing...

We like to have some idea of where we'll land...(lol)


(..Although you'll probably now feel the wrath of the "Pseudo-Ranulph Fiennes(s)" of the forum.. (lol) )


Only having been MHing for a few years we've yet to venture abroad...but I must say we haven't found the UK to be that bad.. :-S

( Having said that,as we chose to buy a bulkyish 7mtr+ MH,we therefore don't feel like we have "a right"(or need) to shoehorn it into town centre carparks or to plonk ourselves onto promenades or impose ourselves on others at local beauty spots etc..This has meant that we've yet to come across the much talked of "anti-motorhome" criticisms the Uk gets... ;-) )


Although some of the points made by others about some sites(& CLs/CSs) being inflexible over arrival/departure times and about not always manning their phones,are valid.

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Guest 1footinthegrave

To Rupert123


You are missing the point completely, that is the comparative freedom a M/home can and does give in countries that are geared up for it.

To compare most European countries and the ease to roam from place to place without diligent planning beforehand is the point.

In the UK as you well know you have to be sure you've got a pitch booked for the end of each day, assuming you can contact the CS/CL/ site that day, otherwise your stumped.


We have travelled thousands of miles in Europe and never once needed to book ahead more often than not because we're never really sure where the day end will bring us , and yes you can turn right instead of left if you have a mid afternoon change of plan and still find somewhere to stay, that simply is nowhere remotely easy to do in the UK, you know that very well, and for the FINAL time it's not about it being cheaper, or free, it's simply the unrivalled choice of where to go and stay with little or no forward plan, that's what so many of us enjoy.


Oh and to the guy above, don't do as we did and wait for years to experience the hassle free Motor Homing experience of Europe, do it once and trust me you'll be singing from the same sheet. You cannot imagine the freedom of using your M/home until you've tried it

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Guest 1footinthegrave

To be fair he got no replies to books or CD's for touring the UK by Motorhome, possibly because of some of the issues raised by me and others about touring in the UK, and it would seem obvious that no one has seen fit to do such a publication, I wonder why


P.S you can do Dover in a day from your neck of the woods, just do a week / 10 day Normandy taster to see how it could be done for us in the UK, it really is a revelation , :'( ;-)

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Guest 1footinthegrave

Can't believe it really, one review taken from your top link


This review is from: The Coast Road: A 3,000 Mile Journey Round the Edge of England (Paperback)

I bought this book because I have always wanted to journey around the coast in a camper van. Perhaps the book has done what it intended because it has put me right off. It is so depressing.


In all honesty the OP may be better looking for blogs on UK touring on the internet.

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Surely if a poster asks for info about touring in the UK it’s because s/he wishes to tour the UK and see the sights. And the sites. So saying “don’t bother” or “go to France” is not helpful?


A couple of months ago [bear with me; this IS relevant] a friend asked me, on behalf of her sister, who lives in New Zealand, for info about where a young couple, who know her sister, could get info on motorhoming in the UK. They are planning to fly in, buy a motorhome here, and travel about “seeing the UK”.


Without hesitation, I sent an email link to this Forum saying that her friends could do no worse than post on here and would get good advice and help in abundance.


I sincerely hope, and trust, that the OP is NOT “the friend of my friend’s sister” who has acted on my recommendation!!!! And is, no doubt, disappointed!!!!


And if the OP is not “the friend of my friend’s sister”, I hope that, if they are reading this thread, that they will not be deterred from visiting the UK.


And if “the friends of my friend’s sister” do post asking for advice I fervently hope that you will not let me down????? Please????? Having had help myself in the past I had no hesitation in recommending this Forum.


It cannot all be negative. We have just spent the whole of November touring “at home” and had no problems at all [well – just one: Waitrose in Stratford-upon-Avon had height barriers at the car park entrance. We went to Tesco instead. Waitrose, take note! But that was the ONLY niggle in a month’s touring.]


I could make recommendations, but this post is already too long.


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Gwendolyn - 2012-12-28 8:37 PM


Surely if a poster asks for info about touring in the UK it’s because s/he wishes to tour the UK and see the sights. And the sites. So saying “don’t bother” or “go to France” is not helpful?



Gwen..That's pretty much what I "edited out" from my previous post.... (lol)


..Just as well the OP hadn't asked how to wire up his fridge...as he may've got responses telling him how folk had plumbed in their cookers!..... (lol)


Personally I would've thought when "touring",some form of mobile internet would be very useful ,so that online sites,(UKcampsite,Britstops,google earth etc)could be used....

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Guest 1footinthegrave

OK lets be blunt,as far as I and judging by the responses of others so far there is no such guide, so again I say why do you think that is, if I were to write one it would go along these lines, to pretend differently is a case of rose tinted spectacles.



Touring the UK by Motorhome



First of all you'll need to join two clubs to have access to the majority of sites in the UK, why they are called “clubs” though is a mystery.


Decide on the day where you would like to go, then get out your mobile to phone ahead to your chosen site/s. This is where it can get difficult, more often than not you'll be greeted by no answer or an answer-phone, so that's your first dilemma, do you head off towards them hoping for the best, or not.


Assuming you get sorted if it's a CL/CS they rarely have a grey water dump point suitable for M/homes, so a bucket is the order of the day, some fresh water taps can be in the most bizarre places, again totally unsuitable for M/homes, and a very good chance you'll get bogged down to your axles if it's grass.


Be prepared to pay a kings ransom for in many cases no more than a boggy field complete with cow pats, or sheep poo.


Don't venture out on Bank Holidays, or the main season, if you do be prepared to pay a minimum of two nights, even though you may only want one as your passing through.


Be also prepared that the vast majority of sites are in the back of beyond with no transport links, OK for tuggers, but useless for us, that is unless you like sitting watching folks struggle to put an awning up as entertainment.


Major club sites provide some amusement, trying to find the most disagreeable wardens is a good game, especially should you DARE to arrive unannounced, or after 5.30.


Now we get out on the road, you've found a nice spot to pull over, or get some shopping, are but you've never noticed the dreaded 2.1 meter height barriers before as they do not matter when you were in your car, never mind, move on, you might get lucky somewhere else.


I did, found a spot with no height barriers, pity I did not see the small sign saying don't overhang the parking bays, or all manner of local prohibitions, bugger £80 fine on my windscreen when we got back.


Never mind do yourself a brew and a bacon sarnie to console yourself, oh hang on what's that other sign I've just spotted “ no cooking or sleeping in vehicles” there goes my afternoon nap, and there's me thinking “tiredness kills”



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