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pub carparks


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sambukashot - 2013-01-04 10:58 PM

So, i have two beers in a pub then sleep overnight in the pub car park but i get the feeling i am in the wrong reading the above posts?

As far as i am concerned i will be fine, i mean i am not driving that night? so whats the difference between parking my car on a public road and i go out for a few beers but the only difference i go home afterwards?

Not sure I understand your question.If you parked your vehicle in a public place, got drunk, then slept in the vehicle, then you might be liable for prosecution for being 'drunk in charge' of that vehicle.If you did the same except, instead of sleeping in the vehicle you drove it home, you would face prosecution for driving the vehicle with excess alcohol in your bloodstream.These are different offences and their individual scope is summarised here: http://www.drinkdrivinglaw.co.uk/offences/in_charge_of_a_vehicle_with_excess_alcohol.htmhttp://www.drinkdrivinglaw.co.uk/offences/driving_or_attempting_to_drive_with_excess_alcohol.htm(Obviously, if you parked your vehicle in a public place, got drunk, then went home in a taxi, on foot, etc. and never entered, or went anywhere near, your parked vehicle, you would not risk prosecution fpr either of the above offences.)There is a lot of on-line material - GOOGLE-search on "drunk in charge" for bedtime reading.As an example, this 2011 discussion on a Police Special Constabulary forum is relevant to this thread:http://www.policespecials.com/forum/index.php?/topic/124402-drunk-in-charge-of-a-vehicle-camper-van/
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After reading all of the above my thoughts are : That 'The Drunk in charge' rather than 'Drunk Driving' pretty well scuppers any Pub ever making a few bob extra as a 'Motorhome Stopover' or a 'CL or CS'.

I have been 'Drunk in Charge' on many many instances, without ever dreaming of driving, On what could be considered publically accesable land , ie a camp site.

Do we all have to be depositing our ignition keys with a 'Responsible person' before taking a drink in our Motorhomes in future ?

A badly thought out law with unintentional side effects methinks. It only takes one baxxard of a copper who is determined to bust you for something (and yes they do exist, but thankfully they are not common) But I do agree, as about as likely as being 'Gassed' in your van. Ray

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Are some of us missing the point here?


A pub car park can sometimes be a very convenient overnight stop over where, as a bonus, you can get a good meal. You don't have to drink anything alcoholic in any pub?


If you want to get merry stay on a site and get a taxi to and from a pub.


Just have a pleasant meal and a soft drink or coffee and then use the car park for an overnight stop before continuing on your way? No problem for us and no risk.


I don't understand this obsession, or addiction, with alcoholic drinks - even small amounts?


If you need it, often using the excuse of not needing it but liking it, to be happy and content with your life isn't something wrong?


If you are not hooked and don't have to have alcohol why take the risk?


I think I'll get down behind the parapet to avoid the inevitable incoming from the alcohol addicts!!


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Tracker - 2013-01-05 12:56 PMAre some of us missing the point here?A pub car park can sometimes be a very convenient overnight stop over where, as a bonus, you can get a good meal. You don't have to drink anything alcoholic in any pub?If you want to get merry stay on a site and get a taxi to and from a pub. Just have a pleasant meal and a soft drink or coffee and then use the car park for an overnight stop before continuing on your way? No problem for us and no risk.I don't understand this obsession, or addiction, with alcoholic drinks - even small amounts?If you need it, often using the excuse of not needing it but liking it, to be happy and content with your life isn't something wrong?If you are not hooked and don't have to have alcohol why take the risk?I think I'll get down behind the parapet to avoid the inevitable incoming from the alcohol addicts!!


Going 'fishing' again...or just giving your holier than thou soapbox a new years airing?  Back in your box please your provocations really are not required.



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chas - 2013-01-05 8:42 AM


No mention as been made to the fact that after a few pints, then an overnight sleep, you would still probably be still over the legal limit for an early drive away start. 8-)


Ah Ha!! And here lies the problem! Well for me anyway. Recently I went out in Darlington to meet some old friends. The nearest pub stop over was just outside at Croft. Brilliant place. £5 a night inc EHU and services. Of course I told the wife I wouldnt be long. Thing is you wake up with a hangover having crawled back to the van in the early hours, look out the window and theres a bloody pub there (three pubs actually). So no wifey around what do you do? Go and have a hair of the dog, call some mates and its flipping ground hog day! :-D


It took me three days to get home. I wasnt popular.


Sorry Tracker. (lol)

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RogerC - 2013-01-05 2:11 PMGoing 'fishing' again...or just giving your holier than thou soapbox a new years airing?  Back in your box please your provocations really are not required.


Nope - not fishing - just voicing a perfectly reasonable point of view.A point of view opposed mainly by those who are unable to live without an alcohol intake maybe?
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Guest 1footinthegrave
Sorry mate, but what the hell is it to do with you if some people "enjoy" a drink, or god forbid a fag, or even more extreme BOTH, did anyone ask you for your "perfectly reasonable point of view on a drink" no did not think so, and obviously your intention is to start the new year to try to wind up people with your view of the world and snide comments as seems par for the course with you, but dress them up as "perfectly reasonable" comments, oh and by the way I don't class myself as a drinker by any stretch of the imagination, but would not dream of slagging people off that do enjoy a tipple on occasion, you know why BECAUSE IT'S BUGGER ALL TO DO WITH ME. >:-)
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I am not aware of slagging anyone off - but I am aware of being slagged off by those who disagree with the principle of an alcohol free pub visit as a means of avoiding breaking the law but are unable to say so in a more reasoned manner. That kind of response generally indicate that the respondent cannot think of anything sensible to say to defend their own point of view.


The original post was about the risks of alcoholic drink and driving or being in charge of a motorhome and as far as I am aware the easiest and most effective way of not breaking the law is not to consume the stuff in the first place.


By all means enjoy a drink or two if you must consume alcohol, and I'm not suggesting you don't as it is entirely a free choice, but don't complain about laws that are designed to protect the innocent when they don't quite happen to fit your own lifestyle choices.


I expected an unpleasant response which is always very predictable when anyone mentions refraining from alcohol - or smoking - so no surprises there then!



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Guest 1footinthegrave
Tracker - 2013-01-05 6:31 PM



I expected an unpleasant response which is always very predictable when anyone mentions refraining from alcohol - or smoking - so no surprises there then!



No you've got it wrong, we expect you spouting of with veiled and snide comments designed to wind people up, as often is the case with many threads you jump into, you just don't see it do you.


wasn't there a call to get you banned from these forums just before Christmas, I wonder why you still don't get it.

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1footinthegrave - 2013-01-05 7:15 PM


Tracker - 2013-01-05 6:31 PM



I expected an unpleasant response which is always very predictable when anyone mentions refraining from alcohol - or smoking - so no surprises there then!



No you've got it wrong, we expect you spouting of with veiled and snide comments designed to wind people up, as often is the case with many threads you jump into, you just don't see it do you.


wasn't there a call to get you banned from these forums just before Christmas, I wonder why you still don't get it.


Perhaps you would clarify what you think was a veiled and snide comment?


Then please go on to explain why you feel that gives you the right to adopt an antagonistic and hysterical attitude rather than apply a reasoned reply?


Do you feel that raking up past history strengthens your own lack of coherent argument?


Just for the record others too were threatened with banning for the part they played - or have you conveniently forgotten that?


And by the way despite your protestations and fogging of the issue it remains a matter of absolute fact that the best way to avoid being prosecuted for breaking any law is not to break it in the first place.


I made a perfectly reasonable posting about drink and you, not I, chose to vilify and attack instead of replying sensibly. I am always happy to respond to reasoned argument but it is not fair on other users for you to hijack this thread simply because your own personal feelings make you unable to reply in polite and normal terms.


I suggest that unless you are able to post a sensible and reasoned response you now show some respect and restraint towards other users by letting go the spat that you chose to start.


It's very simple - you don't attack me without cause and I don't respond. Get it??



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Tracker...maybe you didn't 'intend' to irritate or annoy but might I suggest you re read your original post which looks to me very much as if it was intended to be abusive.  You wrote:


I don't understand this obsession, or addiction, with alcoholic drinks - even small amounts?

Accusatory terminology by any stretch of the imagination


If you need it, often using the excuse of not needing it but liking it, to be happy and content with your life isn't something wrong?

What justification do you have for such an inflammatory comment?  You are implying that those who chose to drink socially make excuses for doing so as it is in your opinion an addiction and they have something wrong in their lives.


If you are not hooked and don't have to have alcohol why take the risk?

'Hooked'?...again a term designed to irritate and maybe coming from you judgmental?


I think I'll get down behind the parapet to avoid the inevitable incoming from the alcohol addicts!!

Again provocational terminology....designed to inflame maybe Tracker?


Maybe it would be better for the forum in general if you did get behind the parapet and stay there.


Once again you have succeeded in driving an OP off topic.  Please as a New Years resolution could you try not to post unless you have something non inflammatory or non argumentative to say.  I for one, and judging by the banning comment above others could well do without your holier than thou, irritating drivel.


Happy New Year.......




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Thanks Roger. I can see how if you choose to read it this way you might be offended.


But only if you choose to and then if you choose not to reply in sensible terms but in anger you must expect a like minded response.


I don't consider it holier than thou if anyone wants to drink. I really don't care, why would I, it doesn't affect me but the fact remains - if you do you must be prepared for the possibility of repercussions.


By the way - I take your points that I might have been a little less tongue in cheek but I too could manage well without your own holier than thou attitude.

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RogerC - 2013-01-05 8:07 PMTracker...maybe you didn't 'intend' to irritate or annoy but might I suggest you re read your original post which looks to me very much as if it was intended to be abusive.  You wrote:


I don't understand this obsession, or addiction, with alcoholic drinks - even small amounts?

Accusatory terminology by any stretch of the imagination


If you need it, often using the excuse of not needing it but liking it, to be happy and content with your life isn't something wrong?

What justification do you have for such an inflammatory comment?  You are implying that those who chose to drink socially make excuses for doing so as it is in your opinion an addiction and they have something wrong in their lives.


If you are not hooked and don't have to have alcohol why take the risk?

'Hooked'?...again a term designed to irritate and maybe coming from you judgmental?


I think I'll get down behind the parapet to avoid the inevitable incoming from the alcohol addicts!!

Again provocational terminology....designed to inflame maybe Tracker?


Maybe it would be better for the forum in general if you did get behind the parapet and stay there.


Once again you have succeeded in driving an OP off topic.  Please as a New Years resolution could you try not to post unless you have something non inflammatory or non argumentative to say.  I for one, and judging by the banning comment above others could well do without your holier than thou, irritating drivel.


Happy New Year.......



Yeah!!! Some of us just like getting Pi$$ed! Whats wrong with that?Anyway back on topic. When I had a boat I used to fill it up with my beer buddies and generally have a good time (It also served as a second office). It was always a worry when I eventually decided to go home to the wife and I used to leave it until lunchtime to drive home. Its a few years ago now and I had one of those electronic breathlysers.The thing is though I could drink five pints of Stella and it still would say I was under the limit or border line. I didnt trust it. Have these things come on a bit now and are they worth getting and if so which one?I dont think anyone is at risk staying in the car park but as has rightly been mentioned what about the next day. I tend to have a good scoop and if I am in any doubt I dont drive the next day or at the earliest just after lunch.
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Guest 1footinthegrave
Your pleas for this dimwit ( Tracker ) to keep below the parapet will be in vain, he revels in causing offence, but tries to do it in a sly way, that's his style, but he does not fool anybody, he is a thoroughly nasty piece of work and he demonstrates that time and time again.
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Six days into 2013 and the Boys in the Band are already playing the same old boring tunes.


The following website may help with anger management, or (if you really must go head-to-head) how to do it effectively. There's even an educational grammar lesson that might come in handy.


(it perhaps needs highlighting that the language used on this website is 'colourful' - you have been warned!)



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Derek Uzzell - 2013-01-06 10:02 AM


Six days into 2013 and the Boys in the Band are already playing the same old boring tunes.



Agree Derek..but don't you think it's odd how the "line up" of the band, tends to change on quite a frequent basis..all except for the one "main member" ?! :-S


..and as usual, it didn't take long for this "member" to disrupt a perfectly reasonable little thread.. *-)

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And once again a Thread that was supposed to be about Pub Car parks, is about nothing of the sort,

instead it's about People's Lifestyle choices, and slagging each other off.

Getting fed up with MMM magazine, which becomes more of an Expensive 'Comic' every month,

(and has anyone noticed that most of the regular contributors now write for the 'Practical' as well ??)

And getting fed up with petty arguments on what 'Used to Be' a good, informative, helpful Forum.


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Guest 1footinthegrave

Let's be perfectly clear, this thread was about the use of pub car parks, and nothing else, it was NOT about hearing the views of a certain party to the merits or otherwise of a drink or two in a public house, his comments were designed to cause controversy, he acknowledged that himself at the end of his post, quote.......


" I think I'll get down behind the parapet to avoid the inevitable incoming from the alcohol addicts!! "


so he knew perfectly well what he was doing, and of course he did not stay down behind his parapet, perhaps ignoring his posts would deny him the oxygen of publicity he so obviously craves, I'll do that in future, that'll be my new year resolution, perhaps others will follow. ;-)

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1footinthegrave - 2013-01-06 11:47 AM


...his comments were designed to cause controversy, he acknowledged that himself at the end of his post, quote.......


" I think I'll get down behind the parapet to avoid the inevitable incoming from the alcohol addicts!! "


so he knew perfectly well what he was doing, and of course he did not stay down behind his parapet, perhaps ignoring his posts would deny him the oxygen of publicity he so obviously craves, I'll do that in future, that'll be my new year resolution, perhaps others will follow. ;-)


Yep...another one in full agreement here,1foot'.. ;-)


Anyway, back to kippin' on pub carparks...

..Has anyone(.. who WASN'T being a bit of a gormless ar*e,by starting or moving their vehicle after having a drink etc (lol) ),ever been "done" for being "drunk in charge" whilst "pitched"(with permission) on a pub carpark?...


Doubtful, I would've thought... :-S

As I posted earlier in the thread,input/thoughts from those who run the various "stop-over" schemes would be interesting.

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Please feel free to question my postings, but why not add to your own credibility by doing so in a reasoned manner.


I was happy to let it go but it seems that the self righteous amongst us are determined to have the last word and try even harder to justify their own nastiness under the pretence that it is my fault.


Well I've got news for you - I made a general statement without, repeat WITHOUT attacking anyone and look at the response from the usual suspects.


You might not like what I post but that alone does not give anyone the right to be offensive and initiate personal attacks.


The alert and tolerant amongst you would have noticed from the 'parapet' line that it was tongue in cheek - or was any suggestion that you don't drink and enter a motorhome just too much to handle?


Now you've all had your attacks and I have had my response - shall we leave it there and call it quits or do you want to perpetuate it?

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Guest Had Enough

Oh dear, I see that he's at it again. I only pop in here every few weeks and it seems that every time I do he's at the centre of another argument that revolves around his nasty little pokes.


Why do so many people loathe Tracker? I know, everyone else knows, and it seems that the only person who doesn't know is the sly, insidious creep himself. Is it because he's just way below average intelligence and really doesn't know what he does, or is it that he simply doesn't care and actually enjoys posting in a manner guaranteed to inflame and annoy!


I think it's mainly the former and that he's just a sad combination of thick and naturally slimy, devious and insidious.


So why do so many people continually tell him that his posts are troll-like and stirring? Is it everyone else that's wrong and poor old Tracker is just a misunderstood slightly feeble-minded old man, or is it because he really is the worst and nastiest piece of work ever to disgrace this forum?


Answers on a postage stamp please.


Oh, and by the way, the reason he doesn't drink wine is that wines costs money, whilst water is free!


The Boys in the Band will continue as long as he's here and the sooner he's the Boy Who's Banned (again), the better for everyone.




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Well I for one agree with Tracker! I know this is a rare occurrence probably not to be repeated for a decade or two but I think he is bang on the money on this one. If you intend to stay on a pub car park why do you have to consume alcohol? Pubs also serve non alcoholic drinks, fruit juices, tea, coffee, even alcohol free beers. Just to clarify my position I speak as someone who is more than accustomed to the demon drink butit is a consant source of surprise to me that people who claim "I don't drink" will often feel it acceptable to have two or even three pints then drive hom once in a while. I drink regularly but do not drive for at least twelve hours after drinking yet as a frequent drinker the lacohol is likely to have less effect on me than someone who "doesn't drink" but will have two pints at a party and feel ok to drive home.



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Had Enough - 2013-01-06 8:13 PM


I only pop in here every few weeks.



Coincidentally, only when you have nothing constructive to say and only when you can take another unprovoked swipe at me. Why am I not surprised?


What a truly obnoxious and small minded little creep you are as once more you only post to show us all your nasty minded nature by not even attempting to add value to the thread.


But then why would you want to when your whole counterfeit identity only has but a single purpose - disruption of the forum.


You've waded in with your unprovoked attack and I have given my reply - shall we leave it there or do can i expect you to persevere with your pointless drivel?


I wonder who else will now coincidentally also creep out from under their stone to have a go?


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