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disabled children insurance


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Help Help due to go away to france Aug the 11th summer hols. Usually take cover with safeguard Sickness cover holiday insurance. The little one on the 2nd of May had a major op which involved closing the Oesophageal Flap and as a result of that she now has a stomach feeding tube which involves a mini Button . rather something like a thing that you blow up a rubber ring on the end with . Anyway can't find health insurance . Discusting really when you consider a big company like Safeguard must surely cover lot's of Disabled people . As lot's of people buy the van for this very reason as you cannot travel without it. She had the Op done on the 2nd of May and apparently if we phone in 3 months they will consider it cutting it a bit fine really . I fail to see what the 3 months has to do with it as the feeding tube can come out at anytime as it is only held in with an inflatable baloon on the inside which I pump with 5mls of water every monday > this seems like alot of palaver but it is not the only downside is if she manages to get it out in the middle of the night we would have to go to hospital as the skin and the hole in the stomach starts to close .Unless she gets it out in the day time which is quite different as then I would see and just pop it back in.. Why do i feel like we are being peanalised............thats what you get for being honest ..Anyone any suggestions as to who might insure us... appreciated... michele
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my sympathy to you and your family, one of my in-laws relatives had a similar problem with their youngest daughter. can't help with insurance sorry, they had no luck either, but would suggest you are looking for highly specilaised cover and are probably wasting your time with the likes of safeguard. B-)
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I know it doesn,t help but its a hard fact of life that Insurance companies are about making a profit out of other peoples worries. They spread the risk at the same time so we all pay a bit. To do this they asses the risk and if the risk is not great they quantify the risk, add a hansome mark up, multiply this by a fiddle factor, add a handling fee and that's what you get offered. However if the risk is great - like the person requesting cover already has medical problems then a normal insurance company can see themselves paying out as quite likely, so they say "no thanks. If however insurance companies were charities it would be a different matter. As has been said in a previous post you need to seek a specialist. Contact one of the organisations who provide support for people in your predicament and ask them for suggestions. But don,t expect it to be cheap. (unless its a charity) But don,t leave out any information about the medical condition. If you end up needing medical support and calling on the insurance company to pay out then one whiff of a detail not given previously and the insurance will become invalid and they can walk away - or give you a whopping bill if you are lucky. You also need to check out the detail of the reciprocal cover provided with the NHS medical card thingey. It just might be all you need??? You refered to Safeguard. I believe they are only a broker, not an insurance underwriter (someone will soon correct me if this is wrong). It is the underwriters who will be saying NO. Have you tried asking in a travel agents who provides travel insurance for disabled people? Good luck with the quest. Have a look at http://www.abi.org.uk/bookshop/researchreports/disabilityguide2.pdf C.
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well i guess i will have to keep looking although i dont have aclue where to start......their must be other disabled useres out and about with medical as well as disabilities who could help please .........if you dont mind throwing some names at me.. thanks in anticipation :'(
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  • 2 weeks later...
As An adendum to the last. I was told by FORTIS who run through SAFEGAURD. Phone back in 3 months and then we will be able to do the insurance. After spending this morning on the phone to Fortis direct and answering all of the same questions Have you been admited to hospital as an inpatient in the last 2 years/ YES Have you been treated as an inpatient in the last three months YES have you been seen by a consultant ,as an out patient within the last 12 months. YES How many claims if any, have you made under a travel insurance policy as a result of this condition within the last two years .NONE Have you been prescribed medicine for this condition NO Have you changed the dose amount of your medicine within the last three months YES it's less Have you undergone surgery ? YES Was the surgery carried out within the last 12 months YES Where there any complications following surgery NO Was the surgery Successful YES Was the surgery associated with Gastro Intestinal Cancer . NO Have any major organ /Liver been involved NO Is the condition and/or it's treatment still under review NO Well seems to me last year when we had all theses problem's and the little one was awaiting her op they took the money ..Just for info the little one has Global learning Devlopmental Delay. To thoses of you with no knowledge basically she is 11 years old is in the clothes of 4/5 year old and is basically a toddler in Nappies she has no communication .She is also Epileptic. I tried to explain that what she was born with does not make her ill no more than someone who is born with no limb's or Autisim ......... That's just what she has been born like ..........I was then told . That we would be covered under the Multi Annual Trip Cover . The one that has ceased the one I have been trying to renew since May the little ones Operation. Phone your Broker SAFEGUARD whom I must say have alot more understanding . The Nice lady there has gone off to speak with them .............Not a happy bunnie are they discriminating AGAINST DISALED BODIED PEOPLE THERES A LAW AGAINST THAT SOMEWHERE. Will keep you posted ...await call have one week to go and NO INSURANCE ................... :'(
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My best wishes on a speedy recovery for the little one. In the meantime: 1. Make sure that you have the new E111 cards for each family member (you now need one each, but it's very easy and fast to do it online). 2. You are most unlikely to get health insurance that covers known pre-existing conditions, until they are established as not a problem. 3. Clive is very cynical about insurance companies, but let's deal in the real world. If your house floods every year, you will eventually be unable to get building or contents insurance anywhere. Insurance companies deal in odds - they analyse statistics to ensure that they're charging enough on average to cover the odds of something happening plus their costs and profit. Something that is certain to happen (or very likely to) is not a bet, so they don't take it on. To do so would result in huge premium increases for everyone else. Insurance is not a tax everyone & redistribute to those in need; it is simply a bet. Sorry, Michele, but they are not discriminating against disabled people because they approach every potential customer on the same basis. They will not give me health insurance cover for pre-existing conditions because I have had recent treatment for cancer, so I too am a poor bet. 4. There are one or two specialist companies that may be able to help. You could try Age Concern. Also, is there a charitable organisation for the condition - ask them, or any similar type of organisation, for guidance. You might also try the Almoner at the hospital where the treatment took place. Hope that helps.
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Mel , Thanks for the reply. 1) I have since phoned them back that is the broker SAFEGUARD who act for Fortis what angers me is that Fortis took the money last year. Nothing has changed ,Except 1 operation which has stopped her from vomiting up all day long surley this is for the good . The child was in terrible pain (you cannot imagine burning acid all day everyday) 2) The lady at Safeguard has taken the time and trouble to point out that the child was born like this with all her problems and she has promised to get back to me by Monday with again another reply from Fortis. 3) Please understand that I understand what you are saying about conditions happening after and I also understand that it's a betting game. but I am so b****dy annoyed that they have made me wait 3 months her op was the 2nd of May 06 until now to tell me the same thing why give me hope . This child is not sick by nature I luckily am not one at the Doctors with her however in saying that she is on lot's of medication for epilepsy They have alway's known that this child is Globally not aware they have alway's known of her problems all of them Epilepsy the lot. The operation is deemed a success and the child is much happier for it . She eat's well sleep's well ? well except when she want's to play at four in the morning and apart from that she is treat like a toddler. She isn't likely to break a leg but, may although she has not fitted for two years end up in status and I may need a hospital. They knew all this before and were willing to take the money how B****dy annoying what's changed 1 op to make her better. The little one is only 11 years old but functions at 3 months old would Age Concern be able to help. I have taken onboard your comment's about the E11 which she has . I can see that we will end up just taking a chance and having to pay for hospital treatment should we need it...... I thank you for your comprehensive reply . I am not sure weather to take out the rest of the family's insurance with this company now . I also have her sister whom is disabled more mentally than physically but she does not fit as such just in temper ....with Autistic tendencies funny they are not interested in her ....She would be the one who is more likely to need a hospital because she throw's herself about ... Oh well Will wait and see on monday also will phone age concern if you think they could help first thing Monday morning..... Thank you once again...............michele
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