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Cruden Bay


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Last back end we had to go to Aberdeen on a family visit and since we had not "done " the NE corner above Aberdeen for many years decided to have a look around this area. We arrived at Cruden Bay harbour about mid-day so decided to stop for lunch. There was a sign saying "Motorhomes Welcome " and a phone number. While we were reading this a very pleasant gent with a bicycle appeared and told us we were welcome to stay overnight with a suggested £5.00 donation in the honesty box. There are toilets free but suggested donation. The OH inspected them and thought a donation was not really in order considering the lack of cleanliness.While we were having lunch an elderly gent in a small car appeared and parked about 30 yards in front of us and glared at us until we had finished lunch and left.Not quite as welcoming as the first one! Nevertheless this looked like a good place to stop overnight for a nominal £5.00 However it did occur to me that this may be a gathering point for the local car born "Yoof" who can be a b----y nuisance at best. Has anyone else stayed here overnight?
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Yes, on more than one occasion. never had a problem and the locals are friendly. One miserable old git (who was probably not local) should not put you off.


The proceeds from the honesty box for the o/night stop and use of toilet go directly to fund the upkeep of the harbour. I only wish other bodies were as far sighted as the people at Port Errol (which is the proper name for the harbour).


Next time you are there, stick some money in the honesty box for the toilet as well. I know it is not Caravan Club standard but just be pleased that there is one available. You are possibly not a regular wild camper, more a sites man but this is the thin end of the wedge as regards possible UK Aires. Any effort should be applauded.


The Portacabin Cafe on the harbour only came about because of an increase in visitors, which includes Motorhomes. The last time we were there (Sept/Oct), we were told that there had been plenty of motorhomes overnighting throughout the year.


I have never heard of anyone having problems with boy racers. The locals would nip it in the bud anyway. The most disgusting thing I saw there involved motorhomes. There is a parking area on the left before the harbour which is clearly signposted 'no overnight parking for motorhomes'. There were 2 new motorhomes overnighting there. I suppose if you have spent a lot of money on a lovely new motorhome, £5 to a good cause is a big waste of money. >:-( Greedy b*****ds.

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Thanks for that 747. We would have stayed but it was too early in the day. We were very impressed and your sentiments are spot on. The comment on the toilet was partly due to no locks on the door but we are self contained if need be anyway. Roll on the springtime. (lol)
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