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Most overated places in France


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Reading internet forums it always comes across how different we all are. This really shows up in the recommendation,s we give to others about places to visit, these are our overrated places in France.


Ile de Re: This island is so boring, we visited intending to stay a week and lasted two days, this was about a day to long. The only town/village worth a look is the small town of St. Martin which we spent about half a day in. The countryside is completely flat with nothing worth seeing, OK if you are a cyclist with an aversion to hills as it has miles of cycle paths. These are completely flat and still nothing much to see and of little exercise value. The beaches are ok in places but we are not ‘beach people, so are of little interest to us, anyway there are far better ones around. At least weather was good when we went, the one redeeming feature.


Brittany; Have visited twice, as so many rave about it, felt we were missing something first time. It is probably worth a look but is vastly overrated. The scenery inland is very average and the coast nice in places but not great in the way Cornwall or Scottish west coast is, weather not much better either. A few nice villages and a little heritage stuff, although some much published things like the standing stones are hardly Stonehenge. There are plenty of cheap or free aires so if your sole reason for going is cheap places to stay it may appeal. We have seen reports on other forums of people spending months here, they must be very easily pleased.


Avignon: A good friend once told me this was the best town in France to visit so two years ago we did. We had intended to spend three days here but a day was enough for us, even then we only spent a few hours in the old town and the rest wandering along the river. The pope’s palace is worth a look but inside the cite walls is a big disappointment. The main road is like any high street and off this road there are old tower blocks, like a bad inner city. We have never seen so much graffiti or people sleeping rough, could not wait to get out. Even the walls around the cite apart from a small section coupled to the half-finished bridge over the river you cannot walk on. What my friend saw in the place beats me.


Monaco; The only reason I can possibly see to go here is if you are thinking of becoming a tax exile and are looking for a place to live or the grand prix. Really do not bother this whole section of the French coast is best avoided.

I could list a few more but these come top, please do not get offended if I have listed your favourite place


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malc d - 2012-12-28 11:24 AM


Is there anywhere you would like to recommend to us all Rupert ?





Totally agree with your posting. Its easy to be negative about a place which does not come to what you want, but these places may well suit others. Please come forward with a positive view which may well find different opinions. Its everybody to their own.

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Guest Peter James

My favourite place in France is Macon - (has a good municipal campsite too.)

But it hardly features in the guide books.

A bit like Scarborough - a very attractive place, (although typically English in not so motorhome friendly) yet guide books almost ignore it.

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Thats the beauty of a motorhome....if you don't like the place, just move on. I always have an 'elastic' route to where I want to eventually end up.

On arrival at a campsite I'll study the guide and the relevant Michelin map, jump on the motorbike and explore the area. Once I'm satisfied that I've seen everything I'm interested in I load the bike and move on. sometimes I'll stay several days and sometimes will move on the following day.

I did find a nice site and area in the south western end of the Algarve a few years ago and stayed a month! As the motorbike is a 700cc, it was easy to travel quite long distances along the coast and into the mountains and return to the site in a day.

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sshortcircuit - 2012-12-28 11:47 AM


malc d - 2012-12-28 11:24 AM


Is there anywhere you would like to recommend to us all Rupert ?





Totally agree with your posting. Its easy to be negative about a place which does not come to what you want, but these places may well suit others. Please come forward with a positive view which may well find different opinions. Its everybody to their own.



It just seems to me that Rupert may not be doing enough research before he goes anywhere.



He went to the Ile de Re and found out it was flat.


Brittany turned out to be much like Cornwall - no surprise there surely ?


.. and he went to Avignon because his friend liked it.




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As ever, a down to earth summary from Henry and I must say that I tend to agree with him about much of France.


But I do wonder, with respect, whether he is missing the point of France?


For us the great things about France are the freedom to explore and park and be welcomed in most towns and villages, the climate from mid France down, the fact that the lifestyle is different being France. Sometimes the scenery is greatly different and sometimes it is very similar to the UK but as an overall package France still has, in our view, much to commend it to the motorhomer.


We tend not to research much before a trip as we too just wander towards an area until we find reasons to stop and if no reasons occur neither does a stop!

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Guest 1footinthegrave

Le Mont St Michael, rammed with people and coach tours, over priced tat, a climb to the top, only to discover once up there you had to pay to go to the very top, and a very busy and expensive Aire.


One could say the same about Stratford-upon-Avon, or Bourton-on- the water for example so I'm not sure what the point is really, my guess is its cats and dogs up at Beddgelart again, enough to get anyone down ( and another hugely over rated place )


We always seem to stumble over some lovely and at many times very interesting places without as Tracker says very little if any pre planning at all, as for listening to recommendations, well it's a bit like the telly really, millions love Eastenders, given the choice I'd sooner jump of a high cliff rather than watch it. :-S

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Tracker - 2012-12-28 1:10 PM


As ever, a down to earth summary from Henry and I must say that I tend to agree with him about much of France.


But I do wonder, with respect, whether he is missing the point of France?


For us the great things about France are the freedom to explore and park and be welcomed in most towns and villages, the climate from mid France down, the fact that the lifestyle is different being France. Sometimes the scenery is greatly different and sometimes it is very similar to the UK but as an overall package France still has, in our view, much to commend it to the motorhomer.


We tend not to research much before a trip as we too just wander towards an area until we find reasons to stop and if no reasons occur neither does a stop!


Rich we love France, indeed have been going their longer than most summer and winter, am off on the 5 january for five weeks skiing. So not missing the point at all just listing places i feel are overated and interested in others opinions. For instant i disagree with onefoot about Mont st Michel, I think it exceeded expectations and have been back twice, great place, although their are a lot of tat shops and poor resturants. Your correct onefoot it is raining in Beddgelert and am getting bored, roll on January.

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Fair comment Henry - hope you have a fabulous trip again and it will sure be quiet on here without you!


Best wishes for 2013 and if you are very lucky it might even stop raining for one day in Beddgelert next year - chances are it will be whilst you are away so just don't hold your breath whilst you wait!

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rupert123 - 2012-12-28 10:28 AM


Reading internet forums it always comes across how different we all are. This really shows up in the recommendation,s we give to others about places to visit, these are our overrated places in France.


Ile de Re: This island is so boring, we visited intending to stay a week and lasted two days, this was about a day to long. The only town/village worth a look is the small town of St. Martin which we spent about half a day in. The countryside is completely flat with nothing worth seeing, OK if you are a cyclist with an aversion to hills as it has miles of cycle paths. These are completely flat and still nothing much to see and of little exercise value. The beaches are ok in places but we are not ‘beach people, so are of little interest to us, anyway there are far better ones around. At least weather was good when we went, the one redeeming feature.


Brittany; Have visited twice, as so many rave about it, felt we were missing something first time. It is probably worth a look but is vastly overrated. The scenery inland is very average and the coast nice in places but not great in the way Cornwall or Scottish west coast is, weather not much better either. A few nice villages and a little heritage stuff, although some much published things like the standing stones are hardly Stonehenge. There are plenty of cheap or free aires so if your sole reason for going is cheap places to stay it may appeal. We have seen reports on other forums of people spending months here, they must be very easily pleased.


Avignon: A good friend once told me this was the best town in France to visit so two years ago we did. We had intended to spend three days here but a day was enough for us, even then we only spent a few hours in the old town and the rest wandering along the river. The pope’s palace is worth a look but inside the cite walls is a big disappointment. The main road is like any high street and off this road there are old tower blocks, like a bad inner city. We have never seen so much graffiti or people sleeping rough, could not wait to get out. Even the walls around the cite apart from a small section coupled to the half-finished bridge over the river you cannot walk on. What my friend saw in the place beats me.


Monaco; The only reason I can possibly see to go here is if you are thinking of becoming a tax exile and are looking for a place to live or the grand prix. Really do not bother this whole section of the French coast is best avoided.

I could list a few more but these come top, please do not get offended if I have listed your favourite place


Better idea instead of moaning about France..sell your van and try holidaying in Greece/Turkey/Spain with the rest of the "I don't like it here brigade"..it will be OK you only get a fortnight there.. (!)

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Guest 1footinthegrave
rupert123 - 2012-12-28 4:00 PM


Tracker - 2012-12-28 1:10 PM


As ever, a down to earth summary from Henry and I must say that I tend to agree with him about much of France.


But I do wonder, with respect, whether he is missing the point of France?


For us the great things about France are the freedom to explore and park and be welcomed in most towns and villages, the climate from mid France down, the fact that the lifestyle is different being France. Sometimes the scenery is greatly different and sometimes it is very similar to the UK but as an overall package France still has, in our view, much to commend it to the motorhomer.


We tend not to research much before a trip as we too just wander towards an area until we find reasons to stop and if no reasons occur neither does a stop!


Rich we love France, indeed have been going their longer than most summer and winter, am off on the 5 january for five weeks skiing. So not missing the point at all just listing places i feel are overated and interested in others opinions. For instant i disagree with onefoot about Mont st Michel, I think it exceeded expectations and have been back twice, great place, although their are a lot of tat shops and poor resturants. Your correct onefoot it is raining in Beddgelert and am getting bored, roll on January.


Are you going in your hated PVC, if so your a braver man than me, but enjoy your trip in any event, and it's peeing down here in sunny Aberdyfi, another vastly over rated place that they flock in their hoards too and get two mediocre pubs, a couple of over priced shops, a very expensive golf course complete with cows grazing or their £1,000,000 holiday homes 8-)

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Carcassonne. Yes its magical in a fairy tale type castle sort of way but hardly any of it is original and its just full of tourist shops and overpriced crap restaurants.


Avingnon is ok but nothing special.


Havent been to Il de Re but have been to Île d'Oléron where Mrs D's Grandad is burried. Sounds just like Il de Re. Boring.


Cant agree about Brittany though. There are some magical places and when we were there in November there was hardly anyone else there. Perfect! I think its often one of the first places people head to when they first go motorhoming abroad so perhaps its full of magical memories for many.


Mosel. Nice and easy to park but gets a bit samey. Rhine. Noisy and not as easy to park.


Most of the French Mediteranean coast from Perpignan to Monaco although the best Kebab shop in the world is in St Tropez.



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Give us an idea of what you are looking for, Henry, and we may be able to give a few suggestions. You seem to like the mountains, so do you prefer mountain scenery, or historic interest, for example. France has its architectural and cultural interest, but it is not as well endowed as, for example, Italy. What do you look for in a town or city that interests you? Shops are more or less the same wherever you go, so the shops in Avignon are just that, shops. The appeal, for those who like it, is mainly the style and pace of life in France. The bit with the greatest architectural interest is probably among the châteaux along the Loire valley. Historic interest further south, around the bastides in SW France, where most of the 100 years war took place. Quirky towns and villages in the Auvergne, like Collonges la Rouge, or Salers, should amuse for a day or so. There are lots of interesting bits, but few would absorb one for more than a few days. However, there are many that are worth spending a day or three in.
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I always think I'm the exact opposite of travel writers, turn up at some area that is recommended and think "what the hell's so good about this?" then travel couple of miles away to somewhere that barely (if at all ) gets a mention and think "This is a great little spot".

I point in case is La Baule, it often gets a mention as one of the best beaches in europe, why? so it's several miles of sand, but dead boring and full of people, go a couple of miles up the road to La Turballe/Piriac area and it's much better.

Giverny, interesting because it was Monets garden, but apart from that not that great, I've been to dozens of better gardens (gf is a head gardener so I get 'dragged' around them all) but later we went 20?miles down the road for lunch and spent a relaxing couple of hours beside the Seine watching the world go by, no idea where it was and probably isn't in any guide book.

It was interesting when Andy did his tour of GB series couple of years back, he went to 'named' areas that he didn't like and some how managed to miss all the close by areas that we like.

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Henry, it is true the world over that many places are in one's opinion overrated. We, for example find much of New Zealand, South Pacific Islands (like Bora Bora, Tahiti, etc) and much of the Caribbean not to our taste yet many people rave about them. On the other hand we can not wait to return to Sydney and Cape Town. Regarding European motorhoming destainations then we know many love the Algarve, but did not do it for us but we did enjoy Scandinavia and Eastern Europe but come on for motorhoming nothing compares to La Belle France. But more than that someone once said France is the whole world in one country and who are we to disagrre. Vive La France!
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A lot seem to have got the idea I am moaning about France in general, where did that idea come from? Suggest you all go back and read my original post properly, Barry seems to have got the point.

Onefoot, no not going skiing in the PVC I doubt i will ever go anywhere in it again, it is going when i return early Feb. and will buy a proper van again.

Thanks Rich, the snow has arrived this year in large quantities so should be good. Leave home on 5 January, drive to Reims, spend night at holiday inn, go for a meal and then easy five hour drive to our base in St. Gervais.

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mondo - 2012-12-28 5:24 PM

Better idea instead of moaning about France..sell your van and try holidaying in Greece/Turkey/Spain with the rest of the "I don't like it here brigade"..it will be OK you only get a fortnight there.. (!)


Funny that - I didn't read it as moaning about France - just passing an opinion on certain parts of it that have less appeal than they might for him?

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Barryd999 - 2012-12-28 9:32 PM



Most of the French Mediteranean coast from Perpignan to Monaco although the best Kebab shop in the world is in St Tropez.


We spent several years with a boat based in Port Grimaud and the Isle des Embiez. There are many beautiful places to visit on the south coast of France. Try Bandol, St Mandrier, La Ciotat, ste Maries de la Mer, the various islands including Levant if you don't mind being naked, Le Lavendou, Cavalaire, Antibes, St Jean Cap Ferrat, Villefranche and many others.


Unfortunately they are mostly overcrowded with visitors in the summer now and not too friendly to motorhomes.

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